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Iranian Air Defense Systems

the upgrades of the entire missile arsenal of iran is including new materials for the missile body which gives these missiles longer range more speed stealth and resistance against heat which basically includes high powered lasers which are nothing but fancy infrared lasers at best since the usa and zionists lack capabilities for serious post modern systems
sadly this is an old clip, not a video from the latest test
why are you talking even i dont expect you to understand irans considerations specially i dont understand you to care about our escatology and when you dont know why russia than why you talk and i give you even a hint exactly 1 millenia ago christians "reformed" or rather corrupted part of the religion called christianity islam says dont care or listen nor work with those corrupted ones russia isnt part of those corrupted therefore muslims in general kind of have to keep a relation open
I dont understand your answer

I gave you a logical reason why I wouldnt share RQ-170 technology with russia without getting something similar in return, and you gave me some kind of aggresive response which has nothing to do with the topic...
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What is the significance of the optimized version? It is related to software?

Edit: Looks like a different missile?
What is the significance of the optimized version? It is related to software?

Edit: Looks like a different missile?
The shalamcheh was replaced a while back and it seems mersad is exclusively using the miniature sayyad missiles seen a while back. At least the production of shalamcheh has probably come to an end while leftovers are still being used by the older hawk batteries.
What is the significance of the optimized version? It is related to software?

Edit: Looks like a different missile?
we dont have any videos/pictures from the latest version
as of yet, only recycled pictures from the Mersad-16 test last year October are circulating

More infos on the latest test:

آقای خوش‌قلب معاون عملیات نپاجا اعلام کرده ویژگی تست امروز، واگذاری هدف از یک مرکز کنترل فرماندهی در فاصله چند
صد کیلومتری با ایجاد ارتباطات امن و رمزگذاری‌شده و اجرای آتش در یک محیط کاملا Passive بوده.

"Mr. Khoshghalb, Napaja Deputy Chief of Operations, stated that the test feature today was the transfer of the target from a command control center a few hundred kilometers away by establishing secure and encrypted communications and firing in a completely passive environment."
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we dont have any videos/pictures from the latest version
as of yet, only recycled pictures from the Mersad-16 test last year October are circulating

More infos on the latest test:

آقای خوش‌قلب معاون عملیات نپاجا اعلام کرده ویژگی تست امروز، واگذاری هدف از یک مرکز کنترل فرماندهی در فاصله چند
صد کیلومتری با ایجاد ارتباطات امن و رمزگذاری‌شده و اجرای آتش در یک محیط کاملا Passive بوده.

"Mr. Khoshghalb, Napaja Deputy Chief of Operations, stated that the test feature today was the transfer of the target from a command control center a few hundred kilometers away by establishing secure and encrypted communications and firing in a completely passive environment."

Ah, so seems like optimized Mersad no longer needs to rely on it's own battalion level radar and can receive targeting information from other sources to avoid revealing it's position by activating it's own radar.
"Mr. Khoshghalb, Napaja Deputy Chief of Operations, stated that the test feature today was the transfer of the target from a command control center a few hundred kilometers away by establishing secure and encrypted communications and firing in a completely passive environment."
That would explain the back and forth from the two places in the video.

Ah, so seems like optimized Mersad no longer needs to rely on it's own battalion level radar and can receive targeting information from other sources to avoid revealing it's position by activating it's own radar.
That is one of the benefits of the national air defense grid and also the method by which the rq4 was brought down; in theory any system connected to the national grid should be able to engage targets this way.
It's Air defense day babyyyyyyyyyy , Today we could see Bavar-375 or Bavar-373 simulator or an super long range Mersad-16 sam system the word on streets is that the new Mersad will have a range of up to 100 kms.
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Integrated network is multi layered network,you have regional C command centers ,these networks act as hubs and every regional hub has multiple intergrated air defense networks IADS,,than under every IADS you have different mobile units,static radars,passive recivers..and what ever you deploy....air defense system has multiple aspects,..target detection,tracking/acquivision and than missile guidance. Search radars cover 360 degree to detect target,but these radars are not very precise ,so than engagement radar will join ,in sector mode and it will track target and provide precise data for missile guidance,,some air defence systems add also redundancy ,and almost all have multiple guidance and targeting methods ...From this,it is clear how much benefit integrated network provides,air defense unit at fire position,can obtain all data it need to fire missile without turning on search and engagement radars,than it can fire missile and guide it...
Integrated network is multi layered network,you have regional C command centers ,these networks act as hubs and every regional hub has multiple intergrated air defense networks IADS,,than under every IADS you have different mobile units,static radars,passive recivers..and what ever you deploy....air defense system has multiple aspects,..target detection,tracking/acquivision and than missile guidance. Search radars cover 360 degree to detect target,but these radars are not very precise ,so than engagement radar will join ,in sector mode and it will track target and provide precise data for missile guidance,,some air defence systems add also redundancy ,and almost all have multiple guidance and targeting methods ...From this,it is clear how much benefit integrated network provides,air defense unit at fire position,can obtain all data it need to fire missile without turning on search and engagement radars,than it can fire missile and guide it...
yesterday Iran army air defense units said; for the first time we detected and destroyed a target hundreds of kilometres away using only passive mode

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