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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Iran needs to declaire a safe zone of 40 km in te war zone, where any forces there will be destroyed.

At the very least openly move military assets to the North and send overt signaling to either side that such incidents like this one should not be repeated and if they are, swift military responses will be enacted.

Iran holds military supremacy over both Azerbaijan and Armenia and could easily destroy tactical assets on both sides in short order if needed.

Azerbaijans use of foreign Jihadi mercenaries is quite concerning though... I can't imagine such a course of action would be good for the caucus region in the long-run. Iran has openly stated it won't allow terrorists to set up shop right on their border. What remains to be seen is what I.R.I is willing to do about it.
At the very least openly move military assets to the North and send overt signaling to either side that such incidents like this one should not be repeated and if they are, swift military responses will be enacted.

Iran holds military supremacy over both Azerbaijan and Armenia and could easily destroy tactical assets on both sides in short order if needed.

Azerbaijans use of foreign Jihadi mercenaries is quite concerning though... I can't imagine such a course of action would be good for the caucus region in the long-run. Iran has openly stated it won't allow terrorists to set up shop right on their border. What remains to be seen is what I.R.I is willing to do about it.
At the very least openly move military assets to the North and send overt signaling to either side that such incidents like this one should not be repeated and if they are, swift military responses will be enacted.

Iran holds military supremacy over both Azerbaijan and Armenia and could easily destroy tactical assets on both sides in short order if needed.

Azerbaijans use of foreign Jihadi mercenaries is quite concerning though... I can't imagine such a course of action would be good for the caucus region in the long-run. Iran has openly stated it won't allow terrorists to set up shop right on their border. What remains to be seen is what I.R.I is willing to do about it.
quite possible that "accidental" landing of ammo or drone flights from Azarbiagan into Iranian territory is instigated by the Israeli agents openly operating in Azarbiajan to bring Iran into an open conflict with Azarbiagan. It also gives them a chance to probe Iranian Air Defence operation and readiness in that area for future Israel ops against Iran from Azarbiagan.

The source says about mortar shells, but on the photo it seems the remains of a 122mm rocket.


As much as I hate saying this, if this happened to Israel. The Zionist IDF wouldn't have waited a single-second to spring into action and take revenge for such an incident.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what Iran will do. Such events on the border CANNOT be allowed to happen. Innocent Iranians who have zero to do with their war will end up killed very soon and Iran will be faced with the choice of doing something or nothing at all.

Move men, artillery, missiles and defense assets in larger numbers to the North with a FIRM zero quarter warning to any side that makes "mistakes" like this one.
One of them was part of Iran not such a long time ago and are in fact Iranians regardless of what they call themselves and the other is a long standing ally of Iran since Sassanid era. Unlike Israel, Iran has family ties in the region that should be respected.
Azerbaijan is using Israeli ballistic missiles near Iran where's Bavar when you need one :(

( the accuracy though )

so they r targeting iran?
no but near Iran which make it so dangerous, if it malfunction then alot of Iranians will get killed we need Bavar-373 for safety of our ppl installed near the border

20+ mortar shells from the fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia falls in #Iran.Mortars reportedly hit banks of Aras River & Aslandouz village in Ardebil province, neighboring Azerbaijan. Local villagers reportedly leaving their homes in fear of damage.

Authorities in Iran’s Ardebil, Azerbaijan fear mortar shells would hit a dam close to Aslandouz village. The Iran-Azerbaijan Friendship Dam waters vast farmlands in NW. Iranian Foreign Ministry & Border Guards Police warned Azerbaijan & Armenia of danger of mortars.



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