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Iranian Air Defense Systems

US is trying to goat Russia or Iran to push back against Turkey in order to activate NATO defense clause.
I know what you mean, but the good news is that if they hit Turkey outside Turkey, then NATO clause cant be easily activated, because Turkey got HIT whle going o the offensive, in other non-NATO countries, on non-NATO mission...like in Syria...Iran and Russia have hit Turkish troops, even if indirectly...did NATO Come help Turkey in Libya and SYria??? NOOOOO..so there are loopholes, but they have to play careful..looks liek TUrkey is replacing US as main aggressive NATO force in ME...but Russia and Iran can cut off Turkey's "tentacles"(like Azerbaijan)though...
Quite an interesting turn of events, if your theory of this being a US-Turkish war is true it would mean a lot. It would mean Turkey is trying to eliminate Iran as an opponent so that it can be the regional power, and that relations are not as good as it seems compared to the Rouhani-Erdogan public relations.

We shall see how this plays out, I wonder if Iran will assist Armenia in any way. I'll say right now, the possible defeat of Armenia will not benefit Iran and may be very detrimental. We shall also see if and how the Arab states with bad relations with Turkey react towards the situation.
Exactly! i am feeling confident that either IRan, or Iran + Russia will soon activate a plan to limit Turkey's aggressive adventurism..Iran knows where to hit Turkey- PKK...Iran get assemble Kurds to make southern Turkey hell, Iran just didnt do it because relations were good, but now that Erdogan is showing his hand, just watch, "weird incidents" will soon start happening to Turkish forces or proxies...Turkey already sent a big ISIS guy from Syria to Azerbaijan..i hope that puts to the rest the argument that Turkey doesnt support ISIS- TUrkey manages ISIS on behalf of NATO!- there is not enough proof that shows otherwise.
drones coming from Azerbaijan seem to want to go here

Oh an iranian friend told me it is for irgc. All built for army?
let me make it easy

  • Oghab - built by Army for Army
  • Separ - built by Army for Army
  • Dezful built by Defense Ministry for Army and IRGC
  • Navvab built by Defense Ministry for Army and IRGC
  • (Shahid) Majid built by Defense Ministry for Army and IRGC
here we go where are our short range air defenses? , Cross-border rockets damage houses, injuring a child in a village in Iran

Cross-border rockets damage houses, injuring a child in a village in Iran East Azarbaijan. Several rockets have already fallen on Iranian soil amid deadly military confrontation between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Karabağ.

3 shells landed in Parvizkhanlu, Iran. Spill over from the Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict. One child was injured, 6 houses were damaged

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As much as I hate saying this, if this happened to Israel. The Zionist IDF wouldn't have waited a single-second to spring into action and take revenge for such an incident.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what Iran will do. Such events on the border CANNOT be allowed to happen. Innocent Iranians who have zero to do with their war will end up killed very soon and Iran will be faced with the choice of doing something or nothing at all.

Move men, artillery, missiles and defense assets in larger numbers to the North with a FIRM zero quarter warning to any side that makes "mistakes" like this one.

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