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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Do you guys understand how Bavar-373 works? It is compromised of a Battalion of launchers. Meaning high number of support vehicles and launchers to build the area defense circle.

Use some common sense people.

All stealth planes are detectable. Question is at what distance. And F-35 is lowest RCS from the frontal quadrant. If radar hits it from different angles it’s RCS is not as low as advertised. If it is carrying munitions on its hardpoints it’s RCS is even higher.
what did i say that was not common sense, Israel news is the one reporting that this is Bavar not me
well we have to see if budget for research will increase or decrease, as you know alot of those monies will go to personals paycheck and maintaining equipment's, we have to see how mach of it will go to research and development for new technologies and weapons

its huge risky move by Iran if it gets confirmed and the word is as soon as that cargo plane left, Russian SU-35 intercepted Israeli jets moving toward T-4 airbase


since when is an israeli source reliable?
"Israel says its B-373", I stopped at "Israel says..", its not worth the toilet paper what they say

Iran is legally in Syria, they have every right to defend their bases against every aggression

Maybe it was B-373, maybe not, who knows, maybe it was Mersad, 3rd Khordad or whatever
In my opinion B-373 is a bit of an overkill, 3rd Khordad would do the job very effectively, also against F-35

Why do you think russian S-35 intercepted Israel jets? To protect Iranians? maybe..
But I think they wanted to prevented an escalation.
What do you think would be the outcome if they had attacked the T-4 base?
Last time the zionists did it they got an very harsh respond, F-16 were falling from the sky..
Israel will use F-35 so Bavar 373 will be useless
those F-35s will crash then. I dont believe western pilots know how to fly that plan in realistic, complex environments as safely as other older fighter jets like F15s, F16s
Guys, it's not Bavar.

For a start Bavar is not an IRGC system for them to be using it in Syria, but also the vehicles look nothing like Bavar's vehicles.

I wonder if we ever going to see Sadid 630 in public demo... Also i tend to agree, unless Syrian military has purchased B373, IRGC is not likely to use it.
what did i say that was not common sense, Israel news is the one reporting that this is Bavar not me

how about you actually look at the picture.

It’s literally 3 arms transport convoys and smaller support vehicles. There is not a single Bavar launcher, not a single radar, not a single targeting system, etc.

I mean if Israel said Iran is building a ICBM and showed you a picture of a banana would you also believe it?
how about you actually look at the picture.

It’s literally 3 arms transport convoys and smaller support vehicles. There is not a single Bavar launcher, not a single radar, not a single targeting system, etc.

I mean if Israel said Iran is building a ICBM and showed you a picture of a banana would you also believe it?

agreed that is not Bavar, no i will not believe that but it doesn't make the accusation disappear too, it should be addressed, we have been silent for too long every body believed Israelis word on that no matter how many times you or me tell them its not an Bavar
Defense industry showed a Misagh MANPAD with a simple and quite cheap eye display system and a gyro orientation system. For probably a few hundert dollars extra (likely less), each Misagh can be linked to a Seraj/Sefat/modernized-Skyguard optical system of a AAA system and add a missile component, even at distance to it.

This system would then give the operator the exact target position to orient the seeker and more importantly the exact launch timing to achieve kill (as those tracking systems have laser range finder).

So inside the IADS a all-weather MANPAD component is added, possibly even at forward positions.

The previous thermal sight systems for Misagh series are good for independent operations outside the IADS. More expensive to the thermal camera and with lower PK due to lack of exact range and computed launch timing.

Critical AAA positions can now improve their reach and overall firepower via a cheap upgrade.

Lets see whether IRGCASF or IRIADF buy this DM product.

It looks like the Tabbas has been fitted with a back up optronic system


It was basically staring me in the face but I didnt notice it.
I think Its possible that we`ll see one for the 3rd of khordad as well
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