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Iranian Air Defense Systems

From the Tasnim article:

  • Uses Hafez and Najm-804 radars
  • Uses quadratic missile launchers similar to those used by the Patriot system
  • Equipped with the new Shalamcheh-2 missile
  • Range of new missile not known but overall the Mersad-16 is more mobile than the older Mersad systems
  • Shalamcheh-2 seems to be a finished version of the SM-1/Mehrab (improved SM-1)
  • Guidance and navigation sytems used on the Shalamcheh-1 and other idigenous SAM systems might have been applied to the Shalamcheh-2
  • Later in the article: Range of Shalamcheh-2 is 40 km
Other information about Mersad:
  • Shalamcheh-1 missile weighs 647 kg, is 503 cm long, 357 mm in diameter, flies at Mach 2.7, reaches altitudes from 60 m to 18.000 m and has a range of 40 km
  • During the Mohammad Rasoulallah (S) exercises in December 2014 the Mersad equipped with Shalamcheh-1 missiles proved to be effective against small UAVs
Bad news, the U.S.N has sized a ship with some gear for the Houthis.
This includes a still unidentified missile that looks like a kind of longer ranged Qaem laser guided SAM.
Still tactical gear but something that was not unveiled up to now.
Bad news, the U.S.N has sized a ship with some gear for the Houthis.
This includes a still unidentified missile that looks like a kind of longer ranged Qaem laser guided SAM.
Still tactical gear but something that was not unveiled up to now.
Can they prove it was from Iran?
Bad news, the U.S.N has sized a ship with some gear for the Houthis.
This includes a still unidentified missile that looks like a kind of longer ranged Qaem laser guided SAM.
Still tactical gear but something that was not unveiled up to now.

Sooner or later they were bound to intercept one of these shipments however I'd like to know what Iranian government has to say about it.....

Overall all Iranian administrations need to do a better job investing in our Naval capabilities and we need to increase ship building by investing in the development of the areas between Jask - Chabahar

What they should do is 1st invest in building large Naval Bases in those areas, then large dry docks and the infrastructure needed for modern ship building & repairs and slowly develop the infrastructure needed to produce the materials and parts required locally and once a sufficient amount of jobs are created and a stable local economy is developed around ship building then they need to start investing in developing newer and more advanced specialized universities in those areas from marine biology to naval engineering to building new naval academies..... Then based on your future vision for the region you start improving and expanding on local infrastructure, roads, Ports, Airports, rail,.... Then you start investing in a proper tourism infrastructure and at the same time create policies to further encourages privet investment and domestic production in those areas across a wide range of industries....

Also the open seas are filled with untapped resources and if Iran wants to have any chance to properly tap into them in the future we will need a much larger blue water fleet and building larger vessels at a rate of 1 per years is far from sufficient. Iran's navy despite it's relatively limited funding has somehow managed some remarkable achievements so a true waist is failing to properly fund them to truly utilizing those achievements.

Sooner or later they were bound to intercept one of these shipments however I'd like to know what Iranian government has to say about it.....

Overall all Iranian administrations need to do a better job investing in our Naval capabilities and we need to increase ship building by investing in the development of the areas between Jask - Chabahar

What they should do is 1st invest in building large Naval Bases in those areas, then large dry docks and the infrastructure needed for modern ship building & repairs and slowly develop the infrastructure needed to produce the materials and parts required locally and once a sufficient amount of jobs are created and a stable local economy is developed around ship building then they need to start investing in developing newer and more advanced specialized universities in those areas from marine biology to naval engineering to building new naval academies..... Then based on your future vision for the region you start improving and expanding on local infrastructure, roads, Ports, Airports, rail,.... Then you start investing in a proper tourism infrastructure and at the same time create policies to further encourages privet investment and domestic production in those areas across a wide range of industries....

Also the open seas are filled with untapped resources and if Iran wants to have any chance to properly tap into them in the future we will need a much larger blue water fleet and building larger vessels at a rate of 1 per years is far from sufficient. Iran's navy despite it's relatively limited funding has somehow managed some remarkable achievements so a true waist is failing to properly fund them to truly utilizing those achievements.

Hey that's @maydayfire 's clip re uploaded. Whatever happened that guy, he is no longer around.
US officials release photos of 'significant cache' of Iranian missile parts captured


I wonder if that unknown system, called Qaem-2 for now is a helicopter-killer with 15km range, unjammable and mobile via a team of 3 man.
It likely shot down the Saudi Apache.

Incredible potent secret system. Apaches have no means to target it at 15km and it has passive detection system via a TI automatic search and automatic track.

Hezbollah has it certainly.
I wonder if that unknown system, called Qaem-2 for now is a helicopter-killer with 15km range, unjammable and mobile via a team of 3 man.
It likely shot down the Saudi Apache.

Incredible potent secret system. Apaches have no means to target it at 15km and it has passive detection system via a TI automatic search and automatic track.

Hezbollah has it certainly.

i doubt Iran is that stupid to smuggle high end technology, as you have always the risk of interception
the stuff iran is smuggling (interiority, electronics...) is different (low tech), but still very effective
they wouldnt risk loosing top technology on a smuggling route
In the hands of the Americans, it's nothing high-tech.
It's just a novel and very innovative, asymmetrical system.
No technology loss for Iran.
The C-801/2 seeker too is just a legacy variant, maybe even a original Chinese one.
i doubt Iran is that stupid to smuggle high end technology, as you have always the risk of interception
the stuff iran is smuggling (interiority, electronics...) is different (low tech), but still very effective
they wouldnt risk loosing top technology on a smuggling route

You must be living on the moon. Iran has been smuggling high tech technology to HZ for years. Yemen is no exception, it’s a battlefield to test latest gear against latest American gear(planes/tanks/APCs/Drones).

Just because US has captured something considered “high tech” doesn’t mean it’s suddenly defeat-able. If that were the case no weapon would ever be created because as soon as the enemy got it then it would be useless.
You must be living on the moon. Iran has been smuggling high tech technology to HZ for years. Yemen is no exception, it’s a battlefield to test latest gear against latest American gear(planes/tanks/APCs/Drones).

Just because US has captured something considered “high tech” doesn’t mean it’s suddenly defeat-able. If that were the case no weapon would ever be created because as soon as the enemy got it then it would be useless.

im talking about sensitive technology, if falling in enemys hands that could compromise Irans capabilities
afaik some months ago and Sayyad AD missile was intercepted by Saudis, but without its sensitive missile-head (components like radar, electronics..)
this missile body part was smuggled seperately
In the hands of the Americans, it's nothing high-tech.
It's just a novel and very innovative, asymmetrical system.
No technology loss for Iran.
The C-801/2 seeker too is just a legacy variant, maybe even a original Chinese one.

You must be living on the moon. Iran has been smuggling high tech technology to HZ for years. Yemen is no exception, it’s a battlefield to test latest gear against latest American gear(planes/tanks/APCs/Drones).

Just because US has captured something considered “high tech” doesn’t mean it’s suddenly defeat-able. If that were the case no weapon would ever be created because as soon as the enemy got it then it would be useless.

It's not a loss of technology nor does it necessarily make a weapon system easily defeatable however, every data regarding your enemies weapons and weapons system is relevant data when you wanna deploy or develop a weapon systems and or tactics to mount a defense against them and it doesn't matter how advanced they are.
To give you an example, if among the sized assets there were electronic hardware for an avionics pkg of an Iranian light land attack cruise missile or the electronics pkg of a new Iranian ATGM's that gives the US the ability to test various directed energy weapons against those systems to see at what range they become susceptible to EMP's, Microwaves,... It also gives the U.S. access to information on where Iran acquires various components (transistors, processors, ram, batteries,...) that make up the electronics of Iranian built weapons system and that info would allow them to conduct various covert actions against various companies that produce the components used in those weapon systems.... and unfortunately U.S. is just obsessed enough with Iran that they would go that far and Iran knows this and has experienced it. So if as PeeD said there was a never deployed before Iranian Ghaem-2 ATGM among the weapons seized then at the very least the off the shelf electronics components that make up the electronics pkg is now at risk of being targets of US covert actions.....

the ability to test various directed energy weapons against those systems to see at what range they become susceptible to EMP's, Microwaves,...

That is why I have stated in the past that key components should be in faraday cages to prevent electronic warfare/frequency weapons used to disable incoming missiles, etc.

Electronic warfare started to get going in the 50s, and the Russians are better than the Isrealis and Amerikans. I don't want to scare the Iranians, but what is classified is enough to want to put everything in faraday cages, and leaded protective coverings. But with the downed spy drone, I have trusted the Iranians to know what they are doing.

There has to be bands/frequencies that shatter other incoming electronic jamming. Find these wave bands/frequencies and you found a treasure.

In short if you can't faraday cage a part, you have to jam the jammers. My guess is to pick up the frequency of some mystic full of love person in Iran, and test that frequency of love. The Power of Love to shatter incoming attacks. My 2 cents.
im talking about sensitive technology, if falling in enemys hands that could compromise Irans capabilities
afaik some months ago and Sayyad AD missile was intercepted by Saudis, but without its sensitive missile-head (components like radar, electronics..)
this missile body part was smuggled seperately
Now that you mentioned it, I remembered how the same Sayyad missile took out latest Global hawk and none of their super duper toys in either that drone or the P-8 beside it could break the lock.

I'm suspicious about the timing of these incidents, Europeans letter about Iranian missiles, reports of Iranian missiles in Iraq, and now sudden discovery of Iranian missiles en rout to Yemen.

Yemenis haven't even used their previous arsenal of anti ship missiles, so why bother sending new ones. to me it's more like US wants to blame Iran for another anonymous attack.
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