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Iranian Air Defense Systems


A laser range finder,part of the optronic mast we saw during the ad exercise
Guys what happen to Iranian Crotales project like Ya-Sharad and etc? Why he haven’t seen any of these crotales in action or are they even haven’t been put into services?
Irans SA-6 sam systems have received some upgrades,the radar operators old crt displays has been upgraded with new lcd displays,and I suspect quite a bit more than just that as well.

Heres a close pic of what the original display would`ve looked like
The Saudi capture of a Sayyad-2C could have been real: They built a mock-up for the presentation due to safety reasons but the Americans displayed non-explosive components of it.

As the Sayyad-2C likely is one of the SARH seeker guided missiles of the Sayyad-2 family, the loss of a seeker is quite bad as it helps much to develop specialized counter measures against it.

Maybe the Sayyad-2Ds displayed recently are an answer to the Americans that the seeker has been changed after this technology loss.

Could it just be SM-1 internals the Americans fabricated as Sayyad-2 internals? Yes possible.

To use the Sayyad-2C effectively they would at least need a Raad guidance radar truck or better a Tabas or 3rd Khordad for full range.
The Saudi capture of a Sayyad-2C could have been real: They built a mock-up for the presentation due to safety reasons but the Americans displayed non-explosive components of it.

As the Sayyad-2C likely is one of the SARH seeker guided missiles of the Sayyad-2 family, the loss of a seeker is quite bad as it helps much to develop specialized counter measures against it.

Maybe the Sayyad-2Ds displayed recently are an answer to the Americans that the seeker has been changed after this technology loss.

Could it just be SM-1 internals the Americans fabricated as Sayyad-2 internals? Yes possible.

To use the Sayyad-2C effectively they would at least need a Raad guidance radar truck or better a Tabas or 3rd Khordad for full range.

so which one was real? US or SA
Like I said S-300 won’t stop attacks, Israel jets unleash their payloads out in the Mediterranean Sea and do evasive maneuvers afterwards. Not much Syria can do unfortunately

That is not true, they can engage at longer distance. S300's engagement range is higher than Small Diameter Bombs. The problem is success rate and affordability. The resistance needs to develop cheap solutions to counter these threats.
That is not true, they can engage at longer distance. S300's engagement range is higher than Small Diameter Bombs. The problem is success rate and affordability. The resistance needs to develop cheap solutions to counter these threats.

You simply don’t understand what I said.

First of all Israeli jets fly that route even when not attacking. So Syria has to determine if its an attack mission o not.

Thus Syria is not going to engage a military jet outside of its borders and in international waters. The risk associated with if it mistakenly hits the wrong aircraft (s-200 incident) is too great for Syria right now.

Thus it’s best bet is engaging the payloads themselves as they approach the targets. Which so far Syria has done a terrible job at intercepting Israeli bombs and US cruise missiles.
The Saudi capture of a Sayyad-2C could have been real: They built a mock-up for the presentation due to safety reasons but the Americans displayed non-explosive components of it.

As the Sayyad-2C likely is one of the SARH seeker guided missiles of the Sayyad-2 family, the loss of a seeker is quite bad as it helps much to develop specialized counter measures against it.

Maybe the Sayyad-2Ds displayed recently are an answer to the Americans that the seeker has been changed after this technology loss.

Could it just be SM-1 internals the Americans fabricated as Sayyad-2 internals? Yes possible.

To use the Sayyad-2C effectively they would at least need a Raad guidance radar truck or better a Tabas or 3rd Khordad for full range.
First of all. they said they displayed only part of missile because they didn't capture whole missile(they said this) and your idea about built mock up for presentation due safety reasons is just .....well...there are protocols and safety mechanism when missiles are stored and transported and there is no safety issue there,it is simle you don't call journalists to present them proof of Iran involement and than show them mock up of missile...second I don't think Iran will send(even if they ever choose to)latest and same technology like they use in own air defense systems to area where there is risk of been captured...They can always produce customized missiles for particular country or group..also Iran introducet Active radar seeker similar to Agat ARGS 6-7 years ago and recently new active radar seeker is introduced also so they have probably 2 or 3 different guidance for Raad and talash missiles ...considerning Raad family is developed from BUK-M2 technology and also iranian Kub upgrade is very similar to Belarus digital block upgrade for KUB and Buk M1 I wouldn't be surprised that Talash missiles use same or similar guidance as Raad family .
First of all. they said they displayed only part of missile because they didn't capture whole missile(they said this) and your idea about built mock up for presentation due safety reasons is just .....well...there are protocols and safety mechanism when missiles are stored and transported and there is no safety issue there,it is simle you don't call journalists to present them proof of Iran involement and than show them mock up of missile...second I don't think Iran will send(even if they ever choose to)latest and same technology like they use in own air defense systems to area where there is risk of been captured...They can always produce customized missiles for particular country or group..also Iran introducet Active radar seeker similar to Agat ARGS 6-7 years ago and recently new active radar seeker is introduced also so they have probably 2 or 3 different guidance for Raad and talash missiles ...considerning Raad family is developed from BUK-M2 technology and also iranian Kub upgrade is very similar to Belarus digital block upgrade for KUB and Buk M1 I wouldn't be surprised that Talash missiles use same or similar guidance as Raad family .

Good, I wasn't aware that they claimed not to have captured the whole missile.
The Sayyad-2 family is large and very different. Some variants have SARH seeker, some not.
Some have INS, some not etc.
From what can be seen the most critical part, the guidance section is not there.
The only critical section is the "INS" section, but the -C variant has no complex INS like the -M and -D.

I fully agree that even the least advanced variant of the Sayyad-2, which seems to be the -C would be too risky to be sent abroad. The original Taer-2 of the Raad system with its Kub related seeker would be the best candidate if high altitude engagement capability is the goal.

Anyway: We know that the Sayyad-2 the Saudis presented was just a mock-up. Maybe the Americans got Hollywood artist to do the job better this time with some scrap SM-2 or SM-1 components.

Two of your points are wrong imo:

The 3rd Khordad is not based on the Buk-M2. Iran never got access on it. It is similar in terms of basic technology solutions but just for example it has no PESA feed in form of a central monopule emitter. The Russian design school uses this concept for the Pantsir-S1 and probably also the for the Buk-M2. Without going into details: The 3rd Khordad has a similar antenna array but apparently does not use a central monopulse feed.
I think it is the evolution of the Tabas system which seems to be based on a Buk-M1 they got their hand on.

I'm also not sure about your idea about a. active seeker presented for SAMs.
There is one for a larger caliber missile that could be a ARH seeker for anti-ship cruise missile or AshBM.
Generally speaking active seekers increase the costs, are less robust except if used at long ranges.
That's one reason why the S-400 is primary a SARH seeker SAM and only use ARH for its, about to enter service, long range missile (for use against high value targets such as AWACS). The SARH SAGG guidance is both very deadly and cost-effective.
Maybe the variant of the Taer-2 that has 105km range uses an ARH seeker, because the somewhat small 3rd Khordad array might be unable to sufficiently illuminate at those ranges (I hope not).
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