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Iranian Air Defense Systems

They say they have found the rocket body at بجستان baiestan and the missile warhead in torbat heydariyeh تربت حیدریه

do you think that this distance maybe is from zoalfagar warhead separation?


It's possible that when the missile flipped after separation (like how a dart flips) due to the angle of the trajectory and it's speed the missile body was simply torn apart and in that case the engine will drop like a rock and the body will go down at a slower speed allowing it to glide down and land at another location and depending on how high it was and what angle it took during decent the location could vary and yes it could be that far or even further....

but it also adds in another scenario and that's a failed launch and the engine section simply was torn off mid flight due to structural problems OR the missile was so off course that they were forced to hit self destruct at high altitudes.... But I would need pic's of the Missile body and the debris there to give a better assessment as to what may have happened.....

If we are talking about the Zolfaghar the missile body would have nothing to do with interception for that would happen post separation during terminal guidance anyways but on a standard Fateh that would be a different story.....
Are we seeing a new jet powered drone at 0:30 ?

Wt is this missile system with 8 missiles?
which one

I thought Bavar would be tested & shown ..
Iran usually first introduces a system and then it releases the test of the system.

Wasn't it supposed to be launched vertically ?
that is talash air defense and it is not vertical launch system. bavar 373 system in anther hand is.
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