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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Ahhhh,the mystery kamin 2`s sam is finally revealed at last.It certainly appears to be a sayyad 2 in a shortened launch canister,so it seems very likely that they`ve decided to use the sayyad 2 in its very own dedicated system,I wonder if it uses the same radars as its big brother?.Interestingly it also looks like the elevation of the kamin 2 launcher is closer to that of the patriot,tho whether that is the usual launch angle is unknown.





Heres some enlarged and sharpened pics taken from the vid showing the launch.

This system has been seen with OFOOQ radar


what is the name of this radar?

did they say anything about multi layered defence or just something you infer?

what are the different layers?
مصاحبه تفصیلی/امیر ابراهیمی‌نژاد: آغاز تحقیقات برای ساخت "سامانه موشکی پانتسیر ایرانی"/ باور۳۷۳ با موفقیت روی موشک بالستیک تست شد

** تسنیم:گویا سامانه تلاش در سه مدل متفاوت تولید شده است، مقداری در این باره توضیح دهید و بفرمایید که؛ آیا هر سه مدل این سامانه عملیاتی است یا نه؟‌

ــ امیر ابراهیمی‌نژاد: در جنگ هزینه‌های فراوانی وجود دارد ولی این که بتوانیم هزینه‌های جنگ را مدیریت کنیم به ما کمک می‌کند. استفاده کردن هر سیستم دفاعی متناسب با تهدید، می‌شود اقتصاد جنگ و با همین نگاه سامانه تلاش در سه مدل پیش‌بینی شد که برمی‌گردد به استفاده از موشک‌هایی که بتوانند متناسب با سرعت، دقت و مسافت مورد بهره‌برداری قرار بگیرند.

زمانی نیاز است از موشکی استفاده کنید که هدف را در 120 تا 150کیلومتر هدف قرار دهد ولی زمانی نیاز است تا از موشکی استفاده کنید که بتوانید نهایت صرفه‌جویی را داشته باشید. ما سعی کردیم این سامانه را در سه مدل طراحی کنیم. در آینده نه‌چندان دور به هر سه مدل این سامانه دست پیدا می‌کنیم.
What he is telling?

He explains the training of the Air Defense Forces during the two days of the exercise and he explains that this is one of our largest exercises that is taking place at a level of 500,000 km and its consists of three joined groups: the Air Defense Forces and the Army Air Defense Forces and the Air Defense Forces of IRGC ( Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps ) that are taking part too. he says that they are using new systems and missiles and radars in this exercise and using various types of weapons such as warplanes, explosive and UAVs and bombers are used as enemy forces for various purposes.
He explains the training of the Air Defense Forces during the two days of the exercise and he explains that this is one of our largest exercises that is taking place at a level of 500,000 km and its consists of three joined groups: the Air Defense Forces and the Army Air Defense Forces and the Air Defense Forces of IRGC ( Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps ) that are taking part too. he says that they are using new systems and missiles and radars in this exercise and using various types of weapons such as warplanes, explosive and UAVs and bombers are used as enemy forces for various purposes.

در دومین روز رزمایش ولایت ۹۷، چند فروند از موشک‌های زمین به هوا «شلمچه» شلیک شدند؛ این موشک‌ها توانستند اهداف هوایی را پس از ورود به آسمان محل رزمایش مورد اصابت قرار داده و منهدم کنند.

همچنین در این مرحله از رزمایش شاهد شلیک سامانه موشکی برد متوسط «طبس» نیروی هوافضای سپاه پاسداران بودیم که این سامانه نیز در این رزمایش اقدام به شلیک و انهدام اهداف متخاصم کرد.

Iranian shalamcheh Air Defense system being used in second day of exercise.




در دومین روز رزمایش ولایت ۹۷، چند فروند از موشک‌های زمین به هوا «شلمچه» شلیک شدند؛ این موشک‌ها توانستند اهداف هوایی را پس از ورود به آسمان محل رزمایش مورد اصابت قرار داده و منهدم کنند.

همچنین در این مرحله از رزمایش شاهد شلیک سامانه موشکی برد متوسط «طبس» نیروی هوافضای سپاه پاسداران بودیم که این سامانه نیز در این رزمایش اقدام به شلیک و انهدام اهداف متخاصم کرد.

Iranian shalamcheh Air Defense system being used in second day of exercise.




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Great pics!:yahoo:
It looks like the fully mobile versions of the hawk sam based search and fire control radars,and better quality pics of the kamsin 2 tel.It makes me wonder if they`re experimenting with using the hawk radars with the kamsin 2 tel,It could be that they`re trying to maximise interoperability between different sam systems and their components,as I notice there is a tendency among the iranian military to "pick and mix" different components of various systems which dates all the way back to the iran iraq war.
The new short range (article says medium range) missile:
View attachment 515759

یک سامانه جدید موشکی در رزمایش پدافند هوایی رونمایی شد+تصاویر
More pictures:
انهدام اهداف هوایی توسط سامانه جدید موشکی
It says in the second day of wargame, but we saw it's picture in the first day!

Nice, my speculation that it will be RIM-162 ESSM-like is now confirmed.
It will replace the Shalamsheh and Shahin/HAWK in production.
It will bring the Mersad system to a shoot and scoot level of mobility and increase its potential ready to fire missiles.

The SAM should maintain the ~40km range of the HAWK to be able to be supported by the Mersad radar engagement systems.

Such point defense systems does not need more range, they protect objects like cities. For that they need a cost effective SAM that does the job.
This new missile is SARH, basically mini-modern HAWK.
Great pics!:yahoo:
It looks like the fully mobile versions of the hawk sam based search and fire control radars,and better quality pics of the kamsin 2 tel.It makes me wonder if they`re experimenting with using the hawk radars with the kamsin 2 tel,It could be that they`re trying to maximise interoperability between different sam systems and their components,as I notice there is a tendency among the iranian military to "pick and mix" different components of various systems which dates all the way back to the iran iraq war.

Yes, the army is always trying to combine all the systems together:lol:. He also says that for several years the army has been changing all of its air defense systems and making them more and more mobile and they will finish the tests of the Bavar 373 system in this Iranian year and they will deliver it to the army. The more interesting thing is that some number of programs and systems are being tested in this exercise which has not been unveiled before.



Great pics!:yahoo:
It looks like the fully mobile versions of the hawk sam based search and fire control radars,and better quality pics of the kamsin 2 tel.It makes me wonder if they`re experimenting with using the hawk radars with the kamsin 2 tel,It could be that they`re trying to maximise interoperability between different sam systems and their components,as I notice there is a tendency among the iranian military to "pick and mix" different components of various systems which dates all the way back to the iran iraq war.

they called mersad here you can see it in action.


The new short range (article says medium range) missile:
View attachment 515759

یک سامانه جدید موشکی در رزمایش پدافند هوایی رونمایی شد+تصاویر
More pictures:
انهدام اهداف هوایی توسط سامانه جدید موشکی
It says in the second day of wargame, but we saw it's picture in the first day!

Finally a better quality pic of the kamsin 2 sam launch:yahoo:.....aaannd with this we can see that the sam in question ISNT the sayyad 2,its the original rim66/mehrab or at least its airframe!.It also makes me wonder if the fire control radar thats been seen with this system in parades is also based on the naval mehrab as it does have a similar conical dish...hmmm?
As always some questions answered,but some still remain.:cheers:

Yes, the army is always trying to combine all the systems together:lol:. He also says that for several years the army has been changing all of its air defense systems and making them more and more mobile and they will finish the tests of the Bavar 373 system in this Iranian year and they will deliver it to the army. The more interesting thing is that some number of programs and systems are being tested in this exercise which has not been unveiled before.

they called mersad here you can see it in action.
Great pics!
I really wish they could keep the names straight on these things tho,as the constant renaming or similar sounding names certainly makes it confusing to say the least.
Finally a better quality pic of the kamsin 2 sam launch:yahoo:.....aaannd with this we can see that the sam in question ISNT the sayyad 2,its the original rim66/mehrab or at least its airframe!.It also makes me wonder if the fire control radar thats been seen with this system in parades is also based on the naval mehrab as it does have a similar conical dish...hmmm?
As always some questions answered,but some still remain.:cheers:

Great pics!
I really wish they could keep the names straight on these things tho,as the constant renaming or similar sounding names certainly makes it confusing to say the least.
Even chief commander of AD didn't use the "Kamin" name and called it mobile Mersad with new missiles!

سامانه موشکی مرصاد متحرک این قرارگاه هم با استفاده از موشک‌های جدید با موفقیت ماموریت انهدام اهداف را انجام داد.

Yes, the army is always trying to combine all the systems together:lol:. He also says that for several years the army has been changing all of its air defense systems and making them more and more mobile and they will finish the tests of the Bavar 373 system in this Iranian year and they will deliver it to the army. The more interesting thing is that some number of programs and systems are being tested in this exercise which has not been unveiled before.

Please don't overload the pages, and mostly use links or thumbnails.
This version of mobile launcher is pretty nasty since it can launch missiles at 0-180 degrees vertically and 360 horizontally. We are talking about SAM system not some AShM launched from the ground or air. I really can't think of any medium to long range mobile SAM system that is capable of such launching position capability, basically you can launch it from the cave in non urban terrain and from the window of the building in urban environment and not exposing not even an inch of launching vehicle to the enemy!
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