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Iran will be capable of making a nuclear weapon in two months, warns Israel

no this time i will come into ur cave..:offpost:

Listen up Talib. Most people on this forum are able to conduct themselves without threatening to wipe out races and religions with nuclear bombs.

We don't need 7th century goat herders who can barely string a coherent sentence together, coming on here and mouthing off.

Now beat it, before I turn you into some sort of korma dish.
yea this is off the topic but china could b the next target for usa but it will b hard for usa i think

I don't think through war, war won't happen anytime soon. But through economic and military ties with neighboring countries and they will cause them problems left and right and China would have to invest more probably and take more action in some cases. Then they could just cause instability there.

Listen up Talib. Most people on this forum are able to conduct themselves without threatening to wipe out races and religions with nuclear bombs.

We don't need 7th century goat herders who can barely string a coherent sentence together, coming on here and mouthing off.

Now beat it, before I turn you into some sort of korma dish.

He never intended that at all, correct yourself and apologize.
He never intended that at all, correct yourself and apologize.

First of all, I won't take any orders from hairdressing Gestapo.


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insha Allah they will make bomb but not for their muslim brothers but for christians and jews.......

Seems clear to me.

He has since edited his post indicating guilt.
First of all, I won't take any orders from hairdressing Gestapo.


Seems clear to me.

He has since edited his post indicating guilt.

Gestapo....LOL...newbie he was simply stating detterence against the West and Israel. Nothing difficult to understand in that. The Middle East is entitled to have a detterence factor for their security just as the west claims so.
I'm n't stupid bro. Iran has been working on its nuclear program for ages ,they spent more than $100 billion on it making the issue more fishy for many people. I'm not worried about your program though. Good luck building your arsenal :wave:
There is no reliable evidence to shore up your claim which is Iran after a bomb, but as a comment on our nuclear program which is a scientific progress yep they've already got the hang of it not nuke....
as said raptor there is no evidence of such program even inside Iran !
and people of Iran are very much pro nuclear developments (medical, energy) but not at all for weapons.
as said raptor there is no evidence of such program even inside Iran !
and people of Iran are very much pro nuclear developments (medical, energy) but not at all for weapons.

We will only allow you to have solar energy.

Sorry bro, it's the law.
We will only allow you to have solar energy.

Sorry bro, it's the law.
we do whatever we want . if the international organisations allow it ...
solar energy is not the only to invest in , there is a huge need in Iran and we need many solutions

"don't put the eggs in the same basket"
we do whatever we want . if the international organisations allow it ...
solar energy is not the only to invest in , there is a huge need in Iran and we need many solutions

"don't put the eggs in the same basket"

It is a bit suspicious though that you have an estimated 200 years worth of oil/gas energy - yet so frantically developing Nuclear.

It's a bit fishy bro.
It is a bit suspicious though that you have an estimated 200 years worth of oil/gas energy - yet so frantically developing Nuclear.

It's a bit fishy bro.

People who don't know Iran say that.
There are many data to consider and it would be too long to explain... maybe i could find some article about it. so consider extraction problems + large needs of Iranians (using too much gas for exemple) + needs to sell since we don't have much to sell otherwise

so we really need alternative energies ... and we are very far to be the only ones thinking like this (Gulf countries do as well)
Makes sense. I don't know why you hid it though. As a signature of the NPT, you had the right to develop civilian nuclear energy.

So why in 2003 were those secret facilities found?

Fishy bro.

I would say with about 95% certainty than Iran is developing nuclear weapons. They are on the cusp and have yet to decide whether to cross the line.

Pity, because hardly anyone I can think of denies Iran a civilian programme. So it could all be done out in the open if their motive was purely energy.
Yes, they did sign the NPT. But the issue is that Iran has been working on the military nuclear program for at least two decades. You can't blame them though, it's the international community's fault in first place. Sadam used chemos on them ,and they went through harsh sanctions after the hostages crisis. The Iranian regime needs to get them bomb ASAP to block any regime-change attempts just like the DPRK.
Makes sense. I don't know why you hid it though. As a signature of the NPT, you had the right to develop civilian nuclear energy.

So why in 2003 were those secret facilities found?

Fishy bro.

I would say with about 95% certainty than Iran is developing nuclear weapons. They are on the cusp and have yet to decide whether to cross the line.

Pity, because hardly anyone I can think of denies Iran a civilian programme. So it could all be done out in the open if their motive was purely energy.
As i just explained to you :
1/ Iranian people are pro nuclear energy (medical for exemple) but not pro weapon for most of them i am sure
2/ civil different than military
3/ we don't know inside Iran about such program: doesn't mean it doesn't exist but hard to believe

NPT was signed by shah and after revolution it was not discussed . Indeed that period regime didn't want hear about . now some people said different since the words of Khomeini but you should know:
in Iran some will do everything to wallk on your nerves ;) stupid but reality

As well as far as i know MeK terrorist group was giving to cia a fake map
but as you can see, nothing that Obama administration says is sure ... as i repeat myself about it, we don't know anything like that in Iran. it doesn't mean it doesn't exist and..
yes Iran needs to accept controls .

i am worried because plants are near cities for some. and people are worried by a bombing by Israel or USA.

if you want my personal opinion, Iran should work on different energies ...
but impossible right now because of the economy in hands of a few
Give me your coordinates bro - I'll hand them over to Moshe in Shin-Bet to avoid your home.

Or alternatively, stop firing rockets and you won't hear a peep from us.

If everyone just calmed down and followed Israel's lead in the region, we'd all be better off. Striving forward, progressing. More rights for everyone.

Let freedom reign.

Being out of Israel makes you even more Israeli. You can travel the world and see amazing things, but Israel pulls you back.

It's magic brothers, it's magic.

why dont you go back to you home in poland and palestinians wont fire anything at you......

you zionists are dumb....first you people were scattered all over the globe....so when someone came after you to punish you for your ills to humanity he only found a bunch and not the whole lot........now all of you have gathered at one spot.....sooner or later the arabs will come after you cause you have killed their children and stolen their land ....once syrian regime falls....the fighters there will enter jordan and then via golan heights they will come after your uncle who is running a gay bar in hebron......
It is a bit suspicious though that you have an estimated 200 years worth of oil/gas energy - yet so frantically developing Nuclear.

It's a bit fishy bro.

Have you heard of Russia? the U.S? they've got oil resources too, while they've got 98% of nukes and also they enrich uranium...

1. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the
Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.
2. All the Parties to the Treaty undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in. the
fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and technological information
for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Parties to the Treaty in a position to do so shall also cooperate
in contributing alone or together with other States or international organizations to the
further development of the applications of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, especially in
the territories of non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, with due consideration​

Nothing could refrain a member from demanding its right, I mean it's not written that If one member has got oil then it can not enjoy its full right under this treaty.

Moreover Iran nuclear program started before revolution and was proposed by American administration in that time Bushehr NPP was a part of a bigger plan aimed to produce 20000 MG electricity with the help of nuclear technology.


They'd already toppled Iran elected prime minister Mohammad Mosadegh by a military coup in 1953 to get Back Iran's oil after being nationalized by Iranian people, that's why I'm pretty much sure that the U.S was well aware of the fact that Iran is a major player in energy filed and has big resources of hydrocarbon.

Then who is lying?
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