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Iran unveils two new indigenous defense achievements

Half-Life? :D
You know, Watchdogs was released last night, you should give it a try! :D Its expensive :(
half life is fun, and hardly military. It's arcade shooter.

Watch dogs is meh, I've played it, it's not that fun. Then again, I generally hate these types of games, the only one I sort of enjoyed was Saints Row 4.
Watch dogs is meh, I've played it, it's not that fun. Then again, I generally hate these types of games, the only one I sort of enjoyed was Saints Row 4.

When did you play it? At E3? It was released last night :/
Bro, you very well know that U.S. became a dominant superpower because of its air superiority, its logistics capabilities and its far distance from any source of conflict (which attracted/attracting brilliant minds as well as uneducated idiots who seek opportunities) Rest assured that Russian junks are as good as their Tupolfucks passenger carriers. What does it say when Russian national carrier doesn't trust their own brand of junk and buy European aircraft instead, Russians would buy Western fighter jets if they could.

I figured that you play too much video games.

I don't agree with you my friend .

You barely find Russian planes crash in their country and forget the ones that are used in Iran cos they should have been retired years ago .

There is no doubt he US is superior in military as they spend 48% of world's military budget but it doesn't make Russian equipments trash or useless cos if Russians weren't that strong they wouldn't be a super power in these days .

The whole power we've seen about west's air superiority is based on wars such as Israel - Arabs , Iran - Iraq , US and NATO - Libya , Iraq , Serbia . In all of those wars Russian weapons were not as up to date as western side or the crew were poorly trained ( take Syrian Air force as an example in which they almost lost all of the battles to Israeli counterparts but a few good Pakistani - Albanian and Czechoslovakian pilots hunted many Israeli fighter jets that showed the problem was not the equipments but training and experience ) .

Russia has never exported it's best equipments to other countries because of their policy and it doesn't make sense to judge the quality based on mentioned historical examples .
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You barely find Russian planes crash in their country and forget the ones that are used in Iran cos they should have been retired years ago .

Yes, I told you, because they use Western carriers themselves.
Congratz to IRAN....
It's really good to see IRAN achieving these milestones ......At least an effort is clearly shown

P.S : Does Pakistan has any thing like this or making some thing like this? Particularly, in field of radars....is there any thing made or being made by Pakistan
Congratz to IRAN....
Does Pakistan has any thing like this or making some thing like this? Particularly, in field of radars....is there any thing made or being made by Pakistan
Zero none . Pakistan buy some air defense equipment but can not make any
Ill give you some advice, dont even get involved here.

Check this out:
Correct flags | Page 19

And that was what I actually saved you should see the garbage that flies around here sometimes.
Guess you're right. I generally stay away from the Iranian section because of this, I don't know why I had the inclination of commenting on here.
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