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Iran unveils hypersonic weapon 'Fattah'

why do you think nations are investing in HGV's? Why not use a solid fueled second stage motor with TVC like Iran - powered flight all the way to the target? When you answer the above question you will know which of the two approaches is superior.

Adding sustainer motors to these systems can become the next step others nations take. The issue with this is the fact the sustainer motor increased warhead mass amongst other issues. It's a give and take situation. In Iran's case, it was worth doing.

Congrats to Iran. It proves my point. Pakistan has been left in the dust. Turkey, Iran and the likes are making massive strides in the defence industry. Proud and sovereign nations that are achieving milestones despite hardships and challenges.

Compare that with Western lackey Pakistan. A complete failure on the economic front. No notable achievements in the field of defence since the last few years. An army that likes to meddle in politics instead of carrying out its actual job. Just a complete shambles.

Iran has achieved a massive milestone. Such capability makes other countries think many times before resorting to any misadventure.
No Bhutto's, Zardari's, Bajwa's or Sharif's in Iran bro.
Netanyahu shit his pants after watching the Iranian hypersonic missile test video.

Netanyahu can literally go to his toilet in the Residence of Israeli Prime Minister and before he finishes, this hypersonic missile can hit his Residence from Western Iran in just 6 minutes with 5m precision and speed of Mach 15.

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Then you're either deluded and/or talking out of pure jealousy/bitterness.
To even think Russia would hand over hypersonic missile technology to Iran is frankly borderline insanity. I hope for your sake you don't actually believe that.
Iran has been developing missile tech for 30 years. It has no need for anyone to give it anything in this sector.
Most pakistanis including myself take Iran as a friendly country.We have no reason to get jealous here.
So stop talking like a woman.
That's fantasies compared to Iran's copies of Soviet,Russian,Chinese,American and Israeli equipment.

So,apart from ballistic missiles,has Iran produced something on its own that is truly innovative?

All the knowledges inventions and acivilizations came from our forefathers
Most pakistanis including myself take Iran as a friendly country.We have no reason to get jealous here.
So stop talking like a woman.

Then be happy Iran has reached such milestones. No one is helping Iran in this sector. The likes of Russia would never give such technologies to anyone. They barely gave their S-300, and that was after many years and being taken to court.
By your logic, if Iran sitting in the top 10 rankings of STEM Research citations (non-self) while launching satellites into space for decades can not accomplish a simple Glide Vehicle (having a 3+ decades-old missile program), then other Islamic countries below Iran in R&D should not even be capable of rifles and cannons.

Stop the illogical envy or delusion, whatever it is.


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Oh come just by producing large no of graduates doesn't mean they will start inventing or accomplishing difficult tasks straight out of university. And yes I accept other Muslim countries including Pakistan are no where near indigenously developing hypersonic missiles. Though Pakistan in near future may get it from China.Just like Iran got from Russia.
And just having a missile program doesn't show that a country can develop hypersonics easily. Many countries with missile programs are still away from developing hypersonics.

Then be happy Iran has reached such milestones. No one is helping Iran in this sector. The likes of Russia would never give such technologies to anyone.
Were you an Irani scientist in that program or you are just some God whose words can't be contested?
So,apart from ballistic missiles,has Iran produced something on its own that is truly innovative?


The list includes even the prototypes of stuff but the end results of those programs are real inducted hardware. Ask me if you get confused about anything in there, it is a LONG list because Iran makes "everything".

And innovative means jackshit in the military world where effectiveness and quality matters only, innovation does not, otherwise Chinese, Russian, Europeans, and American aircraft, ships, and tanks would not be coming out looking similar to each other. Your entire logic is at fault

Oh look, Europeans, Israelis, and Chinese all are not being innovative so all are super failures according to you because everybody seems to be copying eachother

Were you an Irani scientist in that program or you are just some God whose words can't be contested?

I don't have to be. I have been following Iranian missile development for decades. The issue which you can't see is on one hand you're admitting how advance these technologies are, and on the other hand you're saying Russians would give that technology to someone else? These technologies are too strategic. Russia would never transfer that technology to Iran. Other technologies, maybe, but not something which is currently at the forefront of missile technology!

If Iran could get technology from Russia, it would be jet engine/ airforce technology.
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