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Iran unveiled indigenous "kowsar" fighter jet with 4th gen avionics

I hope so, the YAK-130 is a great aircraft, with a little modification it can be a formidable fighter.

Unless Iran has reverse engineered a new more powerful engine (j-85 not strong enough) then Borhan project is not likely.

All signs point to an F-5 derivative project (Saeghe III, Koswar, etc)
The appointment of a new IRIAF commander and the details that it is something new and as they said today a "heavy fighter", could mean that it is indeed something from the Saeghe team of the IRIAF SSJ. They may got closer to their goal of a "F-18 equivalent" that could replace the F-4 and F-5 fleet.

But could the IRIAF SSJ really complete such a project based on their previous projects? It would require a RD-33/J-79 class engine and the J-85 Owj is what was unveiled till now. Lets see if it is really heavy as they say (= at least bigger than the F-5 for Iran), it would be the start of the renovation of the IRIAF.
In some news which is now floating out there it says the purpose of the new jet is to defend Eurasia route and BRI so what ever is going to fly it will have Chinese foot print.
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Unless Iran has reverse engineered a new more powerful engine (j-85 not strong enough) then Borhan project is not likely.

All signs point to an F-5 derivative project (Saeghe III, Koswar, etc)

in 2016 were published on this forum images of a test in the wind tunnel of what was referred to as a hybrid Saegheh / Shafag with use of components of the first including the J85 engines (J90) and made a photo montage to indicate the similarities

Jingoism aside, it most probably is a twin J-85 powered Kowsar with F-5A/B suite on. They will introduce it as an advanced jet trainer and a CAS platform. I am not too excited about it. Iran as a nation is far from producing an indigenous 4th generation fighter jet without massive foreign help with engines, radar, avionics, armaments. Max these companies in Iran can achieve right now is to create a totally indigenous Saeghe may be on par with brazilian F-5M. Even that will require foreign help.

IRIAF do not need these projects, they need foreign procurement at-least 15-18 squadrons of 4+ generation MRCA's from Russia.
All the best to iran.
It's better to have an indigenous fighter jet rather than depending on other countries who'll even bargain on the parts you need for the decades ahead. It might not be the best but still better than having nothing or a Tejas which you have to carry on lorries.
All the best to iran.
It's better to have an indigenous fighter jet rather than depending on other countries who'll even bargain on the parts you need for the decades ahead. It might not be the best but still better than having nothing or a Tejas which you have to carry on lorries.

Thanks and I agree, its best for us to have TOT of local production with assembly lines set up inside. Political scenario will not change easily. We can't rely upon foreign help in future. May be we will get Su-30SME or Su-35S like it has been discussed at DM level with Russia.
The appointment of a new IRIAF commander and the details that it is something new and as they said today a "heavy fighter", could mean that it is indeed something from the Saeghe team of the IRIAF SSJ. They may got closer to their goal of a "F-18 equivalent" that could replace the F-4 and F-5 fleet.

But could the IRIAF SSJ really complete such a project based on their previous projects? It would require a RD-33/J-79 class engine and the J-85 Owj is what was unveiled till now. Lets see if it is really heavy as they say (= at least bigger than the F-5 for Iran), it would be the start of the renovation of the IRIAF.

A heavy fighter was announced a few years ago.

There are several Iranian projects that could fit the Heavy fighter definition:

*Iranian Lion project (rumor)
*Iranian Ahura project (rumor)
*Sofreh Mahi manned fighter project
*unnamed Heavy fighter project
*Next gen Shafagh project (rumor)

In regards to engines, Owj engine is an old project. It was only recently showed off.

At the time it was shown off 2 years ago, it was announced another engine that is 4 TIMES more powerful than J-85 was finishing testing. On top of that there were heavy turbofan and turbojet engines being made.
in 2016 were published on this forum images of a test in the wind tunnel of what was referred to as a hybrid Saegheh / Shafag with use of components of the first including the J85 engines (J90) and made a photo montage to indicate the similarities


If you see my post above you will see I list many different fighter projects under various stages of R&D development.

The Shafagh project wouldn’t be considered a heavy fighter.

Furthermore, Iran developing an engine with 4 times the power output of Owj would point to an engine with ~55knt output. That type of engine would be overkill for any F-5 size fighter let alone two engines.
If you see my post above you will see I list many different fighter projects under various stages of R&D development.

The Shafagh project wouldn’t be considered a heavy fighter.

Furthermore, Iran developing an engine with 4 times the power output of Owj would point to an engine with ~55knt output. That type of engine would be overkill for any F-5 size fighter let alone two engines.

ok, but at the moment only the Owj engine has been officially presented, therefore, waiting to see what they show on August 22, we try to guess what could be achieved with that engine.
IRIAF do not need these projects, they need foreign procurement at-least 15-18 squadrons of 4+ generation MRCA's from Russia.

Nonsense, Iran would never trust its entire airforce to a foreign power. Especially a country which it has traditionally had a major rivalry for hundreds of years. That is stupidity.

Iran won’t show off its r&d in order to not halt the procurement process. But if you pay attention to the news you will see that Iranin intelligence and cyber warfare are working hard to get their hands on latest technologies including blueprints for F-35 engines.

Iran wouldn’t be doing this if it’s underground airforce program is not serious.

Furthermore, Iran is playing the long game in regards to airforce development. Wether Iran gets fighters 3 years from now or 10 years from now, it doesn’t change the geopolitical situation a whole lot. Thus there isn’t a rush to get a fighter together just to say they have a fighter.
It turned out that the "new" fighter jet is a painted F-5.
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