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Iran unveiled indigenous "kowsar" fighter jet with 4th gen avionics

@mohsen see, you dont have to stick your hand in boiling water to know that it is hot. Numerous previous experiences with it tells us that it is always hot.
and what the hot water stands for?
The hot water stands for the new jet that is released 2 times a year by the Iranian defence industry. Everybody knows it is garbage propaganda when they release more fighter jets than Huawei releases phones.
Yesterday you said I should be patient and see what they are revealing before making comments on it, but now I am pointing out that sometimes you dont have to see it to know it is shite.
I think Presstv is using the wrong footage, the video show Rouhani checking out a Saeqeh trainer....not Kowsar. We'll have to wait a little longer for official photos to come out. In any case, they modified Kowsar trainer into light fighter...I'm guessing.
The hot water stands for the new jet that is released 2 times a year by the Iranian defence industry. Everybody knows it is garbage propaganda when they release more fighter jets than Huawei releases phones.
Yesterday you said I should be patient and see what they are revealing before making comments on it, but now I am pointing out that sometimes you dont have to see it to know it is shite.
You may jumping the gun buddy, as I mentioned it looks like Presstv is using the wrong video footage......you might end up having to issue a mea culpa.
Edit: I just saw one website showing Qaher as the splash page for the article, then another showing a F-14 and yet another showing Saeqeh....wow!
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I think this looks more like Kowsar........?

Update: sorry, the pic above looks like an F-1 Mirage
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The hot water stands for the new jet that is released 2 times a year by the Iranian defence industry. Everybody knows it is garbage propaganda when they release more fighter jets than Huawei releases phones.
Yesterday you said I should be patient and see what they are revealing before making comments on it, but now I am pointing out that sometimes you dont have to see it to know it is shite.
first of all, neither I have quoted you, nor I advised anyone to patience.

secondly, Kowsar is an avionics upgrade, but Rouhani's government wanted to advertise it as a new fighter jet to cover up 85% budget cut in defense ministry after Ahmadinejad government, a move which led to suspension of almost all projects including Qaher, all we see today, from missiles to radars to avionics are few years old projects which have revived after several years.

And now, neither I plan to defend Rouhani's (Reformist's) misdeeds nor accept your (Zionists) denial of the actual progress of building a gen4 avionics.
In some news which is now floating out there it says the purpose of the new jet is to defend Eurasia route and BRI so what ever is going to fly it will have Chinese foot print.

Only American foot prints are visible !
Nevermind......Millions of names to choose from they keep throwing the same 5 names out there.
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