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Iran unveiled indigenous "kowsar" fighter jet with 4th gen avionics

Sohail Agha....how much excuses are we to come up for these scum Mullah regime?
How much do they have to lie and screw up before we have enough of these lowlives.

I wouldnt have even minded, if they didnt make a big hype about this piece of crap F-5 copy. They are liers and thieves and have to be called out.
Stop bitching at Iranian forum Slavic untermensch what about your dictator Lukashenko i'm sure he is a such a liberal leader right?

Lol copy of American fighter with 1960 steach is being copied in Arablands today.

As if these Subhuman Sand Niggers can produce anything original.
More like reversed engineer F-5 with 4th gen avionics and an improve radar more can be said 3.5 to 4th gen possibly as equal as F-16A/B and F-20
Unlike you I see a steady program first to overhaul existing and damaged f5 then starting to build a complete new one over time .. and now manufacturing 90% of that completely in Iran while all parts have got upgraded ... a corrupt system wouldn't be able to achieve all this .... How exhibiting production of all these subsystems and parts of a fighter jet is duping people? engine? jet seat? gear landing? which one?air frame?
You should ask yourself which country in level of Iran under decades sanction could do the same.
Are you kidding me? Did you see the article? Did you see the pictures? Did you see the F-5 yesterday that they revealed as a NEW aircraft? How many Azarakesh have you seen beside the original 7? How about the Qaher? How much do you want to bet that it will never reach production? Heck I'll bet you'll never see it fly...they will let it die quietly.
Without any offence intended towards our Iranian brothers but I find it hard to believe that Iran is able to produce a 100% indigenous 4+ generation fighter jet while being sanctioned prone.

Take it with a pinch of salt. After all the regime hype they unveiled a American copied 1960s f-5 fighter plane not sure even the hardcore regime supporters will be impressed by this.
Are you kidding me? Did you see the article? Did you see the pictures? Did you see the F-5 yesterday that they revealed as a NEW aircraft? How many Azarakesh have you seen beside the original 7? How about the Qaher? How much do you want to bet that it will never reach production? Heck I'll bet you'll never see it fly...they will let it die quietly.

Time will say that ...
I am not supporting any one but just viewed the systems of the jet in detail which were used in it. I still lack much info on the jet to make it a success or a failure. I just gave my honest take on what Iran did here. If you need 100 technologies to produce a good fighter jet iran just achieved 75 of them.

Why do you continue to keep this going and putting up bizarre arguments in this plane? Let it die a quick death you do no favours to Iranians by arguing on the merits of this fighter plane. If copying your enemies 1960s fighter plane is going to be a show piece. It shows the depth of utter desperation in doing so.
Why do you continue to keep this going and putting up bizarre arguments in this plane? Let it die a quick death you do no favours to Iranians by arguing on the merits of this fighter plane. If copying your enemies 1960s fighter plane is going to be a show piece. It shows the depth of utter desperation in doing so.
What do you want me to say?
Write it down I will copy your post and repost it if it makes you happy.
Sohail Agha....how much excuses are we to come up for these scum Mullah regime?
How much do they have to lie and screw up before we have enough of these lowlives.

I wouldnt have even minded, if they didnt make a big hype about this piece of crap F-5 copy. They are liers and thieves and have to be called out.

Again ... Depends on from which point of view you are looking at this !

There is a big difference between kowsar and previous copies ... At this point we are able to mass produce all of the subsystems at home ... Which is the most important part of the story .

A turbofan engine is under development ... Which is going to power the first Iranian designed aircraft ... Not copies !

This is just a demonstrator ...
Why do you continue to keep this going and putting up bizarre arguments in this plane? Let it die a quick death you do no favours to Iranians by arguing on the merits of this fighter plane. If copying your enemies 1960s fighter plane is going to be a show piece. It shows the depth of utter desperation in doing so.

What do you know about the aircraft's subsystems?

Outer shell says nothing ...
If you load the original F-5 avionics on Saab gripen :


Then it doesn't matter how good looking it is ... It will be a flying shit !

1 (8).JPG

Looks old ... From 60s !

But technology can do wonders ...
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Video has English subtitle

Iran unveiled it's fully domestic made kowsar fighter jet upgraded with 4th generation avionics.
main mission of this fighter is close air support for ground forces.

Kowsar is the final step for having a fully indigenous production line of a fighter based on F5 platform. a process which started with Simorgh upgrade program, and later continued with the production of Azaraksh, Saeqeh1, Saeqeh2 and finally Kowsar.

top speed of kowsar was mentioned as mach 1.5, and general bitaraf said that it can perform it's mission with mach 1.2 speed in 45,000 ft altitude (probably these numbers are for loaded statue). structure of Kowsar has been reinforced and has more strength than F5.

timeline info based on the charts in the video:
Simorgh(1989-2008), quantity=12

Azarakhsh(2006), quantity=1 , localization=36%

Saeqeh1(2009), quantity=5, localization=56% (structure=100%, vendor systems=30%

Saeqeh2(2015), quantity=1, localization=65% (structure=100%, vendor systems=50%, wiring=100%)

Kowsar(2018), quantity=1, localization=88% (structure=100%, vendor systems=75%, wiring=100%, avionics=95%, engine=90%)

according to the commander, the rest of foreign parts are raw or commercial materials which don't need to be produced locally.
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what is the radar system (AESA?)?

will it be produced in large quantities or just another launch pad for next improvements like its predecessors?
IMO its KLJ-6F or KLJ-7 TOT from Chinese company. No I do not think it will be in higher numbers.
How is engine Iranian? Reverse-engineered? Even Chinese and Turks are having a problem with jet/turbo-fan engine development.

Any insight?

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