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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

Ḥashshāshīn;2819208 said:
Iran, this is a way to shift your anger from Israel to another Muslim country, please don't fall for it. How can you even discuss "crushing" another Muslim country? Peacefully resolve this matter with talks or taking this to international court.

Because the other Muslim country is a Zionist puppet claiming Iranian land for itself and threatening Iran to take away Iran's land. So stop accusing Iran. Same kind of people were telling Iranians that they should give in to Saddam since he is a Muslim. What a crap. Are Iranians not Muslims? Where are you guys when UAE lay claim to Iranian land and housing American bases against Iran? I do not see your Muslim-hood then? So stop this hypocrisy.
problem with UAE is its all about dubai and sharjah and abu dhabi....there cities=dubai
Iran is like 800 times larger than dubai.....i dont see war between two lasting for more than 24 hours.....

UAE should looks at its size and try to remain neutral.....if israel attacks and blows up iran's nuclear reactors...than iran wont have anything to lose.....it will let lose on dubai and bahrain and kashi/banares.
Emarat wont be fighting by it self. We have a defence agreement. We are more than capable of taking the 3 islands by ourselves.
Look at your size then talk.

Shall I remind you again what those small countries did to you? alone...
This is UAE:
Though i don't have love for the Ayatollah regime, i find it very pathetic that you would compare a country to a woman whose tongue should be chopped off.
Arab mentality i suppose... Strong on women, weak against men.
Its his way of thinking, these people are beyond stupid. But you are not any better

Emarat wont be fighting by it self. We have a defence agreement. We are more than capable of taking the 3 islands by ourselves.
Even US cant take on Iran, what makes you think a few men in deserts can do against the Persians ?
Its his way of thinking, these people are beyond stupid. But you are not any better

Even US cant take on Iran, what makes you think a few men in deserts can do against the Persians ?
Do you say that so you can feel secure at night?
or are you really that delusional?
UAE Air Force Can Destroy Entire Iranian Air Force: Gen. David Petraeus

US General: UAE's air force could take out Iran's
Centcom commander Gen. David Petraeus tells Bahrain conference calls in Mideast countries to join forces in order to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions

WASHINGTON - The United Arab Emirates, a key US ally in the Persian Gulf, has the capability to overpower Iran's Air Force, US Centcom commander Gen. David Petraeus said last week.

Speaking at a conference in Bahrain organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the American general said, "The Emirati Air Force itself could take out the entire Iranian Air Force, I believe, given that it's got ... somewhere around 70 Block 60 F-16 fighters, which are better than the US F-16 fighters.":devil:
US General: UAE's air force could take out Iran's - Israel News, Ynetnews
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Yes, as I said those are British promised forgeries that were given to UAE Sheikhs and are devoid of value since Iran does not consider British to have the authority to give Iran's land to others. They can make all kinds of documents and put different colors of stamps on it but this will not change the situation that those are Iranian islands under Iranian control and will remain so. Iran will never give them away just because some Sheikh are saying so or because they have some fancy British documents or Arabic forgeries. Iran will become a laugh-stock of the world if they ever gave up their territory. The fought with Saddam for eight years and endured the largest chemical attacks in history of mankind just to give him a small province which Saddam had claimed as part of Iraq. What makes you think they will give these islands to UAE and let blood of all those Iranians who died in that war go down the toilet drain.

The thing is, even the map of Iran was drawn by USSR and British. More accurately, USSR invaded Iran after Nazi Germany invaded USSR. British also did. Outcome was that Britain occupied southern Iran and USSR occupied Northern Iran.

British withdrew first,followed by USSR. if they wished, they could have drawn the map of Iran differently isn't it? Just like USSR did with Azerbaijan which was once Iranian territory? They could have balkanized Iran into several countries if USSR and British wished to.

My point is, no need to threaten UAE. It is a fact that the map of the Arab world was drawn after WWI and Iran's was drawn after WWII. No need to fight over these islands. I am sure a solution of joint-administration can be reached.:tup:

No need to destroy UAE which will eventually gather the whole GCC against Iran. No need for this to become full blown arab persian conflict which will result in millions killed from both sides and total destruction.
Guys be mature about it, don't start shouting "fight, fight fight". This is not the children's play ground. UAE and Iran are two very important countries for this region and for the world. It is best for both of them if life can go on without a fight between the two.
Guys be mature about it, don't start shouting "fight, fight fight". This is not the children's play ground. UAE and Iran are two very important countries for this region and for the world. It is best for both of them if life can go on without a fight between the two.

No its best for them not to fight while they hold the islands. Your attitude will make you look like a push over. Atleast if you don't want to take them by force, then cut economic ties. It destroy them economiclly and show that emarat has balls. Next thing they will do is demand"invesment" in you oil industry and you will again sit back and complain. Any war Iran will be obliterated by UAE alone, not mention the GCC and the US.
Morocco condemns Iranian president’s visit to Emirati island of Abu Musa
Rabat, April 13, 2012 (MAP)

Morocco “strongly” condemned, on Friday, the visit of the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on Wednesday, to the Emirati island of Abu Musa, occupied by Iran since 1971.

“This visit is a provocative act running counter to the initiatives and efforts of the sister United Arab Emirates aimed at reaching a peaceful settlement that ends the Iranian occupation of the three Emirati islands,” Morocco’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

The Kingdom of Morocco expressed its “full solidarity” with the United Arab Emirates and reiterated its constant stand of principle, based on respect for the states’ territorial integrity, sovereignty and territorial inviolability, the statement said.

The ministry insisted that Morocco emphasizes “the need to opt for dialogue and negotiation to settle disputes and conflicts, in line with international resolutions.”
Morocco condemns Iranian president's visit to Emirati island of Abu Musa | Morocco World News

Arab Group condemns Nejad's visit to Abu Musa Island
By Wam
Published Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Arab Group at the United Nations has adopted UAE's stance deploring the visit made by Iranian President Ahmadinejad to the UAE Abu Musa Island under occupation by Iran since 1971.

The group, represented by Arab member states at the UN, made a statement after a meeting chaired by UAE's permanent representative to UN Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al Jaramain on Friday, condemning the unjustified visit by Nejad to UAE's Abu Musa island occupied by Iran.

"The Arab Group at the United Nations condemns this unfortunate and unjustified action by the Iranian President, as it represents a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the United Arab Emirates and of the principles of the UN Charter and international law", said the statement.

The visit also demonstrates Iran's blatant disregard of the UAE's efforts and endeavors to resolve this issue by peaceful means, it added.

The Group affirmed its full support for the United Arab Emirates in claiming its full sovereignty on the island of Abu Musa as well as the Islands of Greater and Lesser Tunbs which have been occupied since 1971.

"The Arab Group considers Iran's occupation of these islands or taking any unilateral actions towards these Islands to be null and void and undermine the security and stability in the region", it said.

Accordingly, the Arab Group at the United Nations stresses the need for Iran to refrain from repeating such actions which increase tensions in the region and impair the development of Arab-Iranian relations, and emphasises the need for Iran to demonstrate its good intentions towards the initiative launched by the United Arab Emirates, which is backed by the League of Arab States and calls for resolving this issue by peaceful means through direct negotiations or by resorting to the International Court of Justice, in order to achieve a just and permanent settlement for this issue, and strengthen friendly relations and cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Arab States, said the statement.
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