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Iran to reportedly pilot central bank digital currency soon


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran to reportedly pilot central bank digital currency soon

Iran to reportedly pilot central bank digital currency soon

The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) is reportedly planning to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot soon.

According to a report by the Iranian Labour News Agency, the CBI vice governor said that CBDCs could help the country resolv financial inconsistencies.

The development of a sovereign digital currency in Iran began in 2018 at the Informatics Services Corporation — the executive arm of the CBI. The development phase has been completed and a pilot will be launched soon. However, CBI didn’t reveal many details about the time frame.

The Iranian CBDC was reportedly developed using the Hyperledger Fabric platform hosted by the Linux Foundation. Cointelegraph reached out to Hyperledger for a comment but didn’t get a response at the publishing time.

Iran has experienced significant financial and economic difficulties as a result of heavy economic sanctions levied on it by the United States.

Amid these problems, Iran has turned to crypto and was among the first countries to legalize Bitcoin (BTC) mining in hopes of reviving the economy, however, it had to temporarily shut mining operations on numerous occasions due to acute power shortages and blackouts.

Iran is also looking to use cryptocurrencies for international trade, in hopes of bypassing the trade sanctions. As reported by Cointelegraph, CBI, and the Ministry of Trade reached an agreement to link the CBI’s payment platform to a trading system allowing businesses to settle payments using cryptocurrencies.

At present, nearly 100 nations are working on a sovereign digital currency, while only a handful of them have reached the pilot phase. China is currently at the forefront: it completed its CBDC development in 2019 and is currently mass testing it across various provinces and retail sectors.

France and Switzerland have carried out multiple cross-border pilots. South Korea, Japan, and Russia are expected to carry out trials in 2022, while the U.S. is still in the discussion phase. According to the Atlantic CBDC tracker, nine nations have already launched their CBDC, 14 are in the pilot phase, 16 are in the development phase, 41 nations are still researching and two nations have canceled their CBDC plans.


CBDC development tracker Source: Atlantic Council

It seems when it comes to CBDC, the whole world is following Klaus Schwabs agenda, wether we like it or not.
Global enslavement will come, and there is nothing we can do about it!
It seems when it comes to CBDC, the whole world is following Klaus Schwabs agenda, wether we like it or not.

On that map there are seven countries which don't, as of now.

When it comes to Iran, at least the CBI (Central Bank of Iran) is not independent from the government. Meaning that it's not a bunch of bankers with affinities to the international financial mafia, but Iran's executive power which will have the last word as to what financial policies should be followed, whether with digital currencies or classic ones.

Which is also why liberals, if you noticed, have been pressing the establishment to make the CBI an independent entity. The Islamic Republic of Iran, thanks chiefly to the wisdom and integrity of its Supreme Leader seyyed Khamenei, is one of few countries in the world not to have proceeded with this, preventing thereby its central bank from turning into a tool for the advancement of the anti-religious and anti-national cut-throat agenda of freemason and capitalist globalists. Let us hope it will always stay that way!

Much like the demographic time bomb, caused by insufficient birth rates which need a major boost now or never, the risk of liberals pushing through their plans with regards to the CBI is one of those silent, less known existential dangers facing Iran, which religious and/or patriotic Iranians are not familiar enough with.

Global enslavement will come, and there is nothing we can do about it!

What we can and should do is this:

1) Help raise awareness among the Iranian public about the globalist oligarchy, its beliefs and goals, as well as the nefarious and even fatal consequences it would have on Islam, on Iran and on her people if they succeeded. Also expose and denounce those who in Iran - read: liberals - are supporting this dangerous agenda, intentionally or not. Lend support to influential activists such as Ali Akbar Raefipour who have been informing the public. I noticed Iranians have a comparatively poor level of familiarity with this problematic. They aren't aware that this is the main division line of public affairs in today's world, as well as the main issue at stake for the future of mankind including their own, and instead they are still stuck on old obsolete divides. Translations of relevant foreign language material can be a start. In Iran globalism is, by the way, generally subsumed under the term international zionism.

For example, I shared here my translation (into English) of a long, highly instructive interview with a knowledgeable French anti-globalist activist about the hidden dimensions of the Covid-19 pandemic, and what its relation to the "great reset" project of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum could be. It took me many hours, but someone in Iran will read it I hope, and will share it with others. We must keep reinforming and reinforming Iranians accustomed to the brainwashing of foreign-funded mainstream media.

2) Hope, or contribute to it if you can, that the issue and its seriousness will be brought to the attention of the Supreme Leader more than it has been so far. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution is an institution on the planetary scale which can make a difference and lead the Resistance against globalist elites. Hopes of all those pursuing Haqq in the Islamic world and even beyond rest on him.
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On that map there are seven countries which don't, as of now.

When it comes to Iran, at least the CBI (Central Bank of Iran) is not independent from the government. Meaning that it's not a bunch of bankers with affinities to the international financial mafia, but Iran's executive power which will have the last word as to what financial policies should be followed, whether with digital currencies or classic ones.

Which is also why liberals, if you noticed, have been pressing the establishment to make the CBI an independent entity. The Islamic Republic of Iran, thanks chiefly to the wisdom and integrity of its Supreme Leader seyyed Khamenei, is one of few countries in the world not to have proceeded with this, preventing thereby its central bank from turning into a tool for the advancement of the anti-religious and anti-national cut-throat agenda of freemason and capitalist globalists. Let us hope it will always stay that way!

Much like the demographic time bomb, caused by insufficient birth rates which need a major boost now or never, the risk of liberals pushing through their plans with regards to the CBI is one of those silent, less known existential dangers facing Iran, which religious and/or patriotic Iranians are not familiar enough with.

What we can and should do is this:

1) Help raise awareness among the Iranian public about the globalist oligarchy, its beliefs and goals, as well as the nefarious and even fatal consequences it would have on Islam, on Iran and on her people if they succeeded. Also expose and denounce those who in Iran - read: liberals - are supporting this dangerous agenda, intentionally or not. Lend support to influential activists such as Ali Akbar Raefipour who have been informing the public. I noticed Iranians have a comparatively poor level of familiarity with this problematic. They aren't aware that this is the main division line of public affairs in today's world, as well as the main issue at stake for the future of mankind including their own, and instead they are still stuck on old obsolete divides. Translations of relevant foreign language material can be a start. In Iran globalism is, by the way, generally subsumed under the term international zionism.

For example, I shared here my translation (into English) of a long, highly instructive interview with a knowledgeable French anti-globalist activist about the hidden dimensions of the Covid-19 pandemic, and what its relation to the "great reset" project of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum could be. It took me many hours, but someone in Iran will read it I hope, and will share it with others. We must keep reinforming and reinforming Iranians accustomed to the brainwashing of foreign-funded mainstream media.

2) Hope, or contribute to it if you can, that the issue and its seriousness will be brought to the attention of the Supreme Leader more than it has been so far. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution is an institution on the planetary scale which can make a difference and lead the Resistance against globalist elites. Hopes of all those pursuing Haqq in the Islamic world and even beyond rest on him.
the problem with central bank not being independent is that the government see it as its own private piggy bank and instead of fixing economy problems solve them by borrowing from central bank . also central bank won't have the ability to stabilize national currency.
its important that central bank be separate from government. if you think its necessary they be controlled by another entity , let be it someone else not the government

Countries will use different explanations why they introduce CBDC. Here the reason is, because it can sidestep SWIFT, which is true, but in reality it was planned long time ago. It is a well orchestered global plan in which all world leaders are involved, but 99.9999% of humanity is totally blind and doesn't know what is going on behind their backs....
Dangerous if you think about the history of big cyberattacks against Iran last decade, the last today.

The enslavement of the Iranian people begins...
A lot of broken people due to cryptos now would love to be "slavered" like Iranian and hadn't invested in that deceivefools ponzi scheme.

Isn't it nice how all governments of the world, no matter how big their supposed enmity towards each other is, are working on that same goal?!
Makes you wonder if there is any real enmity in this world, or is it all well orchestered....
Same shit is also planned in Germany. Additional with banning physical money. One click and you starve to death cause you cant buy anything.
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