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Iran’s inflation rate hits 32.5%: Central Bank

there is a difference between going down and totally collapsing
your country will be hit the most

So why were we the fastest growing economy in the world during the American 2008 Credit Crunch? :no:

Here is a breakdown of China's growth, from a Western publication (The Financial Times):

Financial Times - China unlocks the right kind of growth

China has never lacked for growth over the past decade but it has suffered from the wrong kind of growth, developing a dangerous reliance on investment.

Tucked into its latest economic data was evidence that the country has finally started to address this problem. Consumption clearly surpassed investment as China’s biggest growth engine, reinforcing a trend that emerged earlier this year – and something that has rarely happened over the past decade.

In the first three quarters, consumption accounted for 55 per cent of growth, while investment contributed 50.5 per cent. With external demand weak, net exports actually subtracted 5.5 per cent, according to data from the national statistics bureau.

As you can see, 55% of our growth comes from internal consumption, 50.5% of our growth comes from internal investment, and net exports actually subtracted 5.5%.

That's why when America's economy went into recession, all their friends went into recession too. But we did not.

there is a reason why you called a locust in hong kong! :D

negative rate this sheep!

Not up to standard. I am considered a "native" Hong Konger, since my family were one of the very first to arrive here hundreds of years ago. So that means nothing to me. :P Try again.
So why were we the fastest growing economy in the world during the American 2008 Credit Crunch? :no:

Here is a breakdown of China's growth, from a Western publication (The Financial Times):

Financial Times - China unlocks the right kind of growth

As you can see, 55% of our growth comes from internal consumption, 50.5% of our growth comes from internal investment, and net exports actually subtracted 5.5%.

That's why when America's economy went into recession, all their friends went into recession too. But we did not.

we heard 3 yes back that china was going to overtake US by 2013, then 2014. but we know the real truth

China Is a Black Box of Misinformation - Bloomberg View
can you not read? there is a difference between going down and totally collapsing

US economy collapses , so do the economies of most developed countries
then who buys your goods?
can you not read? there is a difference between going down and totally collapsing

US economy collapses , so do the economies of most developed countries
then who buys your goods?

Didn't you read the data from the Financial Times?

The VAST majority of Chinese manufactured goods are consumed within China itself. Which contributes to 55% of our GDP growth, followed by internal investment which is 50.5% of GDP growth. Net exports on the other hand subtracted 5.5%.

Sure, America is the main player in the global system, so if they were to "collapse completely" then that would have negative effects for all economies in the world. However, just like in any other economic downturn, we will power through the same way we did during the Credit Crunch, by using our currency reserves (largest in the world) to boost internal investment and consumption.

And eventually, the vacuum left by America will have to be filled by someone, and we will position ourselves to grab as much of that as soon as possible. In economics every disaster is also an opportunity, and in fact such an eventuality could possibly be the biggest economic opportunity in this era.
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I used to manage (administrator and grants originator for numerous MDs and PhDs) Medical Research and Development for our area Veterans Medical Center (federal) and the state Medical School co-located here.

Thus I was used to co-host the Deputy Dean of the Medical College of China (mainland China) in the early 1990s when he came to a collaborative medical research conference we sponsored for much of US-wide medical research and overseas other nations medical research.

I was dumbfounded to learn the son of the Chinese Medical School Deputy Dean was a Medical Student in our Medical School, along with several other Chinese Medical Students (recurring ever since here).

The Chinese Deputy Medical School Dean told me the cities in China, again early 1990s, were fairly modern but that in the countryside the people still were eating rice from iron bowls a very backard description according to him.

Separately, before I resume my US Civil Service career (from which I am retired) I had been for a few years an International Banking Officer in NYC with the world's then 4th largest US bank (now gone by merger) in the Asia/Japan Section. It was in the
early 1970s, during the first Nixon Presidency, that the US got China to open the door to what is today a flourishing economic and business relationship.

Until only recently China got the monetary reserve better of the US by controlling the value of Chinese currency. Now China is slowly trying to let it's currecy value "float" which is fairer to all other nations currencies which float competitively with each other.

No economy ever has or ever will always move "up." That is irrational.

I wrote as a junior International Banking Officer as an additional duty from time to time the JAPAN REPORT which went out to the top 100 US Corporate clients of our bank. back then, late 1960s, early 1970s, I recall the Japanese Yen being much stronger than it is today. Just some random comments for me to conclude that the USA-China relationship can be "differentiated" as India continues to become a major world economy.

But, there seem to be clouds on the horizon of most of the worlds international trade caused in part by Putin/Russian's insane efforts to "grab" Ukraine and perhaps other Eastern European nations from the old USSR days.

China has invested heavily to get future Iranian oil and gas. China already gets some oil and gas fro Russia's Sackelin (sp?) Islands. China is considering increased oil and gas now flowing to Europe.

Russia under Putin is it's own worst enemy. US and Russia jointly own and operate in Houston, TX the largest oil refinery in the world. The US can take it over 100% if Putin persists in his illegal actions in Eastern Europe.

The Canadian/US Northern Oil Pipeline will bring lots of oil to the refineries in Houston, TX, some of which can be in the form of increased oil export to China. China needs to not play into Russia's hands at this dangerous time in world history. Russia may yet cause a war which would quickly find Russian oil pipelines knocked out.
can you not read? there is a difference between going down and totally collapsing

US economy collapses , so do the economies of most developed countries
then who buys your goods?

he has no clue how how to read economic data...he thinks his internal consumption is a independent of global forces and markets. i.e. the consumption rate will remain the same if global markets collapse ... if his countries US treasuries will be junk etc etc. He is a 50 center and brainwashed into that kind of thinking.
Not China's.
That's for damn sure.

While the US economy has collapse since 2008. Our economy has grown 10% per year and now most multinationals consider China their largest market.

again difference between country actually collapsing and all other ones collapsing after it
he has no clue how how to read economic data...he thinks his internal consumption is a independent of global forces and markets. i.e. the consumption rate will remain the same if global markets collapse ... if his countries US treasuries will be junk etc etc. He is a 50 center and brainwashed into that kind of thinking.

Give this man his negative rating :lol:

These 50 centers are clueless to what is going on... even today they had an article about this ...

China's Lending Bubble a Global Threat

Another one here too please :coffee:
Give this man his negative rating :lol:

Another one here too please :coffee:

No the rules are clear, it has to be a personal attack or racism or some other violation of the forum rules. JayAtl is trying but he can't seem to get it. :no:
US has collapsed since 2008 but other countries have been growing very fast irrespective of the US collapse.

Westerners often like to say this: "The Chinese word for crisis means both danger and opportunity". (Not exactly correct, in fact the two characters that make up "危机" can be interpreted in different ways). Sort of like "Gung-ho" which was another mistranslation.

Well, this time they are right. If America does indeed collapse, that could hurt in the short term, but present an enormous opportunity in the medium-to-long run. Possibly the biggest opportunity in decades.
No the rules are clear, it has to be a personal attack or racism or some other violation of the forum rules. JayAtl is trying but he can't seem to get it. :no:

the rules HAHA, you are chinese and a fellow village idiot asked you do so.. do it... since when you follow rules. you let that moron say whatever he wants. come on I know you are dying to give another negative rating hajian...show your true colors
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