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Iran to fire 11,000 missiles at US, Israel if attacked

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I really wish that Pakistan gives some nukes to Iran and all Arab countries maybe 6 or so to each country with delivery capability. Then they can live peacefully with Israel as this would stop Israel being a menace. After all Israel has a lot more than 6 nukes.

Arab monarchies? They'll nuke Iran!

There are reports of Pakistan providing nuclear weapons to KSA military establishment. Reportedly, the nukes, their security is under complete supervision of pakistan. Distinction must be made between the military and the rulers. All Arab rulers are traitors, but their militaries are a different thing. Qatar is the biggest traitor of them all.
Real Persians just need a friendly hand, they'll get rid of the Ayatollah themselves, we'll just weaken the Ayatollah regime for them.
They'll share Assad's fate, do not worry.

I know you are trolling, referring to old Persian instead of the Islamic republic of Iran and the recent elections. And what about the majority of Syrian supporting Assad .
You have no way out but to find yourselves a new home which is unlikely since neither Europe nor the US will host you , try India please ,if you can cope with 400 million Muslims living there.

---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 AM ----------

Iran wouldn't need to attack main land USA and thus wouldn't need an ICBM. To kill an octopus, you only need to truncate the hands which feed him and all hands of USA are well within reach of Iran.

Very well said.
Arab monarchies? They'll nuke Iran!

There are reports of Pakistan providing nuclear weapons to KSA military establishment. Reportedly, the nukes, their security is under complete supervision of pakistan. Distinction must be made between the military and the rulers. All Arab rulers are traitors, but their militaries are a different thing. Qatar is the biggest traitor of them all.

Yea you are right I was thinking more along the lines of Syrians, Hezbollah, Hamas the democratically elected representatives of Palestinians etc. That type of Arab rather than Zionist royal family of Al Saud
Yea you are right I was thinking more along the lines of Syrians, Hezbollah, Hamas the democratically elected representatives of Palestinians etc. That type of Arab rather than Zionist royal family of Al Saud

About Syria, Pakistan tested a cruise missile in Syria (Ra'ad) in 2008, as a message to Israel, which was not disclosed to media. And the 'nuclear' reactor which Israel bombed in Syria in 2007 was a dummy one. Israel was completely fooled. The attack exposed a lot of vulnerabilities in Syria's air defence. Yes, there is indeed something called 'kill switch'. :) Its not a myth. :)
Arab monarchies? They'll nuke Iran!

There are reports of Pakistan providing nuclear weapons to KSA military establishment. Reportedly, the nukes, their security is under complete supervision of pakistan. Distinction must be made between the military and the rulers. All Arab rulers are traitors, but their militaries are a different thing. Qatar is the biggest traitor of them all.
some arab countryis are pupets moved by us and isreal
my opinion is that in the middle east we have algirea egypt sudan syria iran the rest is ..........
as for turkey i cant understand what they want exactly and i am not sure which side they are with
and Iranians know who was in bed with USA from last 64 years (its just few months u guys have changed partners)..dnt talk bullshit here just for few thanks..Its we Indians who always have better relationship with persians...

If Pakistan "was" eating $hit, India "is" eating $hit!
some arab countryis are pupets moved by us and isreal
my opinion is that in the middle east we have algirea egypt sudan syria iran the rest is ..........
as for turkey i cant understand what they want exactly and i am not sure which side they are with

Turkey - there is a portion of influential Kemalists. Its the opposite situation in Turkey. The military is pro-Israel and secular. The government is sympathetic to Islam. However, considering Turkey is assisting destabilisation of Syria, it seems that the Kemalists are gaining the upper hand.
I really wish that Pakistan gives some nukes to Iran and all Arab countries maybe 6 or so to each country with delivery capability. Then they can live peacefully with Israel as this would stop Israel being a menace. After all Israel has a lot more than 6 nukes.

When you hand-over a gun to hands who don't have strength to hold that, you hurt hands before those hands hurt anybody using that gun. Power comes and stays with those who have capacity to withhold it.

Pakistan at most could offer was a Nuclear Umbrageous to these countries undergoing mutual pacts but NO handing over of such equipment.
Iran doesn't have the missile to strike US. It can at best launch missiles at naval vessels in range.

As for Israel, I guess they won't take a chance either. They will destroy Iranian missiles before launch. I doubt Iran can do any damage to US.

Even if you were the general on your picture, you won't be able to tell, you are trolling and speculating too much.
If India was in Iran's shoes it would have probably prepared itself for those eventualities, but since I know you come from a heroin devastated culture I can understand that you can not see things clearly. You see friends as foes and foes as friends and the worst part is that you Indians in general underestimate Muslim power to inflate you egos(just like the American and Israelis before you) but than you might explode one day. take an air balloon for example It has a certain capacity not more not less if you put more air and pressure in it it will explode so be careful not to inflate yourselves beyond your capacities, this is a friendly remainder and nothing else.
When you hand-over a gun to hands who don't have strength to hold that, you hurt hands before those hands hurt anybody using that gun. Power comes and stays with those who have capacity to withhold it.

Pakistan at most could offer was a Nuclear Umbrageous to these countries undergoing mutual pacts but NO handing over of such equipment.

Dear, follow the NATO model. Have a look at their nuclear weapon sharing agreement. Didn't US provide all the nukes by itself? Nukes are not toys that anybody can launch it.
Turkey - there is a portion of influential Kemalists. Its the opposite situation in Turkey. The military is pro-Israel and secular. The government is sympathetic to Islam. However, considering Turkey is assisting destabilisation of Syria, it seems that the Kemalists are gaining the upper hand.
yes this must be the only reason
you get the feeling that turkey has 2 governemnt
Ever heard of chapter 17 of the Holy Quran? It's named “Children of Israel”.
Some believe it has a prophecy yet to be fulfilled. Here are some of the verses:

And We gave (Clear) Warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)!

When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants given to terrible warfare: They entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled.

Then did We grant you the Return as against them: We gave you increase in resources and sons, and made you the more numerous in man-power.

If ye did well, ye did well for yourselves; if ye did evil, (ye did it) against yourselves. So when the second of the warnings comes, (We permit your enemies) to disfigure your faces, and to enter your Temple as they had entered it before, and to visit with destruction all that fell into their power.

It may be that your Lord may (yet) show Mercy unto you; but if ye revert (to your sins), We shall revert (to Our punishments): And we have made Hell a prison for those who reject (all Faith).

And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)": but when the second of the warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd.
Well I must say they have been huffing and puffing for 30 years without taking any action. Maybe Americans are scared of Iranians??

Partly, yes.

The thing is that the American public hate seeing their own soldiers in body bags. And that's what adds fuel to American politics. Liberals vs. Conservatives and the like.

If Iran is attacked, undoubtedly they'll strike back at Israel, the US bases in the Middle East and the GCC states harboring them. Obviously, there'd be heavy damage on them. It's not possible to intercept every single missile. Not saying Iran is invincible, but all hell will break loose.

Reality has already shown us about the potential negative effects when rushing to the war in Iraq. Hundreds and thousands of people died - both military and civilian. And the Americans despite all their technological wizardry can't contain the sectarian violence themselves. In the end, they had to seek support from former enemies to pin against Al-Qaeda (who came AFTER the rushed invasion).

What makes them think they can contain the entire Middle East? What some mass blood ritual?

Do they have that political will and responsibility to actually contain the entire Middle East? The answer is no.

That is partly why they are arming the key GCC states with state of the art weapons, and also a good source of money during these tough economic times. But militarily against Iran, it isn't very effective in both the long and short term.
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