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Iran to build military base on port connected to Pakistan border

It is the "Let's Fight Iran Day" in Pakistan again, 4 days for India, 2 days for Afghanistan and one day for us, "the backstabbers" :yahoo::pop:

Oh come on. You must realize that many Pakistanis have questioned the sanity of the thread and have highlighted that its ridiculous. Iran is perfectly legal and can build whatever they want in their own country even if its 100meter away from the Pakistan border just as we can build whatever we want as well in our own country. They can build whatever they want and if Pakistan strategic thinkers feel it will be a threat then we will build counter capability and defensive strategies and capabilities for that "just in case" scenario.

Truth is that Pakistan govt and Iranian govt has been taking several steps towards establishing cordial ties and closer relations with each other. Let's face it. Neither iran is going anywhere nor Pakistan and both of us have no reason for enmitty with each other and the Pakistan govt and military feels the same way.

Between you and me. Iran is popular here due to her stand up to america stance. We Pakistanis love those that give a big middle finger to the US and on top of it all we are crazy ummah unity lovers.

As for the topic. Oh Bhai khuda ka khauf karo tum log. So what! Is every could try supposed to keep a hundred kilometer buffer zone in their own countries just bcz a few guys here don't like it. Good lord.
Come on guys, the are building a base on there soil and it is not like that it is going to cause us any damage. All we need to do is make our own land safe and our waters secure. Pakistan Navy is also developing infrastructure on the western zone now and it will gather more pace once gwadar becomes more and more active. Relax, this news do not concerns us.

And no, i am not a Shia for God's Sake!!

You are not Shia, but sectarian hate of some of your fellow Pakistanis is driving them nuts. They even twist a news about Iran building a naval base on its own soil near its only oceanic port to suit their sectarian agenda.

On topic, due to various reasons in past decades, Iran's navy didn't have much presence in right side of Persian Gulf, but now it is trying to catch up. I'm sorry if Iran's navy has offended some fellow PDFers, I will tell navy chief to first consult with members here in advance before doing anything similar.

P.S: The fact that every sane, neutral Pakistani has to say "I'm not Shia" at the end of his post to avoid attacks by sectarian horde speaks for itself, such a sad state of affairs.

Question is who operate this base?Iranian navy or Indian navy? Is it some kind of answer against Muslim coalition? Iran must clarify who will operate it in future.

It will be handed over to RAW agents as soon as it's finished, no need to worry.
You are not Shia, but sectarian hate of some of your fellow Pakistanis is driving them nuts. They even twist a news about Iran building a naval base on its own soil near its only oceanic port to suit their sectarian agenda.

On topic, due to various reasons in past decades, Iran's navy didn't have much presence in right side of Persian Gulf, but now it is trying to catch up. I'm sorry if Iran's navy has offended some fellow PDFers, I will tell navy chief to first consult with members here in advance before doing anything similar.

P.S: The fact that every sane, neutral Pakistani has to say "I'm not Shia" at the end of his post to avoid attacks by sectarian horde speaks for itself, such a sad state of affairs.

The problem is Iran is not trust-able partner to anyone...Pakistanis are the only Sunni majority country to had positive view of Iran but you Iranians have managed to mess up even that and now Pakistanis are not ready to trust you...Kulbhushan Jadhav and Uzair baloch are living proofs of your severe interference in Pakistan

Pakistan only country where majority views Iran positively: PEW
It is the "Let's Fight Iran Day" in Pakistan again, 4 days for India, 2 days for Afghanistan and one day for us, "the backstabbers" :yahoo::pop:

Many Pakistanis like myself are questioning the wording of this article, and we are one of the few countries where Iran is viewed favourably by the majority. Yes there is a minority present with a vested interest in worsening ties between our nations, but they aren't the majority and should not be made to look the majority either.
India should place at least at least onevstrike corp battalion and one naval battalion including destroyers in gwadar to safe guard our Iranian brothers assets from terrorist attack.
Question is who operate this base?Iranian navy or Indian navy? Is it some kind of answer against Muslim coalition? Iran must clarify who will operate it in future.
The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran
Chapter IX [Article 113 to 151]: The Executive Power
Article 146 [No Foreign Military Bases]

"...[F]oreign military bases in Iran, even for peaceful purposes, is forbidden."

India should place at least at least onevstrike corp battalion and one naval battalion including destroyers in gwadar to safe guard our Iranian brothers assets from terrorist attack.

India should also send one Gao Rakshak battalion to safeguard Iranian assets from Pakistani Beef hungry awam.
Iran's no one's brother. We're our own brothers.
We are not trying to be anyone's enemy and we also don't give a flying fvck about anyone's feelings when we build a base in our own soil

Specially the feelings of the same people who had American (foreign) bases in their country directed against their neighbors
They should all be silent.

Thank you

Let them do what they want.. There days will be numbered if they ever dare to attack our interest.. We hope this say will never come and our relationship with iran will be always remain solid like were in past
Your interests? Lol you talk like you actually have anything to say in this region. This same bloated ego made Pakistan what it is today

Your enemies who were behind you in technology some 40 year ago are sending satellite to mars while you guys talk shit on a forum while your country is standing still

Nice job mate
Whats the big deal? Its there soil and there military base wont hurt us. Iran is not our rival.
If only it stops flirting with india andbecome completely nutral between India and Paksitan, We are Ok wit them
Actually, Iran is a regional rival, both economically and militarily. Even if relations are cordial right now (and they're not), eventually differing geopolitical interests are going to lead to butting heads, between the two. Unless one nation can subjugate the other, whether economically or militarily, both nations are going to head towards some sort of confrontation (not necessarily war, or military conflict).
If they build on their land not our problem
Not even sure why this is being mentioned as a special news

Generally do not find any issue with Iran doing some construction on their side of border

Iran have been invited to the Alliance to review the regional issues and that has nothing to do with with their own airbase needs

They have views and concerns and it would be best addressed once their leadership joint the general framework for alliance in region against rising (third party players)

While I am not Shia but I respect the love of Prophet's family as shown by Shia folks and most muslims do respect Ali / Hassan and Hussain
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So Iran built a base on it's own soil, near the Sea of Oman. Is anyone here about to say Iran cannot do that because Iran and Pakistan are neighbours? Pakistan isn't the only country to the east of Iran, you know.
First of all, we need to recognize the fact that every country has a right to build a naval base in its own territory as deemed fit to its security requirements. Iran has the same right. Second, we need to stop portraying Iran as a direct rival to Pakistan. It's never been the case (with the only exception in the case of Afghanistan when Shia Afghanis were the direct target of Afghan Taliban and Pakistan was actively supporting Taliban) and it's not likely be the case in future. If anything, proposed Iranian naval base might help in securing our Gwadar's trade routes through Gulf. We ought to rope in Iran in order to make an overall trade block and turning that country into a supportive partner rather than a rival playing in the hands of our enemies.

learn international politics my friend, every country does not have right to take offensive measures against any country..if what said is true then why US risked 3rd world war because to Cuban Missiles, or why is Russian so pissed on US to install missiles defense shield in Poland...If Iran starts making bases near Pakistani border it is considered offensive aimed towards Pakistan.
Iran's no one's brother. We're our own brothers.
We are not trying to be anyone's enemy and we also don't give a flying fvck about anyone's feelings when we build a base in our own soil

Specially the feelings of the same people who had American (foreign) bases in their country directed against their neighbors
They should all be silent.

Thank you


Your interests? Lol you talk like you actually have anything to say in this region. This same bloated ego made Pakistan what it is today

Your enemies who were behind you in technology some 40 year ago are sending satellite to mars while you guys talk shit on a forum while your country is standing still

Nice job mate
First of all gawader is not a military base but a deep sea port for commercial use , making military base near gawader is a silly decision by iran, we never allowed Americans to use our bases against iran in current afgh war,if you have any proof then write here, secondly sending satellites is not in favor of our missile program , as Europe and many countries will considers it as an icbm of Pakistan, we are not stupid enough to make half of world our enemy ,
And one thing more mate , we r proud what we r today , we dont have God gifted oil like you have still we did not best but good until today , why did not you sent satellite to marc if you are so intelligent and rich ?
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