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Iran to build military base on port connected to Pakistan border

Pakistan needs to quickly realise the bitter truth and reality. Iran is not a friend or ally of Pakistan. Iranian officials may appear on Pak TV claiming both are brotherly countires but it's a dam lie. No matter how sincere Pakistan tries to be with the Iranians they will continue to look at Pakistan as a hostile Sunni dominated state. Iran will always bring the sect issue into any equation. Iran is actively involved in recruiting Pak citizens from Parachinar, FATA to fight it's disgusting war in Syria. Irans recolutionary guard are engaged in Iraq supporting the Shia militias in Mosul and through the south, Iran is sponsoring Houthi rebels in Yemen, Iran is partially responsible for the destabilisation of Lebonon with its outright support of Hezbollah. Pakistan work quickly to secure your western and south western border. I'm in favour of having peaceful relations with Iran based on mutual respect and understanding but not at any cost of destabilising an threatening Pakistan. The same goes with Saudi Arabia!
April 19, 2017

Iran announced the creation of a new naval base to track ships and marine transportation and Gulf countries. According to foreign media, Iranian Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari addressed the naval staff and said Iran is building a military base on port connected to Balochistan, the Southeast province of Pakistan. Which we will be able to look at the ships passing through the Gulf waters. Naval Intelligence Surveillance was very weak in the past, he said, In particular we have had no effective management in terms of monitoring of ships passing through the Gulf waters. But the Iran Navy is using the latest communication tools for monitoring marine traffic, We have been able to keep an eye on the movement of ships in territorial and international waters.


Sooner or later, there will be conflicts between Pakistan and Iran. Pakistanis need to realize that. India operates her military and intelligence assets out of Iran at free will and they cause damage to Pakistan in Baluchistan area. The more you are at asleep on this reality, the worst it would be for Pakistan.

I explained in a different write up, Pakistan still has over 1000 KM (650 ish miles) worth of Coastline empty. Similar area in the US means going from Virginia beach till Rhode Island. Meaning this Coastline does about $ 700 - 1000 billion worth of sea-born trade, as well as has many Naval ports there too, from ship / defense manufacturing to Naval training and Combat ports. So Pakistan needs a few more trade ports spread across and a few more Naval ports created also. One large one, right on the Iranian border to keep this stuff and the IN presence in check.

Iran is NOT your friend!
April 19, 2017

Iran announced the creation of a new naval base to track ships and marine transportation and Gulf countries. According to foreign media, Iranian Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari addressed the naval staff and said Iran is building a military base on port connected to Balochistan, the Southeast province of Pakistan. Which we will be able to look at the ships passing through the Gulf waters. Naval Intelligence Surveillance was very weak in the past, he said, In particular we have had no effective management in terms of monitoring of ships passing through the Gulf waters. But the Iran Navy is using the latest communication tools for monitoring marine traffic, We have been able to keep an eye on the movement of ships in territorial and international waters.

First of all Every countary have natural rights to build defence installation on its own terrotary second the Iran is under observation of US based UNO observations and every Iranian military development including under construction indian- iranian chabahar port because of cantroversial iranian role in yamen and syria.
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What if Pakistan builds a same naval base in Jiwani or Gawadar, Pro-Iran lobbies will start ranting-- calling it amid at Iran. :hitwall:
It does not matter iran build the base or not ... we are going to build a base at gawadar and i dont think there is no second thought on that ... infact we already have a small naval base
Pakistan needs to quickly realise the bitter truth and reality. Iran is not a friend or ally of Pakistan. Iranian officials may appear on Pak TV claiming both are brotherly countires but it's a dam lie. No matter how sincere Pakistan tries to be with the Iranians they will continue to look at Pakistan as a hostile Sunni dominated state. Iran will always bring the sect issue into any equation. Iran is actively involved in recruiting Pak citizens from Parachinar, FATA to fight it's disgusting war in Syria. Irans recolutionary guard are engaged in Iraq supporting the Shia militias in Mosul and through the south, Iran is sponsoring Houthi rebels in Yemen, Iran is partially responsible for the destabilisation of Lebonon with its outright support of Hezbollah. Pakistan work quickly to secure your western and south western border. I'm in favour of having peaceful relations with Iran based on mutual respect and understanding but not at any cost of destabilising an threatening Pakistan. The same goes with Saudi Arabia!
Well Pakistanis are realising that slowly. KY and UB and their operation from Iran is not just a coincidence. Furthermore, UB has told a lot which is not being made public but believe me that's not good. People of Pakistan are realising that bitter reality and BTW if you happen to live in west and have a chance of interacting with Iranians a lot of things will become clear
It does not matter iran build the base or not ... we are going to build a base at gawadar and i dont think there is no second thought on that ... infact we already have a small naval base
Yeah! There are small bases in Jiwani and Gawadar under Western Command. After Uzair Baloch's confessions, we need to station long range surveillance radars and other systems there to keep Iran Navy (and potentially Indian Navy in future) and RAW networks under constant check, at Chahbahar. I fear - after a new naval base along Pakistan border, their interference inside Pakistan especially Balochistan may increase.
Yeah! There are small bases in Jiwani and Gawadar under Western Command. After Uzair Baloch's confessions, we need to station long range surveillance radars and other systems there to keep Iran Navy (and potentially Indian Navy in future) and RAW networks under constant check, at Chahbahar. I fear - after a new naval base along Pakistan border, their interference inside Pakistan especially Balochistan may increase.
I think rather than military solution there is more need of diplomatic solution ... we dont have any direct conflict of interest with iran other than our closseness with KSA and oil resources expected along pakistan iran border ..

There is no need for us to create another enemy as our border with India and afghanistan are already too heated ...

We need strong ambassador having close relatonship with iranian establishment which can reduce indian influence ... we have already alot for iran by not joinkng yemen conflict now its time to iranians realize the same ... furthermore we also need to realize that there is no potential conflict between iran and pakistan unti unless there is a direct attack by Iran on KSA as we have strong military ties with KSA ....
I think rather than military solution there is more need of diplomatic solution ... we dont have any direct conflict of interest with iran other than our closseness with KSA and oil resources expected along pakistan iran border ..

There is no need for us to create another enemy as our border with India and afghanistan are already too heated ...

We need strong ambassador having close relatonship with iranian establishment which can reduce indian influence ... we have already alot for iran by not joinkng yemen conflict now its time to iranians realize the same ... furthermore we also need to realize that there is no potential conflict between iran and pakistan unti unless there is a direct attack by Iran on KSA as we have strong military ties with KSA ....
There are no direct conflicts but Iran has to answer what Irani intelligence officials were doing in Karachi and their relation with UB, and especially their involvement in Balochistan.

Yup! We dont need create enemy but we should also allow others to interfere inside our country after this KY episode. We need to keep an eye on this development. Secondly, they returned our favour of not involving in Yemen conflict by terrorizing Karachi and spying on Armed forces and their officials.
Well Pakistanis are realising that slowly. KY and UB and their operation from Iran is not just a coincidence. Furthermore, UB has told a lot which is not being made public but believe me that's not good. People of Pakistan are realising that bitter reality and BTW if you happen to live in west and have a chance of interacting with Iranians a lot of things will become clear
I have interacted with Iranians in UK however almost every Iranian I have come across has denounce their faith and accepted Christianity as their faith. Many want nothing to do with Iran. Pakistanis are at their own fault as prominent parliamentarians and religious leaders have aligned themselves with India Afgannistan, Iran, Saudi Arabi and US. These swines have their own following and will fight for their adopted nations cause and beliefs yet not a single one will dye defending Pakistans cause. To hell with them!
none of country hand over naval port even srilanka, if iran will do this then iran will be counted a rival in our list

So, should we wait for India to get there before we think of doing anything about it? I smell a rat here. :angry:

No matter what soft spot you have for Iran, Pakistan must not allow this. They do not need a port close to our border. They already have one close by at Chah Bahar. If they must build one then let them build a joint naval base shared with PN.

Among all Muslim countries, I trust Iran the least!
Let them do what they want.. There days will be numbered if they ever dare to attack our interest.. We hope this say will never come and our relationship with iran will be always remain solid like were in past
Sooner or later, there will be conflicts between Pakistan and Iran. Pakistanis need to realize that. India operates her military and intelligence assets out of Iran at free will and they cause damage to Pakistan in Baluchistan area. The more you are at asleep on this reality, the worst it would be for Pakistan.

I explained in a different write up, Pakistan still has over 1000 KM (650 ish miles) worth of Coastline empty. Similar area in the US means going from Virginia beach till Rhode Island. Meaning this Coastline does about $ 700 - 1000 billion worth of sea-born trade, as well as has many Naval ports there too, from ship / defense manufacturing to Naval training and Combat ports. So Pakistan needs a few more trade ports spread across and a few more Naval ports created also. One large one, right on the Iranian border to keep this stuff and the IN presence in check.

Iran is NOT your friend!

Agreed. I hope the US would help us in this!
There are no direct conflicts but Iran has to answer what Irani intelligence officials were doing in Karachi and their relation with UB, and especially their involvement in Balochistan.

Yup! We dont need create enemy but we should also allow others to interfere inside our country after this KY episode. We need to keep an eye on this development. Secondly, they returned our favour of not involving in Yemen conflict by terrorizing Karachi and spying on Armed forces and their officials.

Brother thats past ... we had negative relationship with them but realizing the current situation with afghanistan and india we need freindly neighbourhood ... i am not saying that we allow them to terrorize our country but on principal we dont have conflicting interest with Iran and therefore its better to forget past and have a fresh start ... and in this start diplomacy is key ... like we did with russia ....
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