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Iran to build its first nuclear-powered submarine

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I got this photo in fb,iran millitary.someone said it was leaked. i don't know either the photo is posted or not.but the programme is very sophisticated.If the programme is real,then
i wanna say, "YES":chilli:

Son of bitch ... i trusted them !
Sorry to tell you that your post graduate degree in whatever is as false as the article you are mentioning and supporting, since all sources on the kilo class submarines mention that it is undetectable to sonar and NATO gave it the name of the black hole after many years of trying to detect it.
What do you expect a US admiral to say while he has a huge moral responsibility of his troops? if he has to lie he will, just to safeguard the American moral.
You seem also to be stuck in the 50's and 60's technologies and mentioning North Korea is very stupid on the part of the admiral or of you; Iran had access to German, French, English and American best technologies in all fields, including marine engineering up till the 80's, and they have made so many friends and contacts in the highest institutions of those countries that no one can find, so they still have access to the best western technologies through those institutions, and if the sanctions forbid the sale of the material, Iran can still get the technologies and works it out to materialize it, that is what you see happening almost every day in Iran's achievements announcements.
The Ghadir class midget submarines have been upgraded continuously, and if they have the appearance of the best North Korean midget submarines they are based on, they are totally different in design and electronic equipments, they can even fire missiles now and have sonar absorbing paint and other materials. To correct you about the sonar absorbing materials, those materials constitute the outer layer of the submarines, you cannot put them between the hulls. And two hulled submarines have their disadvantages too where one hulled ones have advantages.
If one believes those seemingly EXPERTS, everything Iran or even China an Russia has is obsolete and only the western technologies (and Indian ones) are the best, if anyone wants to fool himself if he is not already a fool, he can believe those claims. But reality speaks for itself; speaking only of Iran, it has today mastered the whole nuclear cycle and began building its own nuclear reactors and power-plants, let alone its military high tech achievements that are concrete, powerful and being tested and improved almost daily, it has already astonished the world with so many surprises...read the news!!!
To stay on topic, read about the Nautilus, the first and very successful American nuclear submarine, designed, tested and introduced in 5 years along with its nuclear reactor in the 50's, so no one should doubt that Iran with scientific knowledge, know how and with super computers can achieve something similar if it chooses to.
The Western powers were astonished when they found out the Iranian experts have designed a very advanced and working atomic warhead of the 5th generation - Just to tease the West, since Iran has no intention of producing nuclear weapons, but probably as a deterrent, that if it is hit one day with a nuclear device (What Israel -in the name of western democrazy threatened to do, and kill 30 million Iranians...), it can respond in kind -.
To go back to the submarines, Iran has won the respect of the most powerful nation on earth - at least in the Persian gulf because of those midget submarines - as those experts like to call the USA, and which today has lost this nickname to the very real EMP threat on US soil itself.
If the American flotilla can leave the Persian gulf alive and reassemble in another point, to start shooting, Iran can respond with medium range ballistic anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles of its own, in either way The US is aware that apart from endangering the whole world economy, it can not win a classical nor a nuclear war against Iran. The best advice for a way out for the US is to be friendly to Iran, or at least to stop its hostility towards Iran and concentrate more on finding the truth behind its real enemies the Zionists.
The US has been listening. A deal with Iran have been reached and the Zionists are in big trouble...
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