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Iran Threatens to Halt Crude Exports If Sanctions Intensify

As Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan use to say:

"If India builds the bomb, we will eat grass and leaves for a thousand years, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own. The Christians have the bomb, the Jews have the bomb and now the Hindus have the bomb. Why not the Muslims too have the bomb?"

I hope the Iranians get the bomb. It will protect them from the nazar of their enemies, for their oil.

Looking at Iran's track record they have not instigated war with anyone, and only want to protect their country.
I hope the Iranians get the bomb. It will protect them from the nazar of their enemies, for their oil.

Looking at Iran's track record they have not instigated war with anyone, and only want to protect their country.

I also respect them for standing up to support Palestine and Lebanon. That is something very brave of doing. These zionists have come all over from Europe and their job is to create trouble within the Islamic subcontinent. They will do exactly what their ancestors have been doing; 'divide and rule'.
I also respect them for standing up to support Palestine and Lebanon. That is something very brave of doing. These zionists have come all over from Europe and their job is to create trouble within the Islamic subcontinent. They will do exactly what their ancestors have been doing; 'divide and rule'.

Shay'd Irani apne hakoomat say khush ney, magar yeh inqilab Irani awam say ayga. Ghair mulk oh ka koi haq ney banta unke mulak main dakhal deyna ka.
I hope the Iranians get the bomb. It will protect them from the nazar of their enemies, for their oil.

Looking at Iran's track record they have not instigated war with anyone, and only want to protect their country.

I want Saudi Arabia to get the bomb too to balance Iran , pakistan should help the Saudis get a nuke , their oiI money and our technology can do wonders for both nations!
Shay'd Irani apne hakoomat say khush ney, magar yeh inqilab Irani awam say ayga. Ghair mulk oh ka koi haq ney banta unke mulak main dakhal deyna ka.

iswaqt thorasa kam pakhawahain, lakain agar yay yahudi jang charain, to poree irani kom katee ho jai gee.
I want Saudi Arabia to get the bomb too to balance Iran , pakistan should help the Saudis get a nuke , their oiI money and our technology can do wonders for both nations!

I do not like the present day monarchs of KSA, even though they have had some very good rulers.

My experience with the people have led me to believe that they have a holier than thou complex.

They are now involved with the Indians to keep our nation in "check".

Their leaders are corrupt.
I do not like the present day monarchs of KSA, even though they have had some very good rulers.

My experience with the people have led me to believe that they have a holier than thou complex.

They are now involved with the Indians to keep our nation in "check".

Their leaders are corrupt.

Personally, I only liked King Faisal. Years after, or the present which you may call, are not worth mentioning as a nation.
Personally, I only liked King Faisal. After that, you are absolutely right, they are not worth mentioning as a nation.

King Faisal was a very good man. May Allah swt give him jannat.

He is the reason KSA is where it is today, otherwise these shiekhs would have wasted their money on European cars and European prostitutes.
I hope the Iranians get the bomb. It will protect them from the nazar of their enemies, for their oil.

Looking at Iran's track record they have not instigated war with anyone, and only want to protect their country.

The Western world has 4 nations with nuclear weapons. America, Britain, France and Israel.

East Asia has 2 nations with nuclear weapons. China and NK.

The Muslim world has 1 nation with nuclear weapons. Pakistan.

If Iran acquired nuclear weapons as well, then Asia could balance out the Western world in terms of nuclear weapons states.
The Western world has 4 nations with nuclear weapons. America, Britain, France and Israel.

East Asia has 2 nations with nuclear weapons. China and NK.

The Muslim world has 1 nation with nuclear weapons. Pakistan.

If Iran acquired nuclear weapons as well, then Asia could balance out the Western world in terms of nuclear weapons states.

Although we Asians are divided, we share the common interest of protecting our resources and strategic gains from western monopoly and imperialism.

It's a shame we have a neighbor such as India that has in metaphor, slept with the invaders for it's claim to fame.
Although we Asians are divided, we share the common interest of protecting our resources and strategic gains from western monopoly and imperialism.

It's a shame we have a neighbor such as India that has in metaphor, slept with the invaders for it's claim to fame.

The West would really think twice about all these invasions across the world if more Asian countries had nukes. If Iran acquired nukes that would be almost perfectly balanced, since we can say that China+Russia+Pakistan+Iran are on the same side.
Saudi Arabia does not need to get a bomb, since Iran and Pakistan will balance out the regional power. It would absolutly balance out Israel and western power. If Saudi Arabia is worried about iran's power. It's really a fear that has been installed into Saudi Arabia by Israel and it's western power. Iran poses no THREAT to Saudi Arabia, if anything this will make Saudi Arabia become more independant from Israel and Western powers like the USA. Iran with a nuclear bomb will NOT pose a threat to any surrouding country, specially the muslim country, The only threat it will pose is to ISRAEL and that's only politically rather than an actual war. don't be fooled Israeli propaganda.
Although we Asians are divided, we share the common interest of protecting our resources and strategic gains from western monopoly and imperialism.

It's a shame we have a neighbor such as India that has in metaphor, slept with the invaders for it's claim to fame.

And the Mods get angry when we post examples of Pakistan helping US. It was you guys helping US till now by allowing them to operate bases in your country. It was Pakistan that helped US in invading Afghanistan. It was Pakistan that was getting US government Aid every year. You slept with them till now and after they started attacking you you switch beds and blame India brought them in.
The West would really think twice about all these invasions across the world if more Asian countries had nukes. If Iran acquired nukes that would be almost perfectly balanced, since we can say that China+Russia+Pakistan+Iran are on the same side.

The Iranian Ayotollahs have said they are not interested in nuclear weapons, but I think they are being fools.

Iran must have nuclear weapons to ensure their safety.

It is now or never.

If it were not for the sanctions, the Iranians would have a world class economy. Better than most

They are a focused and talented people. Also Iranian people are very pragmatic.

The west hates Iran for having talent and being independent, so they want to utilize their talents.

The Israelis are **** scared because they know the Iranians have the potential of crushing them.
The West would really think twice about all these invasions across the world if more Asian countries had nukes. If Iran acquired nukes that would be almost perfectly balanced, since we can say that China+Russia+Pakistan+Iran are on the same side.

If Iran gets nukes, it can help Pakistan surround NATO and Indians in Afghanistan, and teach them to never ever come to destabilize the region.
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