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Iran tests Raafe space engine

And establishment isn't infected with spies?

Security access to high tech military projects is compartmentalized and travels of such individuals heavily monitored in the IRGC realm. Usually these are very small specialized teams and people know each spanning decades.

Wouldn’t be suprised if many of the “scientists” in space agency studied in Europe and US. Meaning many of them get pressured to cooperate with foreign intelligence authorities.

IRGC has spies like any organization, it is not hard to get into IRGC. But getting into to Shahrud which is the top military installation that specializes in leading Iranian missile tech is like getting into Area 51 in the US.

BTW even the US military has been infiltrated as well, just check you can see Iranian engineer that worked on F-35 trying to smuggle blueprints out of the country. He was captured. But still. How many go undetected or not detected till much later and never revealed to protect national security? You think China only hacked its way to copying the F-35?

Anyway IRGC black projects is a lot harder to infiltrate than Iranian civilian space program. Would be like Iran trying to infiltrate NASA vs DARPA. Former is a lot easier than the latter.
still , why they need trust vectoring for the first stage ?

It’s for missiles. You think IRGC really invests all that time in engine just for SLV to launch small sats?

This at the minimum is a 6000KM missile possibly up to 10,000KM if you reduce the warhead to 500kg
and add to that the fact that IRGC is allowed to make money and army and space agency are not
I have been in the army. Most of our commanders told us we don't want to be engaged in economic activities when we asked them why don't you make money like the IRGC does?

Artesh and its bases are located in the best places. I make Ajab Shir an example for you, it independenly possesses water resources, it has vast lands for agriculture and surrounded by hills around it. The least they could do was farming those lands and guess what, they don't want to do it.

Opposite to that IRGC is active in all areas and they don't need the government to spoon feed them. On the contrary they help the government to end civil projects.

Judging by this missile IRGC is the true meaning of cost-effective-ness plus independence.
still , why they need trust vectoring for the first stage ?
For the same reason that European's first stage solid-fuel engine P80 has thrust vectoring nozzle.

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I have been in the army. Most of our commanders told us we don't want to be engaged in economic activities when we asked them why don't you make money like the IRGC does?

Artesh and its bases are located in the best places. I make Ajab Shir an example for you, it independenly possesses water resources, it has vast lands for agriculture and surrounded by hills around it. The least they could do was farming those lands and guess what, they don't want to do it.

Opposite to that IRGC is active in all areas and they don't need the government to spoon feed them. On the contrary they help the government to end civil projects.

Judging by this missile IRGC is the true meaning of cost-effective-ness plus independence.
The question is army lawfully allowed to participate in the economic activity

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