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Iran: Syrian intervention 'will be defeated'

I am really not able to understand the stand the delicacy of Iranian regime on the two fronts of Egypt and Syria. Mr. Kahmenei and his regime whole heartily supported the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and the same Muslim brotherhood is being termed as terrorist in Syria.
Well my opinion is derived from reading your many posts & I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general. Yes I am not the official spokes person of any of the government you mentioned.

Let me tell you about a recent conversation I had with an Australian of Lebanese Arab origin journalist. We were speaking of the atrocities and he was very supportive of west's role. He said to me his people (all arabs) would never really have democracy and the situation must be managed. He supported Libyan intervention.

He went very quite when I said to him would it not have been better to leave that Gadaffi and his family in power not encouraged protesters because the net result would be less deaths. Yes Gadaffi and his familly would still be in power but is it not better to wait until there is an overwhelming movement within the country to remove the regimes of dictators?

Most of these dictator types do kill and are inhumane but if you mind your own business, keep your head down do not get involved in protests will let you be.

Net result of intervention in Libya more killings to get rid of one dictator and now we have lots of factions/tribes and killings going on an ongoing basis.
Forget Syria for one moment. In my opinion we must unite around the flag of being anti sectarian and anyone whether it is Sauds Iran or Pakistani must be condemned and rooted out with no excuses.

It makes me so upset to see Israelis and Americans winding up all sides to cause Muslim deaths. We are the fools to allow them this opening
It makes us stronger If we have similarities. Only in Pakistan ethinic, secterian and ideological differences created lot of troubles here, Instead of removing Bordar We need a strong Platform to maintain our stability and raise our voice, But its already too late, too much blood have been lost, and too much haterd have been fed in us. Its totally changed into revenge game.
Where was the outcry from Arab states against the 'Arab lion' (Saddam) who did this at the time?

Al-Anfal Campaign
The al-Anfal Campaign (Arabic: حملة الأنفال‎), also known as the Kurdish Genocide,[2] Operation Anfal or simply Anfal, was a genocidal[3] campaign against the Kurdish people (and other non-Arab populations) in Northern Iraq, led by the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein and headed by Ali Hassan al-Majid in the final stages of Iran-Iraq War. The campaign takes its name from Surat al-Anfal in the Qur'an, which was used as a code name by the former Iraqi Baathist regime for a series of systematic attacks against the Kurdish population of northern Iraq, conducted between 1986 and 1989 and culminating in 1988. The campaign also targeted other minority communities in Iraq including Assyrians, Shabaks, Yazidis, Jews, Mandeans, and many villages belonging to these ethnic groups were also destroyed.[4] Writer Joost R. Hiltermann has said the United States government and US State Department was particularly important in helping their then ally the Saddam Hussein government in avoiding any serious censure for the campaign and in particular the attack on rebels and civilians in the city of Halabja. Hiltermann writes; "The deliberate American prevarication on Halabja was the logical, although probably undesired, outcome of a pronounced six-year tilt toward Iraq, seen as a bulwark against the perceived threat posed by Iran's zealous brand of politicized Islam."[5]

According to the HRW during the Anfal campaign, the Iraqi government:

Massacred 50,000 to 100,000 non-combatant civilians including women and children;[12]
Destroyed about 4,000 villages (out of 4,655) in Iraqi Kurdistan. Between April 1987 and August 1988, 250 towns and villages were exposed to chemical weapons;[13]
Destroyed 1,754 schools, 270 hospitals, 2,450 mosques, 27 churches;[14]
Wiped out around 90% of Kurdish villages in targeted areas.[15]

P.S: Kurds are Muslim and are Sunni.

I dont understand how sauds were involved in this????

Sauds in the past have offered to fund insurgencies in Lebanon for example. They are worried about people overthrowing dictatorial regimes by force. They are scared of Iranian type of revolution being repeated in Saudi. ie their own people overthrowing them. They see Assad as a supporter of Iranian govt. To this end they side even with Israel against freedom movements.

Simply all outsiders in Syria have ulterior motives. We should support truce and a timetable for elections supervised by UN. Then whoever wins that election must be supported by all of us imo

It makes us stronger If we have similarities. Only in Pakistan ethinic, secterian and ideological differences created lot of troubles here, Instead of removing Bordar We need a strong Platform to maintain our stability and raise our voice, But its already too late, too much blood have been lost, and too much haterd have been fed in us. Its totally changed into revenge game.

We have no choice but to do our very best to stop this sectarianism
Syria will soon become the most militarized country of the World.

At this rate, the civilians are becoming an endangered species and it will be all military.
What I'm saying is completely on topic, the topic you brought up was how Iran is creating sectarian war, I replied back Saudi Arabia is the only guys that think based on people's sect in this region. We have supported many Sunni groups in Palestine, including Yaser Arafat, and other Palestinian movements like Hamas that are completely Sunni, but there's not even a single time that Saudi Arabia has supported Shia movements in the region even if they were helping Arab cause against Israel. Like Hizbullah's resistance against Israel that Saudi Arabia condemned it instead of supporting it.

You repeat what you said again, I'll repeat what I said again:

You have the blood of innocent Bahrainis on your hands, we don't have the blood of any people on our hands, we didn't send Iranian troops to Syria to kill the people, neither did we send mercenaries to there. Also, Saudi Arabia and the US/NATO not only are walking with innocents blood on their hands, they are living by innocent people's blood price, your country has tried to benefit the most from the crisis in Iraq like an opportunist.

The only sectarian people out there are Wahhabists. We don't denounce Sunnis as Kuffars, Wahhabists denounce Shia people as Kuffars. We haven't killed more than 10,000 Hazaras in Afghanistan in a matter of days just for being Shia, Saudi backed Taliban did. We haven't cut women's breasts in Afghanistan for not wearing burqa, Saudi backed Taliban did. We aren't sending terrorists to kill people in Iraq, terrorist supporting Saudi Arabia is doing that.
You're the source of terror around the world, you've given a bad reputation to Muslims around the world, you're famous for exporting of extremist ideas, the depth of bad reputation is so much that even an Arab name could get you deplaned these days. Our reputation around the world, and in the region, is much better than Saudi Arabia in all fields. So please don't accuse us of things that your country is famous for.

you are not talking on topic you are making fouls comparison based on no proofs and has nothing to do with situation in syria. Saudi arabia along with the other gcc forces didn't engage or cracked down the uprising in Bahrain. GCC forces objective in bahrain is to help protect government facilities. they have no presence in where demonstrations are taking place.

Iran needs to stay neutral and not intervene in the arab spring. their intervention in Bahrain, syria and supporting Assad against his people is totally unjustified and need to be hardly punished. its too late for both regimes to go along with it. they will pay the price today or tomorrow.
Let me tell you about a recent conversation I had with an Australian of Lebanese Arab origin journalist. We were speaking of the atrocities and he was very supportive of west's role. He said to me his people (all arabs) would never really have democracy and the situation must be managed. He supported Libyan intervention.

He went very quite when I said to him would it not have been better to leave that Gadaffi and his family in power not encouraged protesters because the net result would be less deaths. Yes Gadaffi and his familly would still be in power but is it not better to wait until there is an overwhelming movement within the country to remove the regimes of dictators?

Most of these dictator types do kill and are inhumane but if you mind your own business, keep your head down do not get involved in protests will let you be.

Net result of intervention in Libya more killings to get rid of one dictator and now we have lots of factions/tribes and killings going on an ongoing basis.

Your assessment is amply correct on the intervention issue on Libya that’s why I suggested you to get a SWOT analysis of so called Islamic countries then you will be able to understand the reasons these stands are being taken, now come to the Syrian issue (please address:I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general.)
you are not talking on topic you are making fouls comparison based on no proofs and has nothing to do with situation in syria. Saudi arabia along with the other gcc forces didn't engage or cracked down the uprising in Bahrain. GCC forces objective in bahrain is to help protect government facilities. they have no presence in where demonstrations are taking place.

Iran needs to stay neutral and not intervene in the arab spring. their intervention in Bahrain, syria and supporting Assad against his people is totally unjustified and need to be hardly punished. its too late for both regimes to go along with it. they will pay the price today or tomorrow.

Really? the GCC didn't help the Bahraini government in the crackdown? How shamelessly you lie!

We'll play any role we want in the Arab spring. We're an influential country in the region and we reserve this right for ourselves to be after our interests, like any other country in the region. If you don't like that, that's your problem. All events taking place in the region are related to each other and that justifies Iran's concerns, like other countries of the region, about the consequences of the uprisings.
Considering Pakistani mercenaries have been killing, murdering and torturing Bahrainis for the last few years I’m not surprised..

Are you freaking nuts? No one is killing any one in Bahrain and stay on topic.

I want to hear more about your proposal of Iran Israel commonly starting a war against arabs!

Actually what you proposed is an Islamic prediction.

'a state from east will join Dajjal's army'
Really? the GCC didn't help the Bahraini government in the crackdown? How shamelessly you lie!

We'll play any role we want in the Arab spring. We're an influential country in the region and we reserve this right for ourselves to be after our interests, like any other country in the region. If you don't like that, that's your problem. All events taking place in the region are related to each other and that justifies Iran's concerns, like other countries of the region, about the consequences of the uprisings.

exactly and thats what I'm saying and exactly what your doing! using sectarianism as a tool to fulfill your interest.
We have no choice but to do our very best to stop this sectarianism
Damn! History is our real enemy, But if that is in my hands , I would do it, But currently we can't. half of muslim countries are in western block and many of them with Asian Block. and few still can't decide that wat they have to do. B\w instead of being stronger , we might get instable. as i said Even our leaders can't do it.
I am really not able to understand the stand the delicacy of Iranian regime on the two fronts of Egypt and Syria. Mr. Kahmenei and his regime whole heartily supported the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and the same Muslim brotherhood is being termed as terrorist in Syria.

he simply said : We will support any movement that is against USA and Israel and we won't support any group that USA and Isreal supporting them ....

( USA and Israel are against Egyptian Muslims brotherhood and they are supporting Syrian Muslim brotherhood !!! so why you didn't ask it from Saudis and their Zionist masters !? )

at least we knew what our foreign policy is .
exactly and thats what I'm saying and exactly what your doing! using sectarianism as a tool to fulfill your interest.

We're not using sectarianism as a tool. Sectarianism is your tool. Even if we do, we are still faaaar behind Saudi Arabia in using sectarianism as a tool in the region.
We just influence other countries in the region, just like Saudi Arabia does, Turkey does, Pakistan does.
We're not using sectarianism as a tool. Sectarianism is your tool. Even if we do, we are still faaaar behind Saudi Arabia in using sectarianism as a tool in the region.
We just influence other countries in the region, just like Saudi Arabia does, Turkey does, Pakistan does.

why are u so obsess with saudi arabia.

we are talking about iran and its intervention in syria on sectarians basis can you cope up with the discussion.
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