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Iran: Syrian intervention 'will be defeated'

you are still talking off topic. non of what you have said is relevant to what we are discussing.

@topic> Assad regime has no more legitimacy over Syria and Iran is contributing in the mass killing of the innocent people. Iran has along history with using sectarianism as a tool in the region, we have seen in it in bahrain and now in syria. Now the time has come for the Syrian people to defend themselves after Assad and his thugs have killed around twenty thousands Syrian. Assad now has two options. bring him to justice which I doubt or hang him in the center of Damascus which I'm sure of. the blood of the syrian people should be paid back by both iranian regime and Assad regime.
What I'm saying is completely on topic, the topic you brought up was how Iran is creating sectarian war, I replied back Saudi Arabia is the only guys that think based on people's sect in this region. We have supported many Sunni groups in Palestine, including Yaser Arafat, and other Palestinian movements like Hamas that are completely Sunni, but there's not even a single time that Saudi Arabia has supported Shia movements in the region even if they were helping Arab cause against Israel. Like Hizbullah's resistance against Israel that Saudi Arabia condemned it instead of supporting it.

You repeat what you said again, I'll repeat what I said again:

You have the blood of innocent Bahrainis on your hands, we don't have the blood of any people on our hands, we didn't send Iranian troops to Syria to kill the people, neither did we send mercenaries to there. Also, Saudi Arabia and the US/NATO not only are walking with innocents blood on their hands, they are living by innocent people's blood price, your country has tried to benefit the most from the crisis in Iraq like an opportunist.

The only sectarian people out there are Wahhabists. We don't denounce Sunnis as Kuffars, Wahhabists denounce Shia people as Kuffars. We haven't killed more than 10,000 Hazaras in Afghanistan in a matter of days just for being Shia, Saudi backed Taliban did. We haven't cut women's breasts in Afghanistan for not wearing burqa, Saudi backed Taliban did. We aren't sending terrorists to kill people in Iraq, terrorist supporting Saudi Arabia is doing that.
You're the source of terror around the world, you've given a bad reputation to Muslims around the world, you're famous for exporting of extremist ideas, the depth of bad reputation is so much that even an Arab name could get you deplaned these days. Our reputation around the world, and in the region, is much better than Saudi Arabia in all fields. So please don't accuse us of things that your country is famous for.

They were local labours, not trained militia mate, They were just doing their job thats wat a security force of any nation do. they weren't specially called from Pakistan to Kill bahrainis, it were local administrators who had hired them. Aiming and stabing Security officers, if those security personnals were armed then why hadn't they protected theirselves? They were not there with Tanks and Heavy metallic military machinary, their ambition wasn't to raid locals like wat Al-assad has done. You are comparing them with brutual al-assad which i don't think as a sane comparision.
Now it's you who doesn't want to accept the reality.
@ Aryan_B It is not as black and white as you described. It is not Iran who have isolated itself it is the USA & its allies who have isolated the regime of Iran. You need to do SWOT analysis of so called Islamic countries and then you will find that it is not easy some game to be ally with US or to be with other block. I do not think that the crime of Al-Assad or any one else can be justified on the name of anti Americanism or anti Israelism.
@ Aryan_B It is not as black and white as you described. It is not Iran who have isolated itself it is the USA & its allies who have isolated the regime of Iran. You need to do SWOT analysis of so called Islamic countries and then you will find that it is not easy some game to be ally with US or to be with other block. I do not think that the crime of Al-Assad or any one else can be justified on the name of anti Americanism or anti Israelism.

But I am not on the side of Assad. I believe both sides are being encouraged externally to the detriment of Syria and its people. It only appears that I am pro Assad because some on here blame him
They were private mercenaries that must have known what they were doing and the risks they were taking. You have to differentiate the acts of private individuals from the state.
But Arian don't think, only 3 security personnals were killed ,and all were Pakistanis .. They were there to perform there job.. Being part of security gaurds , Is it wrong?

Go read the many Syrian threads I have responded. There is no evidence to support one view or the other other than propaganda from all sides
Thousands of unarmed civilians are also killed in Syria, Still you call it Propaganda?
Its a bit strange seeing a pakistani member like chauvunist falling for the GCC-NATO line that the war on syria is some sort of freedom movement.Even a person with a basic understanding of recent history can see straight through what is taking place in syria.Hezbollah has to have its supply line from iran through syria cut off by isreal before it can attack Hezbollah again,otherwise it will defeated as it was in 2010.This weakening or total defeat of Hezbollah will make make certain that iran can not use Hezbollah as threat against any attack on its nuclear programme.
Why don't you get it, just to arm Hezbollah? They are sacrificing thousands of Syrians lives, Discrminating their Bodies. Let put Pakistan on the place of Syrians, Will you think same?
But I am not on the side of Assad. I believe both sides are being encouraged externally to the detriment of Syria and its people. It only appears that I am pro Assad because some on here blame him

No mate, you have always been selective under the disguise of neutrality & I really do not believe the theory of neutrality when the things are transparent.
No mate, you have always been selective under the disguise of neutrality & I really do not believe the theory of neutrality when the things are transparent.

In your opinion which you are entitled to. In my opinion outside intervention from any source only leads to more people being killed.

But Arian don't think, only 3 security personnals were killed ,and all were Pakistanis .. They were there to perform there job.. Being part of security gaurds , Is it wrong?

We Pakistanis in my opinion should stay well clear of supporting any sectarian conflict. Lets not forget we are the sons of Pakistanis who saw trains turn up at Lahore with slit throats and those that were slitting throats did not distinguish betwen Shia or sunni

Thousands of unarmed civilians are also killed in Syria, Still you call it Propaganda?


Being killed by all sides
In your opinion which you are entitled to. In my opinion outside intervention from any source only leads to more people being killed.

with due respect, you are equally entitled to your opinion too but there should not be the camouflage of neutrality.
No mate, you have always been selective under the disguise of neutrality & I really do not believe the theory of neutrality when the things are transparent.

Exactly. The things are transparent. Were were these freedom cheerers (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc...) when Saddam gassed his own people? Were were these freedom cheerers when the Taliban massacred Hazaras in Afghanistan?

Why no one condemned Saddam for suppressing his own people? Instead of condemning him, he was called an Arab lion before the Americans took him out of the rat hole. Even Pakistanis supported Saddam when he used chemical gases against his own people. People have short memories I think. It's all because Syria is Iran's ally that we see all this mess regarding Assad's 'legitimate right' to suppress 'ARMED' protests, nothing else. Anyone who thinks protests in Syria is the first time that we're witnessing armed clashes between the leaders and the people is making a fool out of his/her self. What Saddam, Taliban and Ghadhafi did to their peoples is way worse than what Assad could possibly do even if these clashes continue for another year.
Do you remember how some people on this form were saluting Ghadhafi after his death? It's not several years ago that you want to forget it, just several months ago. LOL

Viva Syria, Viva Assad. End of the story.
Why don't you get it, just to arm Hezbollah? They are sacrificing thousands of Syrians lives, Discrminating their Bodies. Let put Pakistan on the place of Syrians, Will you think same?

Yaar please stop trying to make it look like I support any side in this mess. I really am as upset about these people being killed as anyone

with due respect, you are equally entitled to your opinion too but there should not be the camouflage of neutrality.

But that is only according to you and your opinion. Not according to Russian Chinese Pakistani or Indian govts official position

with due respect, you are equally entitled to your opinion too but there should not be the camouflage of neutrality.

Have you forgotten the Marsh Arabs that were encouraged by west and America after the first Gulf war. Innocents are encouraged to confront armed security services and inevitably will face lethal force. It is better people are not encouraged at all until there is such a groundswell of support of opposition that removal of a regime happens as it has in for example Romania
We Pakistanis in my opinion should stay well clear of supporting any sectarian conflict. Lets not forget we are the sons of Pakistanis who saw trains turn up at Lahore with slit throats and those that were slitting throats did not distinguish betwen Shia or sunni
Thats why I can understand the pain of Syrians.

Being killed by all sides
By the way Iraq was under American control, how Iran managed to continue supply to Hezbollah? Without passing Iraq ,Iran couldn't reach in Syria.
Yaar please stop trying to make it look like I support any side in this mess. I really am as upset about these people being killed as anyone

But that is only according to you and your opinion. Not according to Russian Chinese Pakistani or Indian govts official position

Well my opinion is derived from reading your many posts & I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general. Yes I am not the official spokes person of any of the government you mentioned.
Forget Iran and Arabs. One thing you and I can and will agree is that Israel and AIPAC infected regime of America is killing Muslims from Libya to Pakistan. They do not check which sect Muslim is when they kill them, their soldiers pi$$ on the dead, their people burn our Koran etc

Please explain why Pakistani leaders or Arab leaders or an Muslim leader should then ally with them??

yes bro i do agree with you that Americans are responsible for most of the instability and terrorism in the muslim world but we should also be able to condemn the killing of muslims by their cruel and tyrant leadrshp like B'assad,especially whn killing is supportd by other muslim country..
Forget Syria for one moment. In my opinion we must unite around the flag of being anti sectarian and anyone whether it is Sauds Iran or Pakistani must be condemned and rooted out with no excuses.

It makes me so upset to see Israelis and Americans winding up all sides to cause Muslim deaths. We are the fools to allow them this opening

yes bro i do agree with you that Americans are responsible for most of the instability and terrorism in the muslim world but we should also be able to condemn the killing of muslims by their cruel and tyrant leadrshp like B'assad,especially whn killing is supportd by other muslim country..

Man I am the first one to condemn Zardari and our own govt for helping or offering any assistance to Americans.

Well my opinion is derived from reading your many posts & I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general. Yes I am not the official spokes person of any of the government you mentioned.

Ok I have said it on many occasion but for the avoidance of doubt I unequivocally condemn any sectarianism wherever it comes from
Is that a message to Sauds? Granted the atrocities must be condemned. How do you guys buy the American propaganda I do not know

no thats message to the iranian backed B'assad govt....

When syrian uprising started there was no such thing as militia or anything else like that but military still carried on killing innocent protestors and shelling their homes....when thousands were killed people's anger and response was natural....
I dont understand how sauds were involved in this????

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