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Iran should use Persian Jews in Israel to retaliate for MEK operatives in Iran

Clearly, Iran can't do anything. This is the reason for assassination and previous assassination.
this was no doubt ordered by Trump himself , to make it harder for Biden to get back to the nuclear deal. not that Biden likes assassinations but iranians will feel vengeful instead of co-operative.
Iran’s not going to do anything. Maybe attack a poor soldier while he is taking a piss on patrol then claim they have deterred the entire Israeli army.

Don’t worry the clown show of Hajizadeh and Salami Sandwich will be sure to issue the worst of the threats for the village idiots in Iran to believe. Even the village idiots know these guys are clowns.
Iran needed to give more than a slap in response to Martyr Soleimanis murder. They felt they got away with it and now are doing watever they want without fear. A deterrent must be established. Iran has to escalate, but shud do so right after trump gets outta office.

First, we were anticipating the revenge for the death of Haj Soleimani. Now there are two retaliations pending...
If Iranian Jews are not loyal to Iran, why do Pakistanis be bothered?

A true Pakistani should be bothered with likes of Kulbhoshan Yadeves operating out of Iran!!!!!!!
On the contrary Arif Alvi who is one of Iranian slave has issued ordinance, where in he orders IHC to review case of KulbhoshanYadeve!
That's like serving RAW through Iran.
I think Iran will retaliate big time on Israel this round ...why:

Iranians were ready for the "BIG war" with the US when they lobbed those missiles on US base in Iraq( they could not predict Trump's reaction but went ahead with bombardment anyway)
...so Israel for them is much lighter weight to contend with.
Their tit for tat account with the jews is now very much one sided..they must avenge for the hits in Syria and for sabotage in Natanze and the previous 6 nuclear scientists and now for this latest assassination.
I assume the hit will be big and visible to all to ensure the tit for tat account is balanced again and the national pride is restored.
If Mossad is using MEK operatives in Iran to carry out assassinations for Israel, then Iran should use Persian Jews in Israel to carry out retaliation for Iran.
That's dumb because those Jews r. Loyal To Israel

But Iran can use Palestinian groups and even Arabs national inside Israel to carry out such attacks
If Mossad is using MEK operatives in Iran to carry out assassinations for Israel, then Iran should use Persian Jews in Israel to carry out retaliation for Iran.
That's dumb because those Jews r. Loyal To Israel

But Iran can use Palestinian groups and even Arabs national inside Israel to carry out such attacks
Or similarly to rataliating of the General's assassination, Iran can first inform Israel about sending missile and after Israel takes precautions, Iran can through a couple of missiles.
This way, Iranian people can be happy that we sent message and this that, while Israel will have no loss of life etc and can milk US for more protection and money etc. Win-Win for both.

I am astonished that Iran is satisfied by the missile attacks in Iraq. Practically, it was only symbolic. Deep down, we all know U.S is not a power to be messed with. Even if they take out one of the most important military general, we just have to accept reality and can't really take revenge appropriately by taking one of their general down. Heck, I doubt we can even target their one star-general similarly with overtness, and owning it in public.
If Mossad is using MEK operatives in Iran to carry out assassinations for Israel, then Iran should use Persian Jews in Israel to carry out retaliation for Iran.
Persian Jews have their allegiance to Israel.
If anything, they would have been pro pre-Islamic revolution Iran, they will never help the Ayatollahs
Iran needed to give more than a slap in response to Martyr Soleimanis murder. They felt they got away with it and now are doing watever they want without fear. A deterrent must be established. Iran has to escalate, but shud do so right after trump gets outta office.
Do you think Biden won't retaliate?
Biden has more history bombing other nations than George W. Bush, let alone Trump, he will attack Iran in a split second.
In iran there are more Jews than Christians or Zoroastrians . that's what they're for

That's utterly wrong. There are slightly above 7000 Jewish Iranians living in Iran according to the last population census. Crypto-Jews should not surpass another couple of thousand. For a total of say 8000 to 10.000, maybe 12.000 max.

Whereas Christian Iranians (Armenians, Assyrians, etc) number between 150.000 and 300.000. And that's the traditional, recognized communities, excluding more recent converts to US-based Evangelical strains of Christianity, who may add another few tens of thousands, perhaps as many as 100.000 to this number.


If Mossad is using MEK operatives in Iran to carry out assassinations for Israel, then Iran should use Persian Jews in Israel to carry out retaliation for Iran.

Well, this is actually an excellent suggestion in my opinion, and it has certainly been considered and put into practice already by Iran.

In that sense I would differ from many of the follow on comments.

To begin, what's with the generalizations some users resorted to? Yes, the immense majority of those Jewish Iranians who left Iran for Occupied Palestine are probably loyal to the zionist regime over Iran.

However, it's spy recruitment we're talking about here, not the instigation of a mass movement against zionism. To recruit agents, you only need a few candidates. Not hundreds, not thousands.

And apart from the financial incentive, which may well convince some of them to accept Iranian offers, do not forget a recurrent feature within Jewish communities through all times, and that is the odd recalcitrant, rebel, contrarian type, which actually represents a typical figure in Jewish history.

Take courageous individuals such as chess genious Bobby Fischer with his extremely marked, even violently anti-zionist positions as an example. Take a commentator such as UK-based Gilad Atzmon as another contemporary example. Farther back in history, take Otto Weininger, take Karl Marx, take Spinoza, take Issa Masih / Jesus Christ (a.s.) even.

Zionists usually refer to this category of people as "self-hating Jews". Some may be, most however are simply anti-zionists or in certain cases judeo-critical thinkers.

As for the pro-zionist user who attempted to contrast life in Occupied Palestine with Iran, this is rather funny since the US-regime's own Persian language broadcaster "Radio Farda" had a report not long ago about Jewish Iranians openly regretting their so-called "aliyah" (i. e. their emigration to Isra"el") and expressing the sincere wish to return to Iran.

One of them, a shopkeeper, exposed the discrimination and ostracization Jewish Iranians are subjected to by zionists in Occupied Palestine. On top of this, he was hit hard by economic crisis. Thus he attempted suicide but was saved. Now his dearest wish is to be able to return to Iran, and he expressed regrets about his decision to settle in Isra"el".

Another one declared that he does not consider Isra"el" his motherland. And that he would resettle in Iran if he was allowed to.

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