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Iran should use Persian Jews in Israel to retaliate for MEK operatives in Iran

Iran said it will respond in a "calculated" manner.

you people are way too emotional. i doubt many of you even knew this dudes name before he was killed. This whole "nuclear mastermind" is propaganda BS. no program in Iran, especially one as large as the nuclear program is dependent on 1 person. especially one with advanced age/overweight who could die tommorow of a heart attack.

This was though a very big propganda victory for the zionists. They showed that they could kill a big name figure in Iran. with an operation they have probably been planning for months/years.

Iran in return is surrounding their tiny shitstain abomination of a so called "state" with more and more precision weaponry. these zionists are basically trapped in a tiny barrel, with nowhere to go but the sea, and being surrounded daily with more weapons.

the only thing they can do is terrorism. Literally thats all they can resort to. they are getting desperate.
Iran said it will respond in a "calculated" manner.

you people are way too emotional. i doubt many of you even knew this dudes name before he was killed. This whole "nuclear mastermind" is propaganda BS. no program in Iran, especially one as large as the nuclear program is dependent on 1 person. especially one with advanced age/overweight who could die tommorow of a heart attack.

This was though a very big propganda victory for the zionists. They showed that they could kill a big name figure in Iran. with an operation they have probably been planning for months/years.

Iran in return is surrounding their tiny shitstain abomination of a so called "state" with more and more precision weaponry. these zionists are basically trapped in a tiny barrel, with nowhere to go but the sea, and being surrounded daily with more weapons.

the only thing they can do is terrorism. Literally thats all they can resort to. they are getting desperate.

Damet garm, dadash. Nice to see yet another Iranian user endowed with a clear sight and a sound understanding of the various parameters at stake.

you people are way too emotional.

I think it's for the most part a sudden expression of previously pent up resentment against the Islamic Republic by those with slight "regime change" sympathies. As if they felt vindicated in their convictions by this act of terror, motivating them to spend their entire energy on condemning khodis instead of the actually responsible party i. e. the zionist regime.

Not realizing how this directly plays into the hands of Iran's existential enemies, by allowing them to achieve a psy-ops and propagandistic victory all the while of failing to score real gains on the actual and concrete geostrategic level.

Thus some users join a zionist-led IR-bashing chorus (whatever their individual motivations and thoughts, a chorus will still be generated even if it sounds dissonant).

They may be too quick to forget the simple fact that a downfall of the Islamic Republic and of its Leadership will necessarily and inevitably lead to the destruction of Iran as a unified nation and as a functioning state (as Iran's enemies have amply demonstrated with their treatment of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia etc).

But patriots, revolutionaries and friends of Iran with cooler heads and less clouded views remain unphased by all the hubbub. They are well aware that terror attacks like these are in fact acts of desperation more than signs of strength, and that Iran is and will remain as resilient as ever against her enemies' nefarious designs.
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