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Iran Send 5 Planes of Food, Qatar Sheikh Seeks Good Relations [PIC]

Iran should utilise this opportunity to make new allies. It will help in Syria significantly. Through Qatar, they could potentially improve relationship with Turkey and start working on Kurdish state plan through direct conversation so they can cut off Saudi-US influence completely. Its better to have a cohesive and stable neighbours all the way to Israeli border than having hostile states. At the end of the day, there is too much momentum for Kurdish statehood and US and Saudis are supporting it. Wouldn't it be better to diplomatically reach a territorial agreement and have a future friendly allied state in comparison to a state that would host US-Israeli base all the way toward Iranian border?
If Pakistan would not show seriousness to hunt those channels, which Iran is using to exploit Pakistani citizens, weather those are social media, places of worship, or foreign agents in our parliament and bureaucracy, then I surely expect consequences on state level.

Since the snub for participation in Yemen, I was surprised by NS's priorities.

Then with constant firefights along the Durand Line and the turning to Google Maps to mark borders. I'm not so sure NS has a way to wiggle out of needing Qatar's letters and Al-Saud's exile option.

Pakistan needs a quiet border with Iran. It can neither afford to end it's Northwestern/ Karachi/ (low intensity) Punjab Ops to place more soldiers on another border. The Saudis have the clout to resist western pressure for it's role(s) in terrorism. Pakistan doesn't and already faces the consequences from an emboldened and diplomatically active India.

Pakistan shares more cultural and demographic ties with Iran than any Gulf State bar Oman. The Saudis may have bank rolled a few projects but they neither share a border with Pakistan nor productive ethics. The Saudis may have an "Islamic Military Alliance" it's still ineffective without a leadership few nations have generals that can provide.
Those saggy Maggies ran out of food that quick? I thought they would be fasting.

Cheeky business Iranians. Sly foxes
I may be wrong on this but I don't think Iran is charging for the food. The price of the vegetable shipments is pocket change to Iran. The Iranian government has spent several Billion in Gaza and Westbank. I think they spent many times that in protecting Assad from the Zionists and Wahabbis terrorists. Look around you, these GCC states have sold out their Arab brothers, they've even sold out other Muslims for the sake of hanging on to power for decades now. If you tune into U.S. tv news you'd think Iran created ISIS or something. I may sound biased but Iran is the last battle line for true Muslim unity.
Pakistan should send food to qatar it will add money to our economy
Good for Persian business folks. They should be selling at 4 times the price they would charge locally in some Persian cities. Qatar should also learn the lesson and start investing in local agricultural projects and subsidize that as necessary. I think that will be on their top 5 action list. They also should direct part of their global investment to acquiring controlling stakes in agricultural companies all over the world. They can't rely on us nor on Iran.

you'd be surprised then how the business model works in iran ! iran sells stuff 4 times more expensive to their own citizens and at a lower price to fellow muslim buyers and the international market too ! you can search it on the internet if you don't believe me ..
I may be wrong on this but I don't think Iran is charging for the food. The price of the vegetable shipments is pocket change to Iran. The Iranian government has spent several Billion in Gaza and Westbank. I think they spent many times that in protecting Assad from the Zionists and Wahabbis terrorists. Look around you, these GCC states have sold out their Arab brothers, they've even sold out other Muslims for the sake of hanging on to power for decades now. If you tune into U.S. tv news you'd think Iran created ISIS or something. I may sound biased but Iran is the last battle line for true Muslim unity.

Anything else?
The base of the pizza i ordered was burnt. I guess the evil evil zionist are behind that as well.
or now Iran.

as long as Mullah remain sane, usually digestive system of Mullahs stop working if they dont threaten or blame a country within week..

On topic, Good move by Iran.
fer PM Qatar Hamad bin Jassim: Qatar support Iran is Joke, Iran shaking stability of the region
نخست وزیر سابق قطر حمد بن جاسم: پشتیبانی قطر از ایران یک جوک است، ایران عنصر بی ثبات در منطقه است

نخست‌وزیر سابق قطر راز بحران کشورش و اشتباهات در سوریه را فاش کرد

former Prime Minister of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani in interview with Charlie Rose: Qatar support Iran is Joke, Iran shaking stability of the region
Arab state deadline to Qatar has passed.

Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain will hold meeting to discuss next steps against Qatar.
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