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Iran seizes South Korean-flagged oil tanker headed for the UAE

Why do u always talk so scared? you seem to be always shaking under ur boots for Mighty USA and Israel. Man this kinda cowardice is bad for the world.
And the Bong cheerleader is back again to do his dalaali. Like, why are you so obsessed with me?
The bigger picture here is that willing ( Australia/Canada) and unwilling ( South Korea) sidekicks of Aunty Sam henceforth can no longer hide behind her petticoat. There will be consequences.
This will be a deterrent for potential future Deputy Sheriffs .
When the godfather cannot protect his flock, the flock will gradually drift away.
Your country compared to Iran is a $htithole

You were buggers of british for 3 centuries and before that buggers Mongols for many centuries ... Nowadays you are buggers of yankees and tazi suadis.

You need an education in history

1. The current territory of Pakistan was conquered by the British in 1849. Pakistan got its independence in 1947, thats 98 years NOT 3 centuries.

2. The Mongols were only able to occupy half of the what is today Pakistan. Guess who they conquered as well, Yes your beloved Iran, which the Mongols ruled from 1219 - 1370


3. Prior to the Mongols, Iran was a slave of the Arabs, 651AD onwards thats almost 6 centuries.
4. Even the Seljuq Turks have ruled over Iran
5. The British and the Soviets also conquered Iran not just once but twice, first during WW1in 1916 and then in 1941.
6. And i am sure you must be aware of the Greeks also having fun in Persia

So lets now compare the slave masters of each nation

Pakistan - British, Mongols
Iran - Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, British, Russians.

By the way, if we are the buggers (whatever that means) of Yankees then so were you as we were both in the same camp before the Iranian revolution.

P.S. sorry to all my Iranian friends but i had to show a mirror to this idiot
You need an education in history

1. The current territory of Pakistan was conquered by the British in 1849. Pakistan got its independence in 1947, thats 98 years NOT 3 centuries.

2. The Mongols were only able to occupy half of the what is today Pakistan. Guess who they conquered as well, Yes your beloved Iran, which the Mongols ruled from 1219 - 1370

View attachment 703423

3. Prior to the Mongols, Iran was a slave of the Arabs, 651AD onwards thats almost 6 centuries.
4. Even the Seljuq Turks have ruled over Iran
5. The British and the Soviets also conquered Iran not just once but twice, first during WW1in 1916 and then in 1941.
6. And i am sure you must be aware of the Greeks also having fun in Persia

So lets now compare the slave masters of each nation

Pakistan - British, Mongols
Iran - Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, British, Russians.

By the way, if we are the buggers (whatever that means) of Yankees then so were you as we were both in the same camp before the Iranian revolution.

P.S. sorry to all my Iranian friends but i had to show a mirror to this idiot

Arabs conquered many countries but umayyad ruling was too short and Abu Muslim Khorasani vanished them.
Arabs conquered many countries but umayyad ruling was too short and Abu Muslim Khorasani vanished them.

British conquered many nations, so did the Greeks, Mongols, Russians etc etc. means nothing. Next time remember that before taunting other countries for being occupied, Iran has been conquered by more countries than any other nation in our neighborhood.
British conquered many nations, so did the Greeks, Mongols, Russians etc etc. means nothing. Next time remember that before taunting other countries for being occupied, Iran has been conquered by more countries than any other nation in our neighborhood.
You forgot that Iran has conquered your nation for thousands of years in history. In fact, Pakistan as a country was part of Iran for most of its time.
You forgot that Iran has conquered your nation for thousands of years in history. In fact, Pakistan as a country was part of Iran for most of its time.

Give us free gas for the next 1000 years.

I like how everything is measured in thousands of years in Iran. Here's a thousand year old freshly skimmed milk to go with freshly baked thousand year old sponge cakes.

Breathe a little
Give us free gas for the next 1000 years.

I like how everything is measured in thousands of years in Iran. Here's a thousand year old freshly skimmed milk to go with freshly baked thousand year old sponge cakes.

Breathe a little
You should pay us tax for the next 1000 years for basically little to no contribution to the Iranian empires. We weren't strict enough on you guys which set a bad example for you in the future. We and India are responsible for bad parenting in your case. :(
You should pay us tax for the next 1000 years for basically little to no contribution to the Iranian empires. We weren't strict enough on you guys which set a bad example for you in the future. We and India are responsible for bad parenting in your case. :(

We cannot pay anyone right now. Give us some time. Once we have the infrastructure in place and energy demands sufficient, we can pay you good consumer rate back.

Right now we cannot pay our own bail.
We cannot pay anyone right now. Give us some time. Once we have the infrastructure in place and energy demands sufficient, we can pay you good consumer rate back.

Right now we cannot pay our own bail.
You are paying back the Saudis though. And they never occupied your lands for "thousands of years" unlike us. How is that fair? :( But I guess life is not always fair, unfortunately.
You are paying back the Saudis though. And they never occupied your lands for "thousands of years" unlike us. How is that fair? :( But I guess life is not always fair, unfortunately.

China paid Saudi Arabia on our behalf. Chinese also never occupied us for thousand years.
Iran's acting like a little punk and it's gonna be beat up real bad by the older kids on the playground.

South Korea seized 8 billion dollars worth of Iranian money. This is how Iran retaliated. Think before you open your mouth.
Tihs plane crashing is too much of a coincidence to be an accident which they claim.
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