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Iran seizes South Korean-flagged oil tanker headed for the UAE

Iran's acting like a little punk and it's gonna be beat up real bad by the older kids on the playground.
Why do u always talk so scared? you seem to be always shaking under ur boots for Mighty USA and Israel. Man this kinda cowardice is bad for the world.
Umm. The US alliance helped propel them from a poor country to an extraordinarily developed country. I mean, have you been to Seoul? Not everyone is foaming at the mouth to pick fights, dear Khomeini bot. Some of us are normal and addressed our anger issues in childhood.

Oh and read some normal history. Not your marg bar Omrika brainwashed bs propaganda. US didn't rape South Koreans.

I am not speaking as a Pakistani. I just like to poke Khomeini bots. Isn't it bad enough you're alienated from all sides? As if your alienation with GCC wasn't bad enough, you went and picked fights with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Truly isolated on all sides. What a joke.
If any one is a joke its the place where u are from. If theres a joke its cowards such as ur Imaginary Ally such as Erdogan's turkey. Shame on cowards who dont know how to stand up to bullies. You and your imaginary allies have sold them selves like the cheapest prostitute to America for reprieve.

You arent speaking as a pakistani? I agree. You are speaking like a Fat arab fake prince. Who needs to check his balls even to take a piss at night, afterall hes so scared of the Boogeyman. LOL.

Why are u so mad? Is That cuz you are scared to stand up to US and ZIon and speak the truth or is that because you cant handle the fact that another group of people have done things ur country cud never do?

Btw You guys are irrelevant. Not only does ur country have a 3rd world rated economy, ithas a third world rated military. Guess wats ur military budget ? I mean u guys are one of the poor countries of the world outside of Africa. SO wats ur Budget, ur military budget? Its half of that of iran.

A sanctined ravaged, mortally injured Iran. When Iran is full strength u guys will spend 1/10 of its military budget. What a shame. perhaps u cud beg KSA for sum petro dollar, The mighty KSA boss u around quite well, no ?
what belongs to anothers? all the things i wrote was paid by Iranian money made by the goverment. so what belongs to others?
go and watch pokemon and leave the discussion to the elder.

at least we produce something in our country even it's not samsung quality like you say. what you can say about pakistan?
@Cliftonite can say crackpot about pakistan. Wats there to say? literally nothing. He can perhaps talk about how good pakistanis are in cooking biriyani thats all. He acts very insecurely wen it comes to Iranians. Signs of Inferiority complex.
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You're ranked even lower than Syria and most of African countries :)))

Pity you
hahahahaha. worse than Syria. But by the way these folks talk its as if they are a MIGHY EMPIRE. I made a post couple days ago stating how they live in a beggars neighborhood and dream about star wars galaxy. DELUDED. They really talk like they are sumthing else. Like sum powerful force. HAHAHAHA :D :P @Cliftonite
Pakistan can offer mediation between South Korea and Iran.

Hopefully some trade concessions can be negotiated for Iran.
Iran stealing a tanker is fine by me but the cringelords on this forum are unbearable.
We finna be flaming up that Khomeini pack soon

Learn proper English you clown!
yes and you saw what happend to your bases in iraq. and we all withness that you withdraw from iraq afghanistan and syria with your d***s between your legs like scared dogs.
since 40years you want to attack us but your military is only nice in hollywood and on the tv screen.
Iran is too big for you! you couldn't even beat the taliban with ak47s and some motars and you want to attack us.
bro soldiers like rambo only exits in television they are not real.

do you want to risk 5000 years of civilization ? era of hydrocarbons is coming to an end. Not sure what the hell anyone is fighting about
What's outstanding gas bill of South Korea ?
hahahahaha. worse than Syria. But by the way these folks talk its as if they are a MIGHY EMPIRE. I made a post couple days ago stating how they live in a beggars neighborhood and dream about star wars galaxy. DELUDED. They really talk like they are sumthing else. Like sum powerful force. HAHAHAHA :D :P @Cliftonite
The machar jhol Bongla cheerleader for Iran is really on my tail these days.
If any one is a joke its the place where u are from. If theres a joke its cowards such as ur Imaginary Ally such as Erdogan's turkey. Shame on cowards who dont know how to stand up to bullies. You and your imaginary allies have sold them selves like the cheapest prostitute to America for reprieve.

You arent speaking as a pakistani? I agree. You are speaking like a Fat arab fake prince. Who needs to check his balls even to take a piss at night, afterall hes so scared of the Boogeyman. LOL.

Why are u so mad? Is That cuz you are scared to stand up to US and ZIon and speak the truth or is that because you cant handle the fact that another group of people have done things ur country cud never do?

Btw You guys are irrelevant. Not only does ur country have a 3rd world rated economy, ithas a third world rated military. Guess wats ur military budget ? I mean u guys are one of the poor countries of the world outside of Africa. SO wats ur Budget, ur military budget? Its half of that of iran.

A sanctined ravaged, mortally injured Iran. When Iran is full strength u guys will spend 1/10 of its military budget. What a shame. perhaps u cud beg KSA for sum petro dollar, The mighty KSA boss u around quite well, no ?

@Cliftonite can say crackpot about pakistan. Wats there to say? literally nothing. He can perhaps talk about how good pakistanis are in cooking biriyani thats all. He acts very insecurely wen it comes to Iranians. Signs of Inferiority complex.
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