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Iran seizes South Korean-flagged oil tanker headed for the UAE

Next should be Indian ship because she also owes lot of money to Iran
Owe something is not same as block some country money deposited in your banks. You can owe someone but still it doesnt mean they dont pay or will not pay,..When it comes to international trade,countries trade mostly using currency and money deposited in third countries,and countries deposite money in many different third countries so they can be sure money is always available,since it is less likely all money will be unavailable in case problem happen. So,as other countries do,so did Iran,they opened accounts in different countries and deposited money there,and also recived payments on these accounts..So it happened that Iran has 8 bilions $ in S.Korean banks,some money is deposited by Iran but also some money is transfered by S.Korea as payment for oil or as revenue for investment. Any way,it is Iran money,and it doesnt matter in what currency it is deposited,in fact most countries recive payments for their export in foreign currency....This idiot,asking "who is keeping your Rial" should find deepest hole and hide there,since I am not sure how someone can be such moron to not understand even basics
In case of S.Korea,Iran is trying to solve this issue for more than year and half,and S.Korea didnt show any interest to solve this,Iran should start sizing their ships long time ago..since they know that money mean a lot to Iran,not because of amount but because it was used as payment channel for imports. if they didnt wanted to allow this payment channel any more than that is their right,but they should transfer Iranian money..not keep it
Considering the fact that South Korea is a huge US prostitute it is safe to say that they were OK'd by their masters in trading with Iran (getting oil). Now they have to pay back that money but they did not.. even during a pandemic. So we took one of their ship. I think we must take more Korean assets equal to the money stolen by Korean slaves.

We do not know the stuff behind the scenes.

You might finally get the extremely violent response you have all been looking for.
All Iran sells is oil. Oil is priced in USD so all Iran would hold is a bunch of USD. Rials are worthless and of no use to anybody.

no one said the opposite.
you saying Iran is taking the money from others. but thats not true. it's Irans money no matter in usd or euro or whaterever they sold the oil for.
it's not only oil Iran made huge investments in european companies, which the profit has still to be paid.
the eurpean central bank is holding 300mio euros of Irans money and thats not from oil, that money is from investments Iran made in the 90s.
the u.s. still owe us some billion for not giving us military equipment which we paid upfront.
Hopefully this is all resolved soon, love my South Koreans !
no one said the opposite.
you saying Iran is taking the money from others. but thats not true. it's Irans money no matter in usd or euro or whaterever they sold the oil for.
it's not only oil Iran made huge investments in european companies, which the profit has still to be paid.
the eurpean central bank is holding 300mio euros of Irans money and thats not from oil, that money is from investments Iran made in the 90s.
the u.s. still owe us some billion for not giving us military equipment which we paid upfront.

like I said, you think like a Buddhist. I am sure a bunch of low quality oil shipments can be sent to Iran.
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so with your logic, if order something from lets say amazon and pay upfront and they don't deliver the stuff to you, you are not allowed to ask for your money back cause you are buddhist.
canada please don't waste my time.

like I said, would make sense to send Iran some low quality oil shipments in the future. Then Iran will have it's repayment.
Iran's acting like a little punk and it's gonna be beat up real bad by the older kids on the playground.
please point to a older country then Iran :-) :tup: Iran is the oldest player in the game, matter of fact they themselves invented the game ( the game of playing chess with you enemy ) to begin with.
please point to a older country then Iran :-) :tup: Iran is the oldest player in the game, matter of fact they themselves invented the game ( the game of playing chess with you enemy ) to begin with.
The older country is doing shit now. Isn't today the anniversary of the plane your regime shot down that killed 170 people?

Sorry fact is that had it not been for international media your regime would have covered it up. And the majority of the victims were your own countrymen. How vile are you guys to enable such a regime?
The older country is doing shit now. Isn't today the anniversary of the plane your regime shot down that killed 170 people?

Sorry fact is that had it not been for international media your regime would have covered it up. And the majority of the victims were your own countrymen. How vile are you guys to enable such a regime?
Much better than nuking innocent civilians and proudly bragging about it or being involved in many coupdetats all over the world. Or just simply shooting down a civilian airplane and saying will never apologize.

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