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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

Because we do not want to end up becoming largest exporter of prostitutes to Arabs for making a living..ever see the working girls on streets of Dubai? Persian tops the rank..this is what happened when you put emotions and sentiments above common sense politics...the problems between Iran and USA will not die down easily...

Pakistan is far expert in diplomatically navigating USA...
so you want to remain as the biggest "prostitute" of the west? your choice and you seem happy with current status of pakistan. people of subcontinent have a rich history of subordination. slavery is in our genes and worst of all a certain class always enjoyed the slavery as they got some personal financial assistance from their masters.
BTW islam has zero tolerance for oppression.
well Iranians can argue that other countries in the region too recruiting Pakistanis of a specific sect to for their defense too ... well the point is we have to see what is good for Pakistan not for a particular sect or group...if Iran-Pakistan-China's nexus is good for Pakistan then yes go for it
So you are saying we should allow them to recruit Pakistanis for their wars because they have shown interests in Pakistan-Russia-China nexus (due to Mr. Trump's policies and potential future threats) which will benefit them more than Pakistan while they are also working along India against Pakistan in Baluchistan? LOL. First go and understand the geopolitical reasons behind their shown interests.
So you are saying we should allow them to recruit Pakistanis for their wars because they have shown interests in Pakistan-Russia-China nexus (due to Mr. Trump's policies and potential future threats) which will benefit them more than Pakistan while they are also working along India against Pakistan in Baluchistan? LOL. First go and understand the geopolitical reasons behind their shown interests.

who should allow. wahabis ? No one on earth has such a capacity to impose. u can't play with Lions who are not killing anyone. neutrons or dams are no hurdle. wahabis will learn to respect shias soon. prepare to welcome a tr fm palestine. bravo he should be offered nukes and umbrella. God has assigned him to visit pak and he will be coming with high hopes.
How can you ensure me she was Iranian and more importantly Persian? Persian race cannot be found in all of the bordering towns. Only central cities are Persians. Plus we have enough enemies between those monarchs to make propagandas against our race and religious beliefs. Currently you walked on my nerves. The only reason that i don't insult Pakistanis, is your religion. With Muslims like you, who needs enemy?!
I prefer the wise enemies to stupid friends. At least i haven't seen Americans to make fun with Muslim honor. Get a brain idiot

Watch your words you moron ! you are calling everyone idiot which is showing your own caliber i.e how good you are in having any discussion ..... If you can't digest facts then just get lost and find some thread where alikes like you are lionising Iran and persians ......
who should allow. wahabis ? No one on earth has such a capacity to impose. u can't play with Lions who are not killing anyone. neutrons or dams are no hurdle. wahabis will learn to respect shias soon. prepare to welcome a tr fm palestine. bravo he should be offered nukes and umbrella. God has assigned him to visit pak and he will be coming with high hopes.
Wahabis? btw i was talking about Iran. :crazy:
Nuclear ambrella to Phalestine? Why? Khala k beitey lagtey wo hamare? What will we get if we offer them NU?
Nuclear bombs are only for Pakistani defence. And what if KSA asks to offer her nuclear umbrella, will you agree with this?
What about Chabahr? Will Iran give Pakistan security assurance regarding indian workers over there...???
We have no problem from Chabahar since it cannot even compete with Gwader. However, Iran should make sure that its land is not used against Pakistan by anyone especially by RAW.
We have no problem from Chabahar since it cannot even compete with Gwader. However, Iran should make sure that its land is not used against Pakistan by anyone especially by RAW.
Iran is no friend to Pakistan. She will do what she feels is in her best interest. And a strong Pakistan is not. The trick is to have cordial relations with her as she is a neighbour and can have sway on the Shia population in Pakistan.
Iran is no friend to Pakistan. She will do what she feels is in her best interest. And a strong Pakistan is not. The trick is to have cordial relations with her as she is a neighbour and can have sway on the Shia population in Pakistan.

All I said is that Iran should ensure it's land is not used against Pakistan...It is reasonable for Pakistan to engage all countries including Iran and Arab countries and dictate the relations that benefit mutually or at least do not harm Pakistan's national interest. If you see current moves by Arab countries especially UAE and KSA, they have been developing close ties with India and so have Iran and Afghanistan. We need to tackle this proactively through strong diplomacy and other options at our disposal...Sooner or later these countries will be ditched by USA under Trump and they will come running back to Pakistan (akhi akhi siddiqui..) since India won't help them against Pakistan even though some of their soldiers have paraded alongside Hindian army to send a clear message to Pakistan that would the time for Pakistan to act wisely instead of emotionally, it should refute them but deal them like a businessman .
Pakistan has some good friends like Turkey, China and Russia. Iran can be included in some sort of loose agreement and we should see how it acts and tread our relations accordingly.
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...precisely the reason why Jews in Germany were sheep in the hands of Nazis...! because the Jewish psychology of "victim" complied and supported the Nazi treatment...
100% wrong. My grandparents and other relatives did not "support the Nazi treatment". They did not consider themselves to be victims when Hitler was appointed Chancellor; Jews had had full civil rights in Germany for generations. So they thought that they could survive the Nazis because Germany was the most civilized country in Europe and they never imagined - until too late - that Germans would allow the Nazis to do what they did.

In the meantime they had been immobilized, their wealth frozen or seized, the police made unfriendly, the courts undermined, and of course they themselves had been disarmed and removed from any governing functions. My grandparents managed to send their young kids out. Older kids tried emigrating to other countries only to be refused, returned forcefully to Germany, or caught up in the Nazi conquest later. Powerless relatives continued to survive the first years of the war - the Holocaust aimed at non-German Jews first, German Jews last, and they remained in ignorance of the truth under wartime secrecy. Then their neighbors were disappearing, one by one, slowly, where exactly they did not know, but the Nazis portrayed the Theresienstadt "camp-ghetto" to the Red Cross as an example of Jewish resettlement so they presumed that comparatively benign fate was what was in store for them.

It was all a hoax, from the propaganda at home straight to the phony showerheads of the gas chambers. Even once they reached the camps, some hope remained, people hoping day-to-day that they would be spared the Grim Reaper, even as inadequate clothing, shelter, rations, and control over every movement underscored that they were slaves to be eliminated immediately at the slightest disobedience.

People outside did eventually realize something gruesome was happening. In the Warsaw Ghetto uprising the Jews - armed with pistols supplied by the Polish Underground - desperately resisted the Nazi regime. But for the Jews of Germany itself they could do nothing.
Iran is no friend to Pakistan. She will do what she feels is in her best interest. And a strong Pakistan is not. The trick is to have cordial relations with her as she is a neighbour and can have sway on the Shia population in Pakistan.
What are you talking about? Without Iran there would be no Pakistan today. Never forget that Iran helped you for FREE during the war while Saudi Arabia backed India. Iran and Pakistan are friends, share history and even DNA
so you want to remain as the biggest "prostitute" of the west? your choice and you seem happy with current status of pakistan. people of subcontinent have a rich history of subordination. slavery is in our genes and worst of all a certain class always enjoyed the slavery as they got some personal financial assistance from their masters.
BTW islam has zero tolerance for oppression.

Pakistan does not export prostitutes to fill its state coffers unlike Iran where export of girls to GCC Kingdoms raises funds for IRGC..What ever Pakistani prostitutes can be found working are in independent capacity..

Bro..Iran should also maintain good relations with Pakistan...

Iranian Idea of good releations is a master and slave order..

What are you talking about? Without Iran there would be no Pakistan today. Never forget that Iran helped you for FREE during the war while Saudi Arabia backed India. Iran and Pakistan are friends, share history and even DNA

Those were the good old days or wealthy and powerful Iran..the Iran post 1979 is a different story altogether..and the Mullahs love India anyways..! The Iran which we Pakistanis know..had its funeral in 1979...RIP!
Pakistan does not export prostitutes to fill its state coffers unlike Iran where export of girls to GCC Kingdoms raises funds for IRGC..What ever Pakistani prostitutes can be found working are in independent capacity..

Iranian Idea of good releations is a master and slave order..

Those were the good old days or wealthy and powerful Iran..the Iran post 1979 is a different story altogether..and the Mullahs love India anyways..! The Iran which we Pakistanis know..had its funeral in 1979...RIP!

Thats not true, Iran still supports and loves Pakistan, but you know our situation is not like before 1979, Most of the world, including all muslim countries except for Pakistan wants to see Iran crippled thats why we need countries like India on our side. Face it, India is a bigger business partner and if it is one thing Iran needs being sanctioned all the time its good business partners. But we would never betray our muslim brothers as we have never done throughout history.
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