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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

At this moment I cant share u pics of Training camp but what can I do for u is name the area where they r trained I can tell u How many travel agents r working in Pakistan for recuirctment and where r they sitting .
Look man let me tell you something. People going to Syria are going on a war. They are not committing suicide attacks so they are not terrorists. Why are you worried about them. We need to counter ISIS, let them go and fight ISIS they are doing good to many Muslims. If you have sympathies for ISIS that is another issue but even Pakistan Gov wants to stop ISIS. We all praise operation Zarb-e-Azb, Who was that operation against? the terrorist. We need to differentiate between terrorist and Mujahedin. Those fighting ISIS is Mujahedin. ISIS is terrorist. I don't understand your entire complain. What are you complaining about?????
Due to extreme pressure from Arab countries, it very hard for Pakistan to make independent foreign policy. LNG is big example , where Pakistani govt can't even bid in open market. Now same Qatari LNG partners providing letter to Nawaz in Panamagate to protect its business interest. Our few people hate Iran in the love of arabs. But, we don't have capability to create balance foreign policy. Where we protect the national interest and take full economic advantage from both govts. Look at India, its getting billions of dollar contract from both Iran and Saudi Arabia, due to its balance policy. Now , India is number one menpower in specialized fields both countries.
Due to extreme pressure from Arab countries, it very hard for Pakistan to make independent foreign policy. LNG is big example , where Pakistani govt can't even bid in open market. Now same Qatari LNG partners providing letter to Nawaz in Panamagate to protect its business interest. Our few people hate Iran in the love of arabs. But, we don't have capability to create balance foreign policy. Where we protect the national interest and take full economic advantage from both govts. Look at India, its getting billions of dollar contract from both Iran and Saudi Arabia, due to its balance policy. Now , India is number one menpower in specialized fields both countries.
You are wrong our Gov has now balanced policy and the Pipeline will finish in the end of this year.
At this moment I cant share u pics of Training camp but what can I do for u is name the area where they r trained I can tell u How many travel agents r working in Pakistan for recuirctment and where r they sitting .
1) GHQ is fully aware but limitation is that they cant deploy more troops there they r countering them by CI means
2) As I said they r countering By CI.Another thing I want to add is that Iranian are Good at two things 1 is there intel 2nd one is there ballistic program but when u compare forces on iran boder compare to 10 years ago they have been increased
3) Till there isnt relative peace on afg border there isnt going to be a steep increase there
4) Threat frm Iran is intellectual threat which is bigger than Physical threat we have to stop both saudia and iran from using our soil which both r doing in any case loss has to bared by pakistan.

All Borders including that with Iran must be controlled with all illegal crossings shut.
Iran always insisting pak to control borders.
with CPEC coming border management expected to be better in future.

planting of terrorists and sectarian elements is expected to end or atleast be reduced since it justifies Iran interference. mostly Shias have already suffered a lot in baluchistan due to terrorism.

Rest the Intellectual war is going on since past 1400 years and more interaction more better.
All Borders including that with Iran must be controlled with all illegal crossings shut.
Iran always insisting pak to control borders.
with CPEC coming border management expected to be better in future.

planting of terrorists and sectarian elements is expected to end or atleast be reduced since it justifies Iran interference. mostly Shias have already suffered a lot in baluchistan due to terrorism.

Rest the Intellectual war is going on since past 1400 years and more interaction more better.
I mind to tell everyone here that Im not an anti iran but I rather speak on the basis of what things in real r happening .
Problem with iran wrt pakistan is that Pakistani here in iran project here how much bad conditions they have got just to gain there personal lil interest Even when I was There I raised this point Iranian authorities reply wasnt an encouraging one but when I shared the same problem with ordinary masses I got a few points from where we can reduce the stiffness One thing we all should understand Dont sell ur own country for personal interests.
If this happens good enough if not then we must restrain our people to stop being someones toy enough is enough
But, we don't have capability to create balance foreign policy. Where we protect the national interest and take full economic advantage from both govts.
Being neutral and balanced is so important for our economic growth, we must project Pakistan as a neutral ground for economic investments without picking favorites. Pakistan is located at the crossroads of historic civilizations and to achieve its full potential it ought to be a place where different cultures and civilizations converge. This article explains this line of thinking further. http://katehon.com/article/chinas-new-silk-roads-are-paving-better-path-persia
Look man let me tell you something. People going to Syria are going on a war. They are not committing suicide attacks so they are not terrorists. Why are you worried about them. We need to counter ISIS, let them go and fight ISIS they are doing good to many Muslims. If you have sympathies for ISIS that is another issue but even Pakistan Gov wants to stop ISIS. We all praise operation Zarb-e-Azb, Who was that operation against? the terrorist. We need to differentiate between terrorist and Mujahedin. Those fighting ISIS is Mujahedin. ISIS is terrorist. I don't understand your entire complain. What are you complaining about?????

Very good...So, people if start joining ISIS or leave Pakistan to fight voluntarily for ISIS, Government shouldn't stop them?? Many people consider ISIS as resistance group which was born because of Shia oppression on Sunnis...So, if Pakistani Sunnis start joining ISIS, should we not stop them? Only state government has authority and everything should happen with state approval otherwise things turn worse...This is why Pakistan will never have good relationship with Iran...Iran recruits Pakistani shias against our will which makes Iran evil in eyes of Pakistani government/establishment...

You know what, no country's government allow their citizens to fight another's proxy war...Will Iran likes if Pakistan recruits her citizens for proxy war? No country likes it...Thats why Pakistan hates Iran...

This is why Pakistan joins 39 coalition of Muslim countries...Because if Pakistani Shias are not respecting Pakistani government decision to stay neutral regarding Middle East and continues to fight for Iran's proxy war, then fuk them...Pakistan will enter into Middle East in his own style and will secure his interests...We will no more stay neutral in middle east....Hence, we joined 39 country coalition to send middle finger to Iran and her proxies in Pakistan...As the coalition is against terrorism, Iran shouldn't be worried if she is not supporting terrorism in Arab countries...

Very good...So, people if start joining ISIS or leave Pakistan to fight voluntarily for ISIS, Government shouldn't stop them?? Many people consider ISIS as resistance group which was born because of Shia oppression on Sunnis...So, if Pakistani Sunnis start joining ISIS, should we not stop them? Only state government has authority and everything should happen with state approval otherwise things turn worse...This is why Pakistan will never have good relationship with Iran...Iran recruits Pakistani shias against our will which makes Iran evil in eyes of Pakistani government/establishment...

You know what, no country's government allow their citizens to fight another's proxy war...Will Iran likes if Pakistan recruits her citizens for proxy war? No country likes it...Thats why Pakistan hates Iran...

This is why Pakistan joins 39 coalition of Muslim countries...Because if Pakistani Shias are not respecting Pakistani government decision to stay neutral regarding Middle East and continues to fight for Iran's proxy war, then fuk them...Pakistan will enter into Middle East in his own style and will secure his interests...We will no more stay neutral in middle east....Hence, we joined 39 country coalition to send middle finger to Iran and her proxies in Pakistan...As the coalition is against terrorism, Iran shouldn't be worried if she is not supporting terrorism in Arab countries...
ISIS is a terrorist group they have committed terrorist acts. Syria should be freed from Terrorism. Okay just tell me one thing, Why are Sunnis not going to libya to fight ISIS. There is no Shia insurgency in Libya so why is ISIS fighting there??? Because ISIS has no Shia Suni agenda it has only one agenda Israel. Israel controls ISIS. Pakistan has good relationship with Iran and the trade with Iran is in progress more than ever. India is trying it's best to bring ISIS in Afghanistan to fight Taliban now Taliban are not Shia so why is ISIS trying to confront them. You are making stupid comments, Any one who wants to fight ISIS is doing good to mankind why should he be stopped. ISIS should be stopped on all fronts. There are Both Sunnis and Shia in Syrian Army and they are fighting ISIS there is no moderate terrorist only CNN and BBC propaganda made in Egyptian studios. Grow up this is not the age to believe in main stream media. No one believes in main stream media. Look Hafiz Saeed just got arrested and I condemn Pakistani Gov actions, For me Hafiz Saeed is a hero not a terrorist. If a Pakistani that has no love for Kashmir in his heart is not a Pakistani.
ISIS is a terrorist group they have committed terrorist acts. Syria should be freed from Terrorism. Okay just tell me one thing, Why are Sunnis not going to libya to fight ISIS. There is no Shia insurgency in Libya so why is ISIS fighting there??? Because ISIS has no Shia Suni agenda it has only one agenda Israel. Israel controls ISIS. Pakistan has good relationship with Iran and the trade with Iran is in progress more than ever. India is trying it's best to bring ISIS in Afghanistan to fight Taliban now Taliban are not Shia so why is ISIS trying to confront them. You are making stupid comments, Any one who wants to fight ISIS is doing good to mankind why should he be stopped. ISIS should be stopped on all fronts. There are Both Sunnis and Shia in Syrian Army and they are fighting ISIS there is no moderate terrorist only CNN and BBC propaganda made in Egyptian studios. Grow up this is not the age to believe in main stream media. No one believes in main stream media. Look Hafiz Saeed just got arrested and I condemn Pakistani Gov actions, For me Hafiz Saeed is a hero not a terrorist. If a Pakistani that has no love for Kashmir in his heart is not a Pakistani.

Hmm...Still, no Pakistani can go against its own state will...It causes anger/unrest and mistrust b/w certain group and state.
Hmm...Still, no Pakistani can go against its own state will...It causes anger/unrest and mistrust b/w certain group and state.
No one will stop you from fighting ISIS. Not even Pakistan. Obama was the worst American president for Muslims. Look at Libya and Syria. One country was run by a suni and another was run by a shia and both were attacked by ISIS and when those ISIS fighter got successful the were renamed freedom fighter and brought into Gov so explain me that. I can prove my point with facts that ISIS is wrong and both Shia and Suni are fighting ISIS in Syria. Just answer this if ISIS was only fighting Shia why are they fighting Libyans. ISIS was created by Israel and USA to change the Gov of Middle east and over throw the administration. Libya had no ally they got the job done but Syria had Russia and China so USA and Israel failed. Why is ISIS fighting in Libya Why Why Why. Qaddafi was a good man the biggest example is a Stadium in Lahore in his name. He was a hero for Libyans why was he over throne. Why is there is very less reports on Libya on CNN and BBC but too much about Syria why? If you are person with no brains or personal agenda than God help you but ISIS is not Shia or Sunni. It is Zionist. Iraqi forces use black humvees ISIS uses Yellow humvees how they got it?? How ISIS got White toyota SUV from where?? ISIS has drones go to IHS Janes it is amoung the lates news there. Let Israeli PM visit USA and even Trump will not go and fight ISIS.
No one will stop you from fighting ISIS. Not even Pakistan. Obama was the worst American president for Muslims. Look at Libya and Syria. One country was run by a suni and another was run by a shia and both were attacked by ISIS and when those ISIS fighter got successful the were renamed freedom fighter and brought into Gov so explain me that. I can prove my point with facts that ISIS is wrong and both Shia and Suni are fighting ISIS in Syria. Just answer this if ISIS was only fighting Shia why are they fighting Libyans. ISIS was created by Israel and USA to change the Gov of Middle east and over throw the administration. Libya had no ally they got the job done but Syria had Russia and China so USA and Israel failed. Why is ISIS fighting in Libya Why Why Why. Qaddafi was a good man the biggest example is a Stadium in Lahore in his name. He was a hero for Libyans why was he over throne. Why is there is very less reports on Libya on CNN and BBC but too much about Syria why? If you are person with no brains or personal agenda than God help you but ISIS is not Shia or Sunni. It is Zionist. Iraqi forces use black humvees ISIS uses Yellow humvees how they got it?? How ISIS got White toyota SUV from where?? ISIS has drones go to IHS Janes it is amoung the lates news there. Let Israeli PM visit USA and even Trump will not go and fight ISIS.

This is the problem...Those idiot fools have been told by Iran that they are going to fight ISIS but reality is they are being used in massacring Syrian Muslims...

No one believes in Iranian propaganda except...you know whom I'm talking about...
This is the problem...Those idiot fools have been told by Iran that they are going to fight ISIS but reality is they are being used in massacring Syrian Muslims...
How did you got this news?? Just tell me first??
Otherwise common Syrian Muslims wouldn't have migrated in such big numbers...
Now take a look at both of your sources what are they Main stream Media.

Now check this link

Well there is the answer two different and conflicting news. What to believe every thing is propaganda.
But just read the info on the link below.
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