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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

Ahh! If it were that easy to be friends of Iran!!! Iran was ruled by mostly Turkic dynasties till Pehlevi. Still they could never be friendly to Turkey, Pehlevi being the exception. They were the best friends of Vatican, and always used to write "love letters" to them to attack Turkey so that they can attack simultaneously. Even the present Hameni is a Azeri Turk. No folks killed Ulema from Ehl-i Sunnet like them. Maybe only Beni Israil can compete with them in their quest for killing Prophets...
I just wish that Muslims all over the world dial down their divisions along different sects. During the time of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) there were only Muslims. There were no Sunni, Shia, Ehl-e-Sunnat, etc. If we could just return to those simpler times.

In my opinion all these divisions against ethnic/religious/etc lines are pointless. These divisions are the strongest in the Arab countries and Iran. These Sunni/Shia and Arab/Non Arab divisions hardly exist(very mild in comparison) in other Muslim countries. If KSA/Iran can mend their differences it could serve as a catalyst to bring all Muslim countries together to a certain extent...but who will bell the cat?
Thats not true, Iran still supports and loves Pakistan, but you know our situation is not like before 1979, Most of the world, including all muslim countries except for Pakistan wants to see Iran crippled thats why we need countries like India on our side. Face it, India is a bigger business partner and if it is one thing Iran needs being sanctioned all the time its good business partners. But we would never betray our muslim brothers as we have never done throughout history.

By having a relationship with India you have betrayed Pakistan. Obviously Iran doesn't give a flying hoot about Pakistan because if you did then you would show concern to the plight of the Kashmiri people. Did you know that the Muharram procession was stopped by the Indian Armed Forces and dozens were killed and injured? So economic interests topple the plight of your fellow Muslim brothers? This should open the eyes of every single Pakistani. No such thing as Ummah exists and Pakistan's interests must come first. By the way the same India has an alliance with the Israeli and are purchasing weapons from them, but I guess Islam is thrown out the window when it doesn't benefit the strategic interests of your country.

I dont think Pakistan can stay close to both Turkey and Iran as they are great enemies. Pakistan must choose a side.

I don't want to offend you, however this statement makes you a hypocrite. On one hand you claim that Iran needs India because you are isolated in the world. Yet, since it's existence Pakistan has been in war with India and we hate each others guts. So on what leg do you stand on to command us to choose sides. Unlike your country, Turkey has taken a stance on Kashmir and has condemned India. Actions speak louder than words.
Yes we are always at fault..We were fool when we support them in Iran/Iraq war , we were fool back then also when we helped them in nuclear ambitions and they throw us to IAEA ,----hey look this is from Pakistan..And all the world/US gathered against us..For your information we were among the first countries who recognize there revolution even though Pahelvi was one of the best friend Pakistan had
Thank you to prove that your love for Iran overshadow your love for motherland where you and your coming generations will stay..
Libya told IAEA not Iran.
Libya told IAEA not Iran.
Strange ..i forget Iran was/is/will always be right and Pakistan was/is/will always be wrong.
1 )"Iran has admitted to testing centrifuges with nuclear material at a facility called the Kalaye Electric Company without first informing the IAEA, a violation of its safeguards agreement with the agency. However, Tehran has said it produced only uranium enriched to a very low degree and has attributed the IAEA’s discovery of other types of enriched uranium particles to contamination from centrifuge components obtained from a procurement network run by Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan. Iranian officials maintain that they do not know the components’ origin, but a February report from Malaysia’s Inspector General of Police states that used centrifuges were sent from Pakistan to Iran"
This is what we get when we helped your beloved Iran after revolution

2)Tell me why IRAN abstain and not let the resolution approved in OIC.Now you will come up they abstain but did't disapprove..Let me tell you bro, it was just there abstain due to which resolution was not approved.

3)By the way leave Kalbushan, Uzair Baloch was having an Iranian Passport to travel UAE and around the world..
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Liyari Gang War and add to list Baba Ladla as well that was holding Iranian Passport. Most of them traveled easily to Iran whenever LEAs were about to pin them down.
Yes exactly everybody knows what is happening in Lyare and Parachinar but who can make these wannabe to understands these.
Yes exactly everybody knows what is happening in Lyare and Parachinar but who can make these wannabe to understands these.

Because people prefers their personal belief over nation and we are not suppose to compromise Pakistan over anything. Diplomatic ties are good for national interest and does not allow anyone to interfere, meddle or influence our internal policy however, it is noted on many occasions and through findings that they have been fueling a lot inside Pakistan only to counter so-called GCC friendship but the case is, we have been damaged badly by both so currently, we have our own stance there is nothing like fake brotherhood while compromising Pakistan. Recently, a recruiting group has been pinned down in Parachinar area that reportedly, was involved trafficking people to fight in Syria. We have enough information and that is how Pakistan policy is working upon. Almost of Liyari Gang War hold Iranian Passports and use to travel/run away whenever things heated.
Because people prefers their personal belief over nation and we are not suppose to compromise Pakistan over anything. Diplomatic ties are good for national interest and does not allow anyone to interfere, meddle or influence our internal policy however, it is noted on many occasions and through findings that they have been fueling a lot inside Pakistan only to counter so-called GCC friendship but the case is, we have been damaged badly by both so currently, we have our own stance there is nothing like fake brotherhood while compromising Pakistan. Recently, a recruiting group has been pinned down in Parachinar area that reportedly, was involved trafficking people to fight in Syria. We have enough information and that is how Pakistan policy is working upon. Almost of Liyari Gang War hold Iranian Passports and use to travel/run away whenever things heated.
Yes the problem is we Pakistanis need to think as a Paksitani..Not what Iran or GCC thinks and react..This is where the wannabe of both sides lack essence..They don't think that if something happens to our land no body will allow us to come on there land..
Yes the problem is we Pakistanis need to think as a Paksitani..Not what Iran or GCC thinks and react..This is where the wannabe of both sides lack essence..They don't think that if something happens to our land no body will allow us to come on there land..

People needs to understand that among many others options, our rival main agenda is to exploit any sectarian conflict weakness to sabotage the society and divide Pakistanis. We can clearly see that where ethnicity doesn't work for their plans, enemy spend a lot on sectarian violence to damage us internally which can lead to unstableness. Therefore, the same desire is being fulfilled by supporting different rival groups either through A or B party but in the end, we are at receiving end sustaining injuries. We have to understand that our diplomatic relations are not concerned with anyone's s sectarian love or are based upon such affairs but Pakistan alone that is the home for all of it's citizens. Diplomatic relationship with Iran doesn't mean that we will ever compromise over our internal security at all or may turn a blind eye to the findings and issues at hand.
People needs to understand that among many others options, our rival main agenda is to exploit any sectarian conflict weakness to sabotage the society and divide Pakistanis. We can clearly see that where ethnicity doesn't work for their plans, enemy spend a lot on sectarian violence to damage us internally which can lead to unstableness. Therefore, the same desire is being fulfilled by supporting different rival groups either through A or B party but in the end, we are at receiving end sustaining injuries. We have to understand that our diplomatic relations are not concerned with anyone's s sectarian love or are based upon such affairs but Pakistan alone that is the home for all of it's citizens. Diplomatic relationship with Iran doesn't mean that we will ever compromise over our internal security at all or may turn a blind eye to the findings and issues at hand.
Fully agree with you...No body should hold arms in the presence of state and anybody who try to bring this sectarian non sense should be dealt with iron hand..Foreign relations should not be built on sectarian basis but on National interest agenda..
Everybody will try to use us otherwise..
People may not realize but Iran & the region now called Pakistan have relations going back more than 2,500 years. The areas that now comprise Pakistan were once an Iranian Satrapy (province). Achameneids had capture Indus valley, Gandhara, Punjab and the Sindh around 516 BC. Northern part was in the Gandhara Satrapy with lower Indus valley including parts of the Indian Gujarat called the Hidus Satrapy. Emperor Babur as well as Homayun went to the Safavids to ask for help. Therefore Iran & Pakistan seeking closer ties is nothing new.

It was only after the Khomeini taking over Iran that the new regime stamped Pakistan as friend of the Shah & of the great Satan, the United States and India-Iran became closer. US Sanctions after the ‘Embassy Siege’ were the mile stone. Everything that Iran could not get from the West was imported from India, this boon also made’ Hindujas billionaires.

Sectarian prejudice should not be allowed to override national interest. We are not school kids that if you are my friend, you don’t make friends with my enemy. Most Pakistanis are also not an ungrateful bunch and I for one cannot forget that Pakistan received 90 Canadian Sabres and with the active help of the Iranian government after 1965 war.


Iran is also our neighbour and we should be glad that Iran & Pakistan are coming together again.
Ahh! If it were that easy to be friends of Iran!!! Iran was ruled by mostly Turkic dynasties till Pehlevi. Still they could never be friendly to Turkey, Pehlevi being the exception. They were the best friends of Vatican, and always used to write "love letters" to them to attack Turkey so that they can attack simultaneously. Even the present Hameni is a Azeri Turk. No folks killed Ulema from Ehl-i Sunnet like them. Maybe only Beni Israil can compete with them in their quest for killing Prophets...

1. Iran is a multicultural country, it has always been, we do not have a problem being ruled by Persian, Arab, Turkic or whatever dynasties as long as they are Iranian dynasties loyal to Iran.

2. The only time Iranian and Turkish binds were strong was during the Pahlavi-Ataturk times, if you go back in time It was always the ottomans who were offensive against the Persian empire. How many times did the ottomans invade the Persian empire during the Safavid era? 10 or 20 times? You have lost our trust since then.

3. What "love letters" are you talking about? It was the ottomans that always attacked Persia with the Russians simultaneously.

4. Iranian contributions to Islam heavily outnumbers Turkish contributions.
1. Iran is a multicultural country, it has always been, we do not have a problem being ruled by Persian, Arab, Turkic or whatever dynasties as long as they are Iranian dynasties loyal to Iran.

2. The only time Iranian and Turkish binds were strong was during the Pahlavi-Ataturk times, if you go back in time It was always the ottomans who were offensive against the Persian empire. How many times did the ottomans invade the Persian empire during the Safavid era? 10 or 20 times? You have lost our trust since then.

3. What "love letters" are you talking about? It was the ottomans that always attacked Persia with the Russians simultaneously.

4. Iranian contributions to Islam heavily outnumbers Turkish contributions.

Safavids have nothing to do with ''persia''.
By having a relationship with India you have betrayed Pakistan. Obviously Iran doesn't give a flying hoot about Pakistan because if you did then you would show concern to the plight of the Kashmiri people. Did you know that the Muharram procession was stopped by the Indian Armed Forces and dozens were killed and injured? So economic interests topple the plight of your fellow Muslim brothers? This should open the eyes of every single Pakistani. No such thing as Ummah exists and Pakistan's interests must come first. By the way the same India has an alliance with the Israeli and are purchasing weapons from them, but I guess Islam is thrown out the window when it doesn't benefit the strategic interests of your country.

I don't want to offend you, however this statement makes you a hypocrite. On one hand you claim that Iran needs India because you are isolated in the world. Yet, since it's existence Pakistan has been in war with India and we hate each others guts. So on what leg do you stand on to command us to choose sides. Unlike your country, Turkey has taken a stance on Kashmir and has condemned India. Actions speak louder than words.
You're quite hypocritical. Every one of our ally has relations with India. India is a large country and exerts a considerable influence; don't get whiney if countries wish to maintain a warm relations with them.
1. Iran is a multicultural country, it has always been, we do not have a problem being ruled by Persian, Arab, Turkic or whatever dynasties as long as they are Iranian dynasties loyal to Iran.

2. The only time Iranian and Turkish binds were strong was during the Pahlavi-Ataturk times, if you go back in time It was always the ottomans who were offensive against the Persian empire. How many times did the ottomans invade the Persian empire during the Safavid era? 10 or 20 times? You have lost our trust since then.

3. What "love letters" are you talking about? It was the ottomans that always attacked Persia with the Russians simultaneously.

4. Iranian contributions to Islam heavily outnumbers Turkish contributions.
Which contributions are you talking about? Always working on actively colliding with Shia/Alevi minority to cause Fitne and Fesat in Muslim neighbors? Killing 40 thousand Ulema from Ehl-i Sunnet during Sefavid time and forcefully converting everyone to Shia? Projecting Shiaism as a political and violent rival to the mainstream Islam just to avenge the conquest of Persia during Hazret-i Umar (RA) time? Never accepting Kuran-i Kerim in its original form for you believe there are two other Suras; hence, never producing Hafiz???? And, the list continues..

I haven't touched the present folks starting with Homeni...

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