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Iran seeks strategic depth in Pakistan ties

Strange ..i forget Iran was/is/will always be right and Pakistan was/is/will always be wrong.
1 )"Iran has admitted to testing centrifuges with nuclear material at a facility called the Kalaye Electric Company without first informing the IAEA, a violation of its safeguards agreement with the agency. However, Tehran has said it produced only uranium enriched to a very low degree and has attributed the IAEA’s discovery of other types of enriched uranium particles to contamination from centrifuge components obtained from a procurement network run by Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan. Iranian officials maintain that they do not know the components’ origin, but a February report from Malaysia’s Inspector General of Police states that used centrifuges were sent from Pakistan to Iran"
This is what we get when we helped your beloved Iran after revolution

2)Tell me why IRAN abstain and not let the resolution approved in OIC.Now you will come up they abstain but did't disapprove..Let me tell you bro, it was just there abstain due to which resolution was not approved.

3)By the way leave Kalbushan, Uzair Baloch was having an Iranian Passport to travel UAE and around the world..
Iran cannot be trusted. Post-79 Iran is a sectarian fascist regime that wants to spread its sect and influence.
Safavids have nothing to do with ''persia''.

Are you serious or joking?

Which contributions are you talking about? Always working on actively colliding with Shia/Alevi minority to cause Fitne and Fesat in Muslim neighbors? Killing 40 thousand Ulema from Ehl-i Sunnet during Sefavid time and forcefully converting everyone to Shia? Projecting Shiaism as a political and violent rival to the mainstream Islam just to avenge the conquest of Persia during Hazret-i Umar (RA) time? Never accepting Kuran-i Kerim in its original form for you believe there are two other Suras; hence, never producing Hafiz???? And, the list continues..

Salman Al-Farsi in the battle of Madinah. Almost all the Hadith were compiled by Iranians especially those of the Ahl al-Sunnah like Bukhari. The largest Sunni madhab (Hanafi) follows a Iranian by the name of Ibn-Hanaf Hujjatul Islam. 5/6 of the authors of the Kutub al-Sittah (6 most fundamental hadiths of Sunni Islam) were Iranian and the 6th was half Iranian and half Arab. The first Arabic language grammar book was written by Iranian and even Arabic dictionary is written by the Iranians. Scholars today agree that Islamic Golden age was built by Iranian scholars. (The father of medicine, optics, distillery, algebra, chemistry, biology) They are all Iranian. The list is too long to write my friend.

Quoting Ibn-Khaldun the Arabian historian. “…It is a remarkable fact that, with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars…in the intellectual sciences have been non-Arabs…thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent…they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar…great jurists were Persians… only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, ‘If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it”

During Pakistan-India War:

"Iran played an important role in the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965, providing Pakistan with nurses, medical supplies, and a gift of 5,000 tons of petroleum"

"Iran was reported to have purchased ninety Sabre jet fighter planes from West Germany, and to have sent them on to Pakistan"

"The Iranians provided Pakistan with military hardware (including thirty Huey cobra attack helicopters), intelligence sharing, and $200 million in aid"

During the Bosnian war:

"Iran supplied two-thirds of the total received in weapons and ammunition by the Bosnian Muslim forces during the 1992-95 war. From May, 1994 to January, 1996, Iran transported over 5,000 tons of weapons and military equipment to Bosnia. Iran not only sent much needed supplies but also fighters."

"According to some US NGO reports, there were also several hundred Iranian Revolutionary Guards assisting the Bosnian government during the war."

To those saying Iran is only interested in spreading Shia Ideology:

"All Shia foreign advisors and fighters withdrew from Bosnia at the end of conflict."

Lebanon is alive and not part of Israel only because of Iran....

What have Turkey ever done? You are a member of Nato and best friends of Israel and USA, the same forces that annihilated your muslim brothers in Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Palestine.

I have no doubt that if one day war will breakout between Iran and USA/Israel. Turkey will gladly let USA/Israel attack Iran from Turkish soil.
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PTI govt will deal with Iran fairly not these Saudi and Qatari Tatoos
You're quite hypocritical. Every one of our ally has relations with India. India is a large country and exerts a considerable influence; don't get whiney if countries wish to maintain a warm relations with them.

Before opening your mouth read the context of my post properly. If you still have comprehension issues then make an appointment to see a teacher instead of wasting my time. The Iranian member was advocating the idea that Pakistan must choose sides between Turkey and Iran who are enemies. Henceforth, I said he was a hypocrite because Tehran has a relationship with India that is Pakistan's enemy, yet we don't force them to choose between us. Instead of jumping the gun read the entire conversation between us.
Before opening your mouth read the context of my post properly. If you still have comprehension issues then make an appointment to see a teacher instead of wasting my time. The Iranian member was advocating the idea that Pakistan must choose sides between Turkey and Iran who are enemies. Henceforth, I said he was a hypocrite because Tehran has a relationship with India that is Pakistan's enemy, yet we don't force them to choose between us. Instead of jumping the gun read the entire conversation between us.

There is a big difference though, Pakistan, Iran and India are all neighbours And its very unwise to have a bad relationship with your neighbours. Im not saying you have to choose between us or them because you can't be friends with us if you are friend of them, we are not children. Im saying Pakistan needs to choose because a side for your own good, I dont mean to disrespect you but Pakistan is a mess. Iran is the only stable muslim country in the region and if Iran gets destabilised and weak (which what Turkeys intentions are) then Pakistan will become even a bigger mess.
There is a big difference though, Pakistan, Iran and India are all neighbours. Im not saying you have to choose between us or them, we are not children. Im saying Pakistan needs to choose because, I dont mean to disrespect you but Pakistan is a mess. Iran is the only stable muslim country in the region and if Iran gets destabilised and weak (which what Turkeys intentions are) then Pakistan will become even a bigger mess.
Pakistan is pretty stable now; this is no longer 2006-2011. Turkey is stable as well is not as hostile to Iran as you guys make it to believe.
PTI govt will deal with Iran fairly not these Saudi and Qatari Tatoos
PTI govt will keep the interest of Pakistan the foremost priority and base all the relations on this foundation whether its with Iran, KSA, UAE, China, USA or any other. Some countries have alignment of the interests on longer term while some will have on short term, the key of success for Pakistan's foreign policy will be to ensure every relationship is beneficial for Pakistan. We want peace and friendly relations with all the countries based on mutual respect and equality. No master-servant relationship should be allowed whether it is with a big power like USA / China or a small island nation like Maldives.
PTI govt will keep the interest of Pakistan the foremost priority and base all the relations on this foundation whether its with Iran, KSA, UAE, China, USA or any other. Some countries have alignment of the interests on longer term while some will have on short term, the key of success for Pakistan's foreign policy will be to ensure every relationship is beneficial for Pakistan. We want peace and friendly relations with all the countries based on mutual respect and equality. No master-servant relationship should be allowed whether it is with a big power like USA / China or a small island nation like Maldives.
Its very important for Pak having good and beneficial relationship with iran .Best for Pak to have Iranian oil and Gas having refineries at Balochistan and punjab easyway zero shipment big thing for Pak and its 100 % safe if we have tussle with india when there is no shipment its just a pipe .
I am not saying we should ignor GCC but we should make a balance .I feel IK PTI r very interested to having energy deal with Iran .Mark my words Iranian wil trust PTi and IK to deal with they know Sharif and Zardaris r too compromized due to many factors .
Its very important for Pak having good and beneficial relationship with iran .Best for Pak to have Iranian oil and Gas having refineries at Balochistan and punjab easyway zero shipment big thing for Pak and its 100 % safe if we have tussle with india when there is no shipment its just a pipe .
I am not saying we should ignor GCC but we should make a balance .I feel IK PTI r very interested to having energy deal with Iran .Mark my words Iranian wil trust PTi and IK to deal with they know Sharif and Zardaris r too compromized due to many factors .
IK will be interested only if they provide us oil and gas at good price as compared to others so merit will follow in addition, IK won't be a "mutmain baighairat" like patwaris and zardaris over issue of Iranian covert support to terrorists and miscreants like Uzair Baluch and Baba Ladla...both of whom carried the Iranian passport..so I can foresee that if any such event happened during his govt, the Iran ambassador and his govt will have to explain or get a kick in the balls..but if Iran acts peacefully then of course Iran will find a great friend in Pakistan under IK's govt because IK don't own properties abroad and especially any of the middle-eastern countries.
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IK will be interested only if they provide us oil and gas at good price as compared to others so merit will follow in addition, IK won't be a "mutmain baighairat" like patwaris and zardaris over issue of Iranian covert support to terrorists and miscreants like Uzair Baluch and Baba Ladla...both of whom carried the Iranian passport..so I can foresee that if any such event happened during his govt, the Iran ambassador and his govt will have to explain or get a kick in the balls..but if Iran acts peacefully then of course Iran will find a great friend in Pakistan under IK's govt.
I agree but how many saudis and Qatris agents in Pak ?we all know theior support towards lEJ same case with iran towards shias that where Govt come into play .Simple is we want good relations with all but we wont be battleground for theior proxies .If GOP has balls they can talk to both iran and Saudia to make thing balance it is only possible if we have Govt with vision in Pak .
There is a big difference though, Pakistan, Iran and India are all neighbours And its very unwise to have a bad relationship with your neighbours. Im not saying you have to choose between us or them because you can't be friends with us if you are friend of them, we are not children. Im saying Pakistan needs to choose because a side for your own good, I dont mean to disrespect you but Pakistan is a mess. Iran is the only stable muslim country in the region and if Iran gets destabilised and weak (which what Turkeys intentions are) then Pakistan will become even a bigger mess.
Vay Iranli Vay!! Still doing Takiye!! And, you want strategic depth within Pak while being the "launching pad" for RAW's top terrorists and filling Modi's strategic reserves!!!!! Pak was ready to "eat grass" to prevent Indian hegemony over her and you're offering some deceptive advice to be like BD vis-a-vis India!!!! Pak's friends aren't dead yet...
Vay Iranli Vay!! Still doing Takiye!! And, you want strategic depth within Pak while being the "launching pad" for RAW's top terrorists and filling Modi's strategic reserves!!!!! Pak was ready to "eat grass" to prevent Indian hegemony over her and you're offering some deceptive advice to be like BD vis-a-vis India!!!! Pak's friends aren't dead yet...

No Im saying A strong Iran-India relationship benefits Pakistan because a strong and stable Iran benefits Pakistan.

Turkey and Pakistan are not neighbours. Iran and Pakistan share borders..

Turkey is a NATO country and have chosen to side with USA and Israel rather than its muslim brothers.

You have even invaded both Syria and Iraq (and still do)
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After revolution Pakistan was the first country Iran called in Muslim world to join hands but Pakistan rejected it due to USA and KSA. It has always been Our fault first. Irani's look towards us only because of one reason that is our stance for Palestine but beside that we have not shown any support to Iran.
Pakistan needs to be neutral between KSA and Iran. A balance has to be struck.
Pakistan did help Iran during the Iran-Iraq war as mentioned by another poster...does that not count towards support?

I just wish that Muslims all over the world dial down their divisions along different sects. During the time of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) there were only Muslims. There were no Sunni, Shia, Ehl-e-Sunnat, etc. If we could just return to those simpler times.

In my opinion all these divisions against ethnic/religious/etc lines are pointless. These divisions are the strongest in the Arab countries and Iran. These Sunni/Shia and Arab/Non Arab divisions hardly exist(very mild in comparison) in other Muslim countries. If KSA/Iran can mend their differences it could serve as a catalyst to bring all Muslim countries together to a certain extent...but who will bell the cat?
Yes but my "gut feeling" is that BOTH Iran and KSA are trying to stoke up sectarian differences in the Muslim world in order to weaken Muslim countries (obviously this benefits the Zionists ultimately). This is one of the few ways Pakistan can be "broken".

There is a big difference though, Pakistan, Iran and India are all neighbours And its very unwise to have a bad relationship with your neighbours. Im not saying you have to choose between us or them because you can't be friends with us if you are friend of them, we are not children. Im saying Pakistan needs to choose because a side for your own good, I dont mean to disrespect you but Pakistan is a mess. Iran is the only stable muslim country in the region and if Iran gets destabilised and weak (which what Turkeys intentions are) then Pakistan will become even a bigger mess.
Pakistan needs to a choose a side for her own good? How so?
Pakistan is not a mess like Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. If Pakistan did choose sides then she would become a mess!
No Im saying A strong Iran-India relationship benefits Pakistan because a strong and stable Iran benefits Pakistan.

Turkey and Pakistan are not neighbours. Iran and Pakistan share borders..

Turkey is a NATO country and have chosen to side with USA and Israel rather than its muslim brothers.

You have even invaded both Syria and Iraq (and still do)
And IRAN choose to be the buddy of biggest Pegan nation exist on the earth whose sole aim is to destroy the Muslim nation knows as Pakistan..Moral high ground ?
Iran-India relations benefits pakistan very good..Why not saving India in OIC on kashmir issue is definitely in favor of Pakistan..
Strong India -Iran relation will always be viewed as suspicious in Pakistan who ever side with Indian will be viewed as such..
We always helped Iran to become stable whether it was Iran-Iraq war or Nuclear energy corporation but Iran sided with India open the eyes of many in Pakistan.
We are in constant fight with India from last 70 years, you need to know this..UAE was/is much close to paksitan and look at the reactions in Pakistan when rightly/wrongly there is a sense of tilt towards India
Pakistan is not a mess my dear..Your buddy/India is trying to create mess and miserably failed in that..
If paksitan burns your friend India will definitely burn..
Iran cannot be trusted. Post-79 Iran is a sectarian fascist regime that wants to spread its sect and influence.
Pakistan tried to win trust of Revolutionary government in Iran/Iraq war and then subsequent corporation in nuclear energy..But in response they provided us the gift of abstaining in OIC against India..This is what our Iran lovers friends ignore each time and choose not to respond..
Iran should keep laying in bed with india on one hand they are allowing india to use the chabahar port as front for send raw agents to do terrorism in Balochistan and on other hand they want good ties with us

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