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Iran says new missiles can strike US ships in 435-mile radius


Aug 23, 2016
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Iran has just announced its breakthrough missile capabilities that may put U.S. vessels in jeopardy.

A senior Iranian official confirmed Tuesday that Iranian land-to-sea missiles can now strike any ship at a distance of more than 400 miles, though they maintain their missiles are solely for defensive uses, Reuters reported Tuesday.

“We have managed to make land-to-sea ballistic, not cruise, missiles that can hit any vessel or ship from 700 km (435 miles),” said Amirali Hajizadeh, head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) air space division.

Iran’s previous missile range was approximately 290 kilometers (180 miles), as they debuted in a ground-to-sea missile in 2008.

The IRGC has been working on an improved, longer-range missile over the past decade. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reportedly directed the IRGC to develop a missile capable of “hitting ships.”

The announcement is contrary to what Iran claimed earlier this year when they indicated that they were not planning to increase the range of their missiles.

Chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, said in June, “We have the scientific ability to increase our missile ranges, but it is not our current policy,” according to the Times of Israel.

Defense Minister Amir Hatami also said recently, “Today, I announce that we are not concerned about the sanctions because we have produced all our defensive needs in all the marine, air and ground sectors.”

U.S. special envoy to Iran Brian Hook said that Iran’s missile development was worsening tensions in the region.

“We are accumulating risk of regional conflict if we do not do more to deter Iran’s missile proliferation in the Middle East,” he said.

A report from earlier this month indicated that Iran had launched as many as 39 ballistic missiles since 2015.

Iran’s shorter-range missiles have been deployed in Syria over the past two years in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They’ve also used in drones in at least 700 attacks.

Their latest attack took place Oct. 1 and involved six ballistic missiles and seven drone bombers launched at targets in eastern Syria believed to be the location of militants responsible for the Sept. 22 deadly parade attack.

In August, Iran just released an improved short-range missile, though the upgraded range was not disclosed, and they promised to continue improving their missile capabilities. The following month, Iran said they’d possessed missile-equipped hovercraft capable of delivering swift missile strikes against enemies.

Last year, Khamenei ordered that Iran’s missile capabilities remain limited to 2,000 kilometers. With their latest missile coming in at a range of 700 kilometers, they aren’t expected to hit the limit any time soon.

An anti-ship version of the terminally guided separating war head equipped zulfiqar land attack quasi ballistic missile....no surprises there.Personally I`m waiting for the air launched variants to appear:azn:
Hopefully somewhere in future Iran will revealed their own Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile like Chinese
iran always threaten USA and israel all the time. some times you just have to shut it and keep on work you are doing.

thats is why america impose sanctions and Iran economy is shit
We should have something that could repel them in the air too for that distance ...

iran always threaten USA and israel all the time. some times you just have to shut it and keep on work you are doing.

thats is why america impose sanctions and Iran economy is shit

Don't you think they are responses to American policy towards Iran? for example we didn't occupy Canada and Mexico as the US neighbors while saying all options are on table from our military bases in the region.. we don''t have our fifth fleet of navy docked in Gulf of Mexico sending our drones inside of the US airspace... we have never supported a dictator in the US .. we never committed a military coup in the US against its elected democratic government ... we never supported Canada to invade the US ... we never supported Canadian dictator to use CW against American ... we never put sanctions on American so it become harder and harder for Americans to have access to medicine and job ... it ain't Iran that has used nukes against Japan and has 1000s of them and meanwhile scare people around the world from The US peaceful nuclear program ...

Tell them get out of this region .. u'd see nothing from us:
Good. Then they will be forced to be reliant only on their longer range cruise missiles but their carrier born aircraft have to fly 700 km just to reach Iran's shores!

Not really. Most long range standoff weapons are 500 to 1000km so the aircraft launch from carriers can fire without being endangered from any SAMs. Not to mention future longe range missiles launch from aircraft like F-18s have almost 2000km range. And I haven’t mentioned bombers.
They will park their ships in 436 miles offshore.
Not really. Most long range standoff weapons are 500 to 1000km so the aircraft launch from carriers can fire without being endangered from any SAMs. Not to mention future longe range missiles launch from aircraft like F-18s have almost 2000km range. And I haven’t mentioned bombers.

I don't think you need the future for aircraft to launch 2000km missile. A Su-24 with a reconfigured Soumar as (Air to Ground Missile) should be able to travel 2000km.
^ Without unconventional or CBRN warheads such long range weaponry does not get to fulfill its true purpose.
Not really. Most long range standoff weapons are 500 to 1000km so the aircraft launch from carriers can fire without being endangered from any SAMs. Not to mention future longe range missiles launch from aircraft like F-18s have almost 2000km range. And I haven’t mentioned bombers.

This is just wrong.

Most fighter jets don’t carry CM’s they carry air to air missiles, BVR missiles, PGMs. So no there are no “missiles” that have 2000KM range or even 1000KM range. Most air to air missiles are less than 200KM range and PGMs much less than that unless using a glide kit.

Cruise missiles on fighter jets doesn’t count.

And why would a carrier group use a fighter jet to launch a CM when it’s own destroyers could do it? Tomhawks have plenty of range without the need for an aircraft to carry it.

Fighters jets and bombers that are equipped with air launch version of CMs are usually nuclear capable, not conventional as that is a waste.

Even in cases of Israel that uses the Dalieah cruise missile pgm, it’s operational range is only 250KM.

CMs are not designed for fighter jets or bombers, rather some have been MODIFIED to fit on fighter jets/bombers for unique circumstances such as nuclear deterrence or for countries that lack adequate Navy’s (Ie Iran).
I hope one day IRGC will be able to mount Phoenix type missiles on drones, it will be a scorching day for the enemy when that happens...
Unfortunately its a very,very big,both large and heavy,missile and you would need a very,very big drone to carry something like that.
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