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Iran-Russia Military Cooperation to Enter New Level


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The military cooperation between Tehran and Moscow is constantly accelerating and "will reach new levels", Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said.
Iranian Defence Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami is in Moscow to sit down with his Russian counterpart and a number of other high-profile defence officials, Jalali further said, according to Sputnik News.
General Hatami will take part in the International Military-Technical Forum ‘Army-2020’ at the invitation of his Russian counterpart.
Jalali on to praise the Kremlin's efforts to defend the upcoming removal of a ban on weapons sales to Iran, which is set to expire in October.
"(By voting down the US resolution on continuing the ban, Russia) showed that it opposes illegal and futile actions by the United States," he said.
The UN Security Council almost unanimously refused last week to support a US-sponsored draft resolution on extending the arms embargo against Iran, which is due to expire in October under the JCPOA.
During the 15-member Security Council vote, the US received support only from the Dominican Republic for its anti-Iran resolution, leaving it far short of the minimum nine "yes" votes required for adoption.
Russia and China, both veto-wielding powers and parties to the JCPOA, voted against the draft resolution and the remaining 11 Security Council members, including France, Germany and Britain, abstained.

When will Russia sell Iran advanced weapons given that Russia is itself under sanctions?

For sanctioned Russian arms companies, it only makes sense to sell to other sanctioned states.
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Hopefully the russians wont budge under Imperial pressure this time. Iran Badly needs those advanced Interceptors.
I`ll believe it if and when I see it......
.......until then tho,russias past history of "reliable unreliability" towards iran speaks far more eloquently than any politicians sweet talk about "new levels of cooperation".
If Iran ends up with SU35 with advanced BVR missiles then the power ratio will alter in the gulf
If Iran ends up with SU35 with advanced BVR missiles then the power ratio will alter in the gulf

Balance of power:

I do not know if you ever travelled to any of these Arab pseudo countries in the Persian gulf...I have and I can tell you ...imagine a vast sand desert and then place a glass and concrete tall buildings in the middle of sand ..the inhabitants of these glass and sand buildings wear white robes and drive latest model cars and walk around in indoor air conditioned shopping malls....they do not do any real work (mostly they pretend they work)...real work is done by others .. imported from all around the world ...the decision makings are done by western embassy staffs for them ...the white robes only sign the cheques .

Now imagine if they get into a conflict with a country such as Iran...all has to be done is few missiles landing on those tall buildings or even better few missiles landing on their water tanks that you see all over ..the game is over for them in few hours...the ones that did not escape to the desert or europe will obtain plastic containers and look around for water in the sand...(remember Kuwait when she was invaded by saddam)...
They know that...but they have no choice but to buy and sign cheques ...these are new slaves of Americans and europeans...so as you can see the balance of power does not require SU 35s...
Balance of power:

I do not know if you ever travelled to any of these Arab pseudo countries in the Persian gulf...I have and I can tell you ...imagine a vast sand desert and then place a glass and concrete tall buildings in the middle of sand ..the inhabitants of these glass and sand buildings wear white robes and drive latest model cars and walk around in indoor air conditioned shopping malls....they do not do any real work (mostly they pretend they work)...real work is done by others .. imported from all around the world ...the decision makings are done by western embassy staffs for them ...the white robes only sign the cheques .

Now imagine if they get into a conflict with a country such as Iran...all has to be done is few missiles landing on those tall buildings or even better few missiles landing on their water tanks that you see all over ..the game is over for them in few hours...the ones that did not escape to the desert or europe will obtain plastic containers and look around for water in the sand...(remember Kuwait when she was invaded by saddam)...
They know that...but they have no choice but to buy and sign cheques ...these are new slaves of Americans and europeans...so as you can see the balance of power does not require SU 35s...

I'm glad you know what's up.

Most of those poor laborers who build that shit are also exploited, some are never paid. And are you aware thousands of them are KILLED? Bangladesh alone gets 5,000 people every year in body bags. Weirdly, they claim most died by suicide. First of all, that's not true. Many of them were murdered, raped-murdered, and overworked to death. Secondly, those who did commit suicide how bad did you treat them that people would be driven to suicide?

They also have an unofficial caste system, and non-Khaleeji Muslims are on the bottom with Disbelievers above them.

Yemen was a kingdom for thousands of years, even before Islam. These Hejazi regions were minor city states or nothing at all. Human civilization is formed around fresh water, not desert. Their cities are unsustainable and will be destroyed inevitably. As is God's will.

Make sure to aim your cross-hairs at the water desalination plants.

I've thought extensively about this stuff. I believe one of the biggest detraction points is that these cities, especially UAE, has many foreign nationals living in it.

Then again, you might not have to worry about it too much, for when an anti-Iran war breaks out it's not like the rest of the world will be stopping it, so you don't need to think about other countries TOO much if they don't think about you. But even still, you need to pick your target wisely: which buildings have fewer foreigners.
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If Iran ends up with SU35 with advanced BVR missiles then the power ratio will alter in the gulf
THe power ratio in the gulf already changed with a sanctioned Iran.....unless US/NATO/ISrael+ GCC enact a military plan to break up or succesfully strangle Iran, Iran is already the dominant Middle East power outside of Turkey and thats because IRan has a smart long term plan thats based on good understanding of regional fundamentals(at least some).
Hopefully the russians wont budge under Imperial pressure this time. Iran Badly needs those advanced Interceptors.

Which interceptors can Russia sell Iran that would help Iran intercept F-22s and F-35s? It may be a waste of Iran's precious foreign reserves to spend on a 4.5th gen (at best) platform to intercept a truly 5th gen jet like the F-22.

But there are some other Russian goodies that Iran could use to deter Israeli and American planners.
I think Iran will modernize its air force and navy as soon as the arms embargo is lifted.
I think if anyone was in irans 🇮🇷 position they would do the same. Lets see what America does to stop China and Russia

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