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‘Iran respects all divine religions’

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Angeldust, you ever been to Iran/going to come for pilgrimage? I know a lot of Indian Zoroastrians do come...
Abii, Ahura Mazda loves you still my friend.

The spirit of Asha burns within all of you still.

You need to just reach within to find it.

Your mullahs are not as strong as you think.

Nor the street thugs of the jundolla.

75 million of you, and you act like a bunch of castrated pansies.

You sound like a Christian missionary.

Hey, this isn't a bad idea actually. Once the system in Iran is changed, a lot of people would want to change religions and Parsis in India could send out missionaries. Some people are just weak. They need to follow a religion in order for their lives to have a meaning. I rather have them follow yours than Islam, but in the end it's really the same thing.

You might wanna read a little about what Sassanids did to all the nationalities that refused to become Zoroastrians. From Armenians to... they killed and murdered just like the muslims. They ruled with an iron fist.

The only pansy btw is the delusional you know who that thinks he's Iranian and not the Indian that he really is.

so yeah, take my advice. Gather up your fellow missionaries and send them out to Iran when the time comes. Some weak minded people will probably want a new faith to slave themselves to.
Angeldust, you ever been to Iran/going to come for pilgrimage? I know a lot of Indian Zoroastrians do come...

Probably. I would like to.

My problem is that I work in an industry which deals with some pretty sensitive stuff and with the US.

We do a lot of business with Iran too.

But off late, some of us with Iran stamps on their passports are finding it difficult to get US visas. In spite of repeated attempts and long reference checks and a huge amount of documentation and string pulling at the highest levels.

So that is a problem for me. Same with Pakistan.
There you go again!! Calling us non Persian... Just when we where starting to get along. :shout:
lmao this is fantastic aint it?
Only on defence.pk you can find an Indian that thinks he's Parsi while me and you aren't. We can track back our entire ancestorial line in Iran and speak, act, breath Parsi and practice Persian culture and tradition while the delusional creature can track more than a 1000 yrs of his ancestorial line in India!!! And he's Persian while we're not. So what's his reasoning? That he believes in a Persian invented santa clause while we believe in a foreign santa clause lmao
You sound like a Christian missionary.

Hey, this isn't a bad idea actually. Once the system in Iran is changed, a lot of people would want to change religions and Parsis in India could send out missionaries. Some people are just weak. They need to follow a religion in order for their lives to have a meaning. I rather have them follow yours than Islam, but in the end it's really the same thing.

You might wanna read a little about what Sassanids did to all the nationalities that refused to become Zoroastrians. From Armenians to... they killed and murdered just like the muslims. They ruled with an iron fist.

The only pansy btw is the delusional you know who that thinks he's Iranian and not the Indian that he really is.

so yeah, take my advice. Gather up your fellow missionaries and send them out to Iran when the time comes. Some weak minded people will probably want a new faith to slave themselves to.

Abii, you know in your jest you have described exactly what is going to happen, as Iran overthrows the mullahs and looks for the path back.

Of the three original atashes, the one surviving one is in India. We will show you the way when the time comes.

But we will not fight your fight for you.

You need to finish what you left incomplete centuries ago. On your own this time.
Abii, you know in your jest you have described exactly what is going to happen, as Iran overthrows the mullahs and looks for the path back.

Of the three original atashes, the one surviving one is in India. We will show you the way when the time comes.

But we will not fight your fight for you.

You need to finish what you left incomplete centuries ago. On your own this time.

But I thought Zoroastrianism didn't allow converts, so how do you want us to convert to Zoroastrianism when it is not even allowed? They don't even let non Zoroastrians into Atashgahs in Iran.
But I thought Zoroastrianism didn't allow converts, so how do you want us to convert to Zoroastrianism when it is not even allowed? They don't even let non Zoroastrians into Atashgahs in Iran.
oh you're right lol

As far as I know, Indian zartoshtis don't allow converts but Iranian zartoshtis do.

Quite a number of famous Iranians in North America have converted (Trita Parsi for example-I think). My mom has a zoroastrian friend and I told her how I once wanted to convert and she wouldn't let it go. She kept giving my mom books for me to read lmaooo

looks like they all have the Christian missionary gene.
oh you're right lol

As far as I know, Indian zartoshtis don't allow converts but Iranian zartoshtis do.

Lol even Iranian Zoroastrians don't allow it, because they will get killed for blasphemy if anyone converts away from Islam.

Have you heard the Muslim joke?

When you enter the religion we chop your penis, when you leave the religion we chop your head! :rofl:
But I thought Zoroastrianism didn't allow converts, so how do you want us to convert to Zoroastrianism when it is not even allowed? They don't even let non Zoroastrians into Atashgahs in Iran.

Brother, that is only in India, and is more Parsi than Zoroastrian per se.

It started with a promise and over the centuries developed into a chauvinistic communal paranoia about losing our identity.

There are many stories of how it initially started with preserving the faith and the holy fire, building upon the ancient scripts, many of then which were irrevocably destroyed, all for when the faith could be re-established on its ancient soil once the men left behind could overthrow Islam.

That never happened. The men bowed to Islam. And centuries later, tried to twist Islam to what they remembered of their Zoroastrian tenets still as a people.

Shia Islam was born out of a corrupt Zoroastrianism.

But the thinking here and elsewhere is changing.

Already girls and boys fom Kerman and Isfahan and Tehran are being actively brought out to breed with Indian origin Parsi and Irani Zathosthis. The community sees it as a fresh dose of blood to what is increasingly a weakening gene pool.

The next step is going to be infusing once Muslim Persian Iranian blood back into our bloodlines.

But that is still some way away.

The results from the just concluded Avesthagen genotyping project will have a lot to do with the way forward. We look forward to it.

But what happens at your end is up to you. We are and always have been guardians of the faith.

We are too small in number to get militant.

You will have to do the fighting. Leave the spiritualism to us.
Lol even Iranian Zoroastrians don't allow it, because they will get killed for blasphemy if anyone converts away from Islam.

Have you heard the Muslim joke?

When you enter the religion we chop your penis, when you leave the religion we chop your head! :rofl:
haha yeah

but that's only because of IR. Outside Iran, Iranian zoroastrians are really into this whole missionary conversion game.

Brother, that is only in India, and is more Parsi than Zoroastrian per se.

It started with a promise and over the centuries developed into a chauvinistic communal paranoia about losing our identity.

There are many stories of how it initially started with preserving the faith and the holy fire, building upon the ancient scripts, many of then which were irrevocably destroyed, all for when the faith could be re-established on its ancient soil once the men left behind could overthrow Islam.

That never happened. The men bowed to Islam. And centuries later, tried to twist Islam to what they remembered of their Zoroastrian tenets still as a people.

Shia Islam was born out of a corrupt Zoroastrianism.

But the thinking here and elsewhere is changing.

Already girls and boys fom Kerman and Isfahan and Tehran are being actively brought out to breed with Indian origin Parsi and Irani Zathosthis. The community sees it as a fresh dose of blood to what is increasingly a weakening gene pool.

The next step is going to be infusing once Muslim Persian Iranian blood back into our bloodlines.

But that is still some way away.

The results from the just concluded Avesthagen genotyping project will have a lot to do with the way forward. We look forward to it.

But what happens at your end is up to you. We are and always have been guardians of the faith.

We are too small in number to get militant.

You will have to do the fighting. Leave the spiritualism to us.
lmao wtf is this guy talking about??
If I convert, can I have the same thing you're smoking?

gene pool? shia islam from zoroastrianism? what? looool

dude, shia islam wasn't invented by Iranians. We became shia in the 1600's. It's another arab religion.
[/B]haha yeah

but that's only because of IR. Outside Iran, Iranian zoroastrians are really into this whole missionary conversion game.

I know... A lot of the Persian nationalists outside the country have converted to Zoroastrianism. So have a lot of the ones on the Los Angeles Satellite shows.

The head of NIAC (National Iranian American Council) is a guy named Trita Parsi. He is Zoroastrian by birth.
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