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‘Iran respects all divine religions’

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"I love you, you came very good", he says in Persian, if I'm not mistaken. (yeah, I know some Persian, I'm myself originally from Ahar in Iran).

It doesn't makes sense to be honest.

I thought you were Azeri?:undecided:
I think that's the opposite, in every Iranian you will find an Azeri. :D

Like half of Tehran population.
ha ha ha...first stop cursing then talk!
What I meant was that there are alot of Persians with at least some Azeri ancestry. Specially the population in Tehran.

"Iranian" is not some kind of ethnicity, my friend. It's nationality.
What I meant was that there are alot of Persians with at least some Azeri ancestry. Specially the population in Tehran.

You indeed had a large migration flow of Azeri's to Tehran. The Bazaar of Tehran was quite dominated by Azeri's as I can remember.
Bab : he first claimed that he was deputy of Imam Zaman , then he claimed that he was Imam zaman then he claimed he was a new prophet and then he said that he was God ... thus without any question it is a true religious .... :rofl:
So what? Even I can go outside and gather a following if I try hard enough. If the Canadian authorities decided to kill me as a result, my following would increase hundred fold within hours. If you don't want people to leave Islam, give them a reason.

Right now the biggest reason why Iranian muslims are leaving Islam is things like shria law, Saudi and mullah systems of gov, Velayate Faqih etc...

my 2 cents.
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