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Iran Ramps up Persecution of Sunni Muslims

Nothing knew.

The Muslim world is a joke. Filled with dictators and incompetent fools. Divided in various groups that defend them like loyal pet dogs. Trying to make one shit shine more than the other shit.


No wonder that the West laughs at the Muslim world and uses it as a tissue. I don't blame them.

Weak, stupid and gulliable people deserve what is happening to them.

Asking for civil rights in most of the Muslim world is like being an informer in the mafia while being a member. Asking for a death sentence.

PDF is a good representation of a mini-Muslim world.:lol:

Now call me a Muslim-hater or whatever. Don't care. What I have written is the reality. It's just so embarrassing that I can't stay silent anymore.
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Non of your business what the people believe

Do you have problem with people leave islam??

Sorry Sir :enjoy:. I was just saying that if there were a need for religious persecution, then the regime should have done it against its own Persian Shia people who are no longer in favor of holding any faith. I didn't mean to sound rude to you, but had witnessed how many Iranians have negativity reacted to the regime's economic and political failure by turning away from religion all together.
Your and the OP's propaganda has no bearing anymore. The whole world now knows the truth about you people. You stand exposed. Specially you who had said this about the slaughter of 150 innocent children: Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids) | Page 286

And you are the one, who had said, he can not stand looking at Pakistan's flag. So much hate you have piled up inside yourself:


This guy's a nutcase.
But then again, this seems to be a common disorder amongst Arabs - at least this forum seems to suggest so.

On topic, it's an open secret that Sunnis are a persecuted minority in Iran, just as Shias are a persecuted minority in Saudi Arabia.
This guy's a nutcase.
But then again, this seems to be a common disorder amongst Arabs - at least this forum seems to suggest so.

Yes and it seems that you are obsessed about the 450 million or so Arabs. Obsession is a mental disease. I see you constantly in threads that involve Arabs. What happened? Did an rich Arab steal your girlfriend in the UK?

Be sure of the fact that are are 100 times more Pakistani nutcases let alone Indian ones on PDF than Arabs. Farsis take the lead on PDF compared to their numbers with all the double users and deluded clowns. The moderators can attest to that.
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a future turkiye-iran war is on the horizon.

a second yavuz sultan selim han is coming.

the sunnis of suriye, irak, lubnan, iran, pakistan, afghanistan, hindistan and now yemen respectfully disagree.

shiites, seculars, khawarij, interfaith-dialoguers have many cheerleaders from other religions.

what is the real reason, intent and purpose ...

the regime in saudia arabia is khawarij(wahabi,salafi). the people of saudia arabia are sunni.

the sunnis killed in suriye (six digits) and irak (seven digits) must have been killed by aliens from mars or uranus (a shiite favourite if u know what i mean).

khawarij(wahabis,salafis) are not sunni.

shiites & seculars say that they are.
israilistan, china, russia, europe, america, hindistan say the same as shiites & seculars.

dont u find it interesting that non-sunnis are using the same propaganda.

Indeed it is. But out of all of God's beautiful and blessed beings, I would chose Arabs to obsess about? Cannot be :lol:

Well, I am sure that most Arabs are happy about this apparently being the case. This does not explain your constant presence in threads involving Arabs though.

Anyway I am sure that Arabs are sleepless at night because a Pakistani migrant on PDF living in the UK is generalizing all Arab users on PDF because of one Arab user who has written almost 10.000 posts, wrote a stupid post in a heated discussion (likely).

Be sure of the fact that Arabs of all people on PDF are some of the most normal ones and those with the fewest "nutcases".

Evident of the Arab section being the most troll free section despite thousands of posts. It's so calm that a moderator is not even needed on that section.

The reason why the ME section of the forum is a joke is because of non-Arabs spreading nonsense about internal Arab issues that they have no clue about. They can't even count to 10 in Arabic. So don't make me laugh here.
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The guy who wrote this article is Australian/British not "Stateless Kurds". But you wouldn't care less since your own people are controlled by an Iranian foot soldier. Not to mentioned the countless number of you freaks streaming to the "Stateless Kurds" territory for vocation and escaping the hell holes of Basra and Baghdad for a better life.


L O L isn't it funny,same people will be considered terrorist in west for their activities against state. And called Muslim terrorist . But in Iran the are Sunni ,who are being hanged by Shia really.
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see man , you CANNOT find a saudi who speaks against the regime of saudia over the military forums . someone would say : why is that ? :lol: isn't this the same lunatic dictatorship who is known to be the DARKEST regime of the world ?

so do saudis really love this pathetic slavery ? the answer is easy !!

there is no one who has the balls to talk bigger than their mouth or they'll be beheaded with 'dem balls in their hands . but of course there are always paid cyber warriors you know !! :lol: @500 knows what i'm talking about :lol:

so go away dude ! don't even embarrass yourself more than this . i can take it from an american talking about freedom of religion and speech in iran , but honestly ? i CANNOT take it from a saudi who lives in the most backwards dictatorship in all time .

come back when your women had the permission to drive cars :lol:

aren't i right ? :lol: @mohsen @kollang @rahi2357 @Daneshmand @The Last of us

You can continue to respond the immature way you like to do, it is your choice. It remains a valid argument to say that animosity against Islam is absolutely rampant in Iran, and it is substantially attributed to the poor economic and political management of the Mullahs' regime.
This guy's a nutcase.
But then again, this seems to be a common disorder amongst Arabs - at least this forum seems to suggest so.

On topic, it's an open secret that Sunnis are a persecuted minority in Iran, just as Shias are a persecuted minority in Saudi Arabia.

A really pathetic nutcase without any empathy or humanity.

On topic, there are issues, but those issues are being sorted out as time goes by. Look around yourself. What brand of Islam is causing all the troubles? Do you know there are dozens of Wahabi satellite channels being beamed into Iran from Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf states, instigating Sunnis in Iran to become Takfiri and create the same problems inside Iran as Pakistan is suffering from? Do you know that in the beginning of bloodbath in Pakistan's Baluchistan it was first the teachers and doctors who were being killed by these animals and now they are doing the same inside Iran's Sistan va Balochistan province? Should Iran remain inactive and passive as Pakistan remained and allow this to go unchecked?

Muslim world is not in a junction that can afford to allow Western quality freedom of this or that. Once we pass this bloody junction brought about by Takfiris then in peaceful times we can talk about rights and freedoms.
a future turkiye-iran war is on the horizon.

a second yavuz sultan selim han is coming.

the sunnis of suriye, irak, lubnan, iran, pakistan, afghanistan, hindistan and now yemen respectfully disagree.

shiites, seculars, khawarij, interfaith-dialoguers have many cheerleaders from other religions.

what is the real reason, intent and purpose ...

the regime in saudia arabia is khawarij(wahabi,salafi). the people of saudia arabia are sunni.

the sunnis killed in suriye (six digits) and irak (seven digits) must have been killed by aliens from mars or uranus (a shiite favourite if u know what i mean).

khawarij(wahabis,salafis) are not sunni.

shiites & seculars say that they are.
israilistan, china, russia, europe, america, hindistan say the same as shiites & seculars.

dont u find it interesting that non-sunnis are using the same propaganda.
1--What is hindistan?I suppose u mean hindustan,so look in India there is no sectarian bullshit it is a secular country but what happen with Shias in my neighbouring country is called Class "A" persecution and even scholars branded them "apostates".

2)So you count secular and other faith relegions in same league with khawarij/wahabi and accuse them as cheerleaders?
This does not explain your constant presence in threads involving Arabs though.

Constant presence? Barring all the childish suppositions, such as the classic 'rich Arab stole your girlfriend' you seem to hand out to everyone, I'm genuinely interested to know when the last time you and I ever 'talked' on this forum was? Or which Arab thread (bar the casual talk Coffee shop) I have been persisting in the past 3 years? Each new delusional post and rant of yours convinces me that perhaps, just perhaps, there really is something wrong with you.

Be sure of the fact that Arabs of all people on the ME are some of the most normal ones and those with the fewest "nutcases".
You certainly are not convincing me of this 'fact'.
see man , you CANNOT find a saudi who speaks against the regime of saudia over the military forums . someone would say : why is that ? :lol: isn't this the same lunatic dictatorship who is known to be the DARKEST regime of the world ?

so do saudis really love this pathetic slavery ? the answer is easy !!

there is no one who has the balls to talk bigger than their mouth or they'll be beheaded with 'dem balls in their hands . but of course there are always paid cyber warriors you know !! :lol: @500 knows what i'm talking about :lol:

so go away dude ! don't even embarrass yourself more than this . i can take it from an american talking about freedom of religion and speech in iran , but honestly ? i CANNOT take it from a saudi who lives in the most backwards dictatorship in all time .

come back when your women had the permission to drive cars :lol:

aren't i right ? :lol: @mohsen @kollang @rahi2357 @Daneshmand @The Last of us

You are absolutely right.
You can continue to respond the immature way you like to do, it is your choice. It remains a valid argument to say that animosity against Islam is absolutely rampant in Iran, and is substantially attributed to the poor economic and political management of the Mullahs' regime.
if shia islam is actually animosity towards islam and atheism and barabaric takfiri terrorism is the real islam you're talking about , i would choose atheism (astaghfirallah) everyday .

but i'm afraid thats not the case .

you could say all you want , all your baseless rants which BTW you're getting paid for is not working . its too big of a lie for even wahhabites to believe .

enjoy living in the most dark regime in the world .

and a friendly advice : don't beat up your women ! let them drive !
Constant presence? Barring all the childish suppositions, such as the classic 'rich Arab stole your girlfriend' you seem to hand out to everyone, I'm genuinely interested to know when the last time you and I ever 'talked' on this forum was? Or which Arab thread (bar the casual talk Coffee shop) I have been persisting in the past 3 years? Each new delusional post and rant of yours convinces me that perhaps, just perhaps, there really is something wrong with you.

You certainly are not convincing me of this 'fact'.

Keep telling yourself that. I have seen your presence in dozens of threads that deal with Arabs one way or another. I am not going to waste my time looking at your user history and proving my point. The fact that other users have pointed this out before is enough.

Whatever it is your butthurt is obvious.

Just know that your opinion is irrelevant like that of any other foreigner.
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