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Iran Ramps up Persecution of Sunni Muslims

The guy who wrote this article is Australian/British not "Stateless Kurds". But you wouldn't care less since your own people are controlled by an Iranian foot soldier. Not to mentioned the countless number of you freaks streaming to the "Stateless Kurds" territory for vocation and escaping the hell holes of Basra and Baghdad for a better life.

toff va sar bowakat ara ya terkheni ka pas enakhtio .

xerreg va sarret .

Your and the OP's propaganda has no bearing anymore. The whole world now knows the truth about you people. You stand exposed. Specially you who had said this about the slaughter of 150 innocent children: Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids) | Page 286

hilarious !!

look at the little terrorist supporter changing colors day by day .

@DESERT FIGHTER @LoveIcon @rockstar08 @dexter
toff va sar bowakat ara ya terkheni ka pas enakhtio .

xerreg va sarret .

hilarious !!

look at the little terrorist supporter changing colors day by day .

@DESERT FIGHTER @LoveIcon @rockstar08 @dexter

The guy is mentally unstable. Look what he had written in his signature in that screenshot. Is this what a mentally stable person would say?
If there should be any religious persecution, it should be directed against large portion of the Persian population in Iran. They are now heading towards atheism, and agnosticism in massive massive numbers.
toff va sar bowakat ara ya terkheni ka pas enakhtio .

xerreg va sarret .

hilarious !!

look at the little terrorist supporter changing colors day by day .

@DESERT FIGHTER @LoveIcon @rockstar08 @dexter

dude to be honest , i dont know what is his problem ,or what he is trying to do ??
could you be a little specific ?

thanks in advance :)

The guy is mentally unstable. Look what he had written in his signature in that screenshot. Is this what a mentally stable person would say?

that's creepy ... :blink:
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If there should be any religious persecution, it should be directed against large portion of the Persian population in Iran. They are now heading towards atheism, and agnosticism in massive massive numbers.

If there should be any religious persecution, it should be directed against large portion of the Persian population in Iran. They are now heading towards atheism, and agnosticism in massive massive numbers.
Don't think Atheists are involved with anything in that region. Only religious and nationalist nutters.
dude to be honest , i dont know what is his problem ,or what he is trying to do ??
bro , one day he is the defender of all sunni muslims in pakistan and around the globe and one day he says this about the kids who where massacred in pakistan :
"So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished."

and :


If there should be any religious persecution, it should be directed against large portion of the Persian population in Iran. They are now heading towards atheism, and agnosticism in massive massive numbers.
the above is just in ! from this a-rabs a$$ .

oh wait , my bad ! from the kingdomnews.com

That just proves the failure of your beloved regime. It failed in its first mission (making people more religious). They have unintentionally spread atheism and agnosticism like never have been witnessed in Iranian history. Hardcore atheist Iranians do truly thank the Mullah regime for being a living valid argument against faith (all types of faith). This is the same regime you told us about its majic achievements, the stealthy Qaher jet and all the rest of the cool stuff.
bro , one day he is the defender of all sunni muslims in pakistan and around the globe and one day he says this about the kids who where massacred in pakistan :
"So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished."

and :


the above is just in ! from this a-rabs a$$ .

oh wait , my bad ! from the kingdomnews.com

well i dont know what is his problem , but almost every country does give the Sh!t , what happen in Peshawar was brutal ... even our enemies stand with us that time of sorrow and its sad to see such comments from a Friendly Country .. that is indeed terrible .. but i guess he doesnt represent the Saudi People as whole ... there are many nice one's here ...Specially @al-Hasani ..
maybe he done need some medical attention ... poor chap
That just proves the failure of your beloved regime. It failed in its first mission (making people more religious). They have unintentionally spread atheism and agnosticism like never have been witnessed in Iranian history. Hardcore atheist Iranians do truly thank the Mullah regime for being a living valid argument against faith (all types of faith). This is the same regime you told us about its majic achievements, the stealthy Qaher jet and all the rest of the cool stuff.

No problem !
That just proves the failure of your beloved regime. It failed in its first mission (making people more religious). They have unintentionally spread atheism and agnosticism like never have been witnessed in Iranian history. Hardcore atheist Iranians do truly thank the Mullah regime for being a living valid argument against faith (all types of faith). This is the same regime you told us about its majic achievements, the stealthy Qaher jet and all the rest of the cool stuff.
That just proves the failure of your beloved regime. It failed in its first mission (making people more religious). They have unintentionally spread atheism and agnosticism like never have been witnessed in saudian history. Hardcore atheist saudiz do truly thank the takfiri regime for being a living valid argument against faith (all types of faith). This is the same regime you told us about its majic achievements, the stealthy F-15 jet and all the rest of the cool stuff.

EDIT : fixed it for you

BTW : its magic , not majic . someone who doesn't know basic english words is lecturing others . such a pity .
That just proves the failure of your beloved regime. It failed in its first mission (making people more religious). They have unintentionally spread atheism and agnosticism like never have been witnessed in saudian history. Hardcore atheist saudiz do truly thank the Mullah regime for being a living valid argument against faith (all types of faith). This is the same regime you told us about its majic achievements, the stealthy F-15 jet and all the rest of the cool stuff.

EDIT : fixed it for you

Don't live in denial man. Large number of Iranians have lost their faith after the 1979 revolution, and many are in the way.
If there should be any religious persecution, it should be directed against large portion of the Persian population in Iran. They are now heading towards atheism, and agnosticism in massive massive numbers.
Non of your business what the people believe

Don't live in denial man. Large number of Iranians have lost their faith after the 1979 revolution, and many are in the way.
Do you have problem with people leave islam??
Don't live in denial man. Large number of Iranians have lost their faith after the 1979 revolution, and many are in the way.
see man , you CANNOT find a saudi who speaks against the regime of saudia over the military forums . someone would say : why is that ? :lol: isn't this the same lunatic dictatorship who is known to be the DARKEST regime of the world ?

so do saudis really love this pathetic slavery ? the answer is easy !!

there is no one who has the balls to talk bigger than their mouth or they'll be beheaded with 'dem balls in their hands . but of course there are always paid cyber warriors you know !! :lol: @500 knows what i'm talking about :lol:

so go away dude ! don't even embarrass yourself more than this . i can take it from an american talking about freedom of religion and speech in iran , but honestly ? i CANNOT take it from a saudi who lives in the most backwards dictatorship in all time .

come back when your women had the permission to drive cars :lol:

aren't i right ? :lol: @mohsen @kollang @rahi2357 @Daneshmand @The Last of us
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