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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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The common man is the most significant part of the whole problem, for if he doesn't actively takes part in the war, he blindly supports the Mullahs due to his emotional attachment with the religion. The people you see in crowds cheering for some terrorists being released or bailed out, burning the houses of some alleged blasphemer or as recently the blasphemer himself, chanting slogans in favor of religious terrorists or else merely offering their funeral prayers form the supporters and facilitators part of the whole terrorism menace. There from, the manpower for these acts come from, the common man. You are mistaken that he's bogged down by his worries, he does worry for his after-world and that is where the Mullah is available with a quick remedy, a no-transit direct flight to the heaven so to speak.

A history lesson, usually given to others, isn't in order for you. You know it all, you understand it all most probably. Yes it isn't as simple but it isn't so complex even, to start supporting those who can clearly be seen as harming us. That is where my countrymen disappoint me. The "situational awareness" I am aware, is better than what it was, when people could be seen rooting for "angry brothers on the mountain" openly, that is increasing getting in indirect and subtle words. But time will tell. So far, I am unable to see any efforts by the Govt or military aimed at de-radicalization the society, just punitive military action which is a short term fix.

Lets have some faith nonetheless (la fortuna playing) :)

The common man is actively taking part in this war whether it be through the numerous surveys that show that Pakistanis have a very low tolerance level for extremism (lower than most others....remember that Tunisian comparative I showed you) or whether it be in the form of joining the Army or the FC; the former accepts Pakistanis from all walks of life but especially the working and the lower middle class while the latter is recruited almost exclusively from the tribes of FATA.

Yes there is a problem of extremism and yes there are people who are chanting unacceptable slogans or garlanding people like Qadri or going berserk at the mere mention of the word 'blasphemy' but these are fringe elements....a fraction of a mere fraction of the society. These are those 1% in the aforementioned survey who responded with 'yay' on whether its acceptable to target civilians; perhaps not even the whole 1%.

Should they be dealt with ? Indeed they should.

Are they being dealt with in the most effective and efficient manner ? Maybe not.

Are they being dealt with at all ? Definitely.

Between the punitive actions in North Waziristan, the deradicalization efforts by the Army, the rapprochement with Afghanistan, the Intelligence Based Operations in our cities and legislation for our current exceptional circumstances in place, things are indeed moving in the right direction.

For the terrorists and their sympathizers the space is there but its being constricted as we speak; perhaps not as urgently as you and I would hope it to but the movement is still there. Are the terrorists and their sympathizers still capable of spreading their narrative of victimhood or their perverted ideology today ? Indeed they are but are they finding it considerably more difficult to do so and are people much less susceptible to gulping up their venom than they were a few years ago ? I believe so.

But things will take time and the change will not be as perceptible as we would like it to be especially in a country like Pakistan where things rarely get done. We didn't just suddenly wake up to a radicalized society....we took nearly 30 years to reach this point and it'll take perhaps equally long to de-radicalize it.

I'm sure @Icarus and @Xeric can add more to it.
Captain Abid making recovery, good to see.

Following is Captain Akhtar...who also has minor injuries.


Another SSG Captain Hafeez Ahmed is much more seriously injured. As a mark of respect, I don't think it is suitable to post his picture.
We need to see more of these....... kill them Takfiri dogs...... kill them all, don't hold back..... there is no such thing as a good terrorist, not ours not theirs..... doesn't matter just keep shooting at them..... we'd also like to see some of their women burnt...... kill the collaborators too!

i know graphic images are not allowed, but i guess people need to see this:

As the nation observed a second day of official mourning, at the school gates in Peshawar there was defiance and a burning desire for revenge against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), whose seven-year insurgency has killed thousands of ordinary people.

Much of the school was devastated in the eight-hour rampage, with walls peppered with bullets and shrapnel from suicide blasts and walls and floors awash with blood.

But officials pledged to clean and restore the buildings and reopen on January 4 — less than three weeks after the attack.

There were emotional scenes outside the school as hundreds of students and parents gathered to light candles and leave flowers for the dead.

Mohammad Billal, 14, told AFP he would defy his parents’ advice to stay at home, and return to school as soon as he can.

“I will come the moment it opens because I am not scared of terrorists. I know how to send a message to them,” Billal said.

Moakal Jan, 13, lost nine of his friends in the attack but told AFP he too had no fears about returning.

“I study here in this school and I want to continue here, I will be back when it reopens. Life and death is in God’s hands,” Jan said.

Many of the school’s students are the children of army personnel, and like many of his friends, Jan said he wanted to punish the Taliban for Tuesday’s bloodshed.

“I want to be an army officer because I have to take revenge of my friends and school fellows,” he said.

Eighteen-year-old Abu Bakar agreed.

“Since my childhood I have wanted to join the army but now I am absolutely determined to join up,” he said.

“I want to take revenge for my friends, I want to fight the terrorists.”

More than 400 schools in Islamabad were warned of a possible plot to bomb buses carrying students in the capital, Mohammad Tahir Bhatti, spokesperson for the Federal Directorate of Education told AFP.

“We received information from various sources that terrorists were planning to attack buses by attaching magnetic bombs and have alerted the managements of institutions accordingly,” Bhatti said.

Officials of the directorate were also holding meetings to review security arrangements and schools and colleges and also visiting schools and colleges to monitor them, Bhatti said.

One 11-year-old primary school student said teachers had drilled them in emergency exits and routes to safe locations in case of any danger.

“Teacher asked us not to panic and silently follow instructions in case of any dangerous situation,” he told AFP.

“We are very scared since terrorist killed children in Peshawar.”

The TTP claimed Tuesday’s assault as revenge for the killing of its fighters and their families in an ongoing military operation against its strongholds in North Waziristan, and warned more attacks would follow.

Khalifa Umar Mansoor, the TTP commander identified by security sources as the mastermind of the school massacre, said schools like the one in Peshawar were “preparing those generals, brigadiers and majors who killed and arrested so many fighters”.

“If our women and children died as martyrs your children will not escape. If you attack us we will take revenge for the innocents,” he said in a video message posted online.

The political and military leaders have vowed to stamp out the scourge of militancy that has brought so much bloodshed to the country in recent years.

The military said Thursday that air strikes in Khyber tribal area, which borders North Waziristan, had killed 57 militants. :tup:

Peshawar attack survivors vow to defy Taliban – The Express Tribune


Zolfiqar, from the article you posted in quotes below, why were the rest of them not given capital punishment as well? Why just life imprisonments? Do you have access to the hearings - was it in a military tribunal? I hope from today onwards, all sections pertaining to terrorism in pakistan penal code are forwarded directly to military courts for summary judgements. No more waiting and no more jokes by Pakistan's judiciary!

A retired soldier, Imran Siddiq, was awarded life imprisonment in the case at the time whereas three civilians — Khaliqur Rehman, Mohammad Usman and Wajid Mehmood — were given life terms while two others, Mohammad Adnan and Tahir Shafiq (both civilians), were given eight and seven years jail sentence respectively.

Apart from Dr Usman, who was caught during the attack, other serviceman and five civilians were found guilty of abetment."

No idea. Some may have had "primary" roles while others were accomplices or 'accessories' to the crime. I honestly dont have the information. I share your feelings though - if things were my way those animals would all have been dead 5 years ago....consequence of going traitor against Pakistan

via firing squad
Is it safe for Saudis in PDF now or not again because apparently we are responsible for this attack as well. Is the majority here still looking to flay my skin alive and hang me in revenge of this? You people really know how to turn people from supportive to apathetic.

I cared and followed this news deeply but your actions here have caused me to lose interest in the subject all together. So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.

Mosamania, this is just a reaction after a long history of sufferings and humiliation. We are now charged and high, we have lost too much, TOO MUCH, but nothing comparable to the lives of our poor babies. This harshness is just a natural response against the ideology your country has been harbouring since the creation of Saudia, and because of your maniacs instilling this ideology into our people and killing those ruthlessly who do not agree with it. The grudge is not against only you, but against some Indians too who are playing with our nerves but this time we are selfish and stubborn like a monk and want nothing but revenge from WHOEVER comes in our way. Moreover, the rudeness, arrogance and superiority complex of you guys apparently scratching our scars which are not yet healed. I have seen this ego and high-hatting as I have lived with you, not one year, two years, but since my birth. No wonder Kuwaitis come after you in their arrogance and you keep the top title in Gulf countries which is a common faith among other Arabs, not just my delusions.

We expected Saudia, Saudis to stand by us shoulder to shoulder in our time of calamity but instead you guys pushed us to our limits and got us by our throat with your infamous behaviour. You, we call 'brothers', could have ignored the bad in us thinking of what we are going through and showed us your true 'brotherhood', instead you are brother with @Falcon29 because you guys share the same language? Falcon29 knows me well how firmly I defended Palestine and the movement and how I fought against those who defended Israel and almost all Pakistanis did so to win the cyber war of Palestine cause. He is dear to me but I am also disappointed in him.

Having said that, it was the right time for KSA - for you, to earn the lost respect back if you had at least showed the solidarity practically and not just mere meaningless condolences of King or the cold, hollow words of Sheikh of Har'am. Turkey has won our heart, India has been kind enough (looking at our rivalry) and some other nations worth mentioning. Don't think we are desperate and need you, nah we aren't, but that has defined us who is who! Don't get alpha at me and accept my apology beforehand if what I said hurts but after all truth has similar mechanism. Ma'as salamah!
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I just read somewhere that there are 3000 convicted terrorists on death penalty. Would someone confirm this? If this is true can we just not publicly hang them all? 3000 dead Taliban sounds good to me.
Sadness and ANGER still fresh in our minds.

But at least - my friends/brothers - I can bring you a some good news

Cap Abid SSG Commando - a well trained sniper-- who killed 3/7 terrorists. He was injured by shrapnel/gunfire. I posted about him yesterday.

Alhamdollilah with Allahs blessings - He is fine and making rapid recovery. His spirit is even more high. Proud of our heros; praying for the Departed.




@Xeric @Irfan Baloch @Hyperion @Desert Fox @TaimiKhan @Horus @Akheilos @Secur @Rafi @balixd @blain2

Brilliant news.
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