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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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I think it's Surenas.

Such straw-man tactic do not work and is pathetic. But then you coming here to help some one who said this is understandable to use such cheap tactics:

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore.

Someone who "does not give 2 shits anymore" about the 150 kids slaughtered and you, his friend, I presume. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Such straw-man tactic do not work and is pathetic. But then you coming here to help some one who said this is understandable to use such cheap tactics:

I am not involved in your cat-fight. Just thought it was you. :)

Mosa doesn't really like me.
@Oscar @Secur @Hyperion @balixd @Fulcrum15 @Horus @HRK Malik Ishaq is supporting Army and the hypocrisy of Jamatul Ahrar is out of this world o_O

Jamaatul Ahrar denounces Peshawar attack amid national outrage
Published about 9 hours ago

Jamaatul Ahrar spokesman Ehanullah Ehsan (L) speaks during an interview. – Photo Zahir Shah Sherazi/file
PESHAWAR: As the nation unites in grief over the killings of 132 schoolchildren by the Pakistani Taliban, several other militant groups have been quick to condemn the carnage too.

Most such groups have slaughtered civilians themselves, but the wave of outrage following the school attack is threatening the relative freedom they enjoy in Pakistan.

The country is home to a range of armed militant groups. Some like the Pakistani Taliban – also known as Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) – fight against the state.

Whether Islamabad moves against all of them equally will show whether the school massacre has finally spurred authorities to tackle militancy seriously, said Senator Afrasiab Khattak of Awami National Party (ANP).

“They are all terrorists and the state has to clearly oppose them in all shapes and colours,” he said. “So far they have not done so.”

The Afghan Taliban were the first to denounce the school attack as unIslamic, despite often killing civilians themselves. An Afghan Taliban suicide bomber killed more than 50 people at a volleyball match last month.

Some Pakistani Taliban, including powerful splinter group Jamaatul Ahrar, quickly sided with their Afghan patrons.

“Like them, we condemn the attack on the school and killing of innocent children,” said spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan.

The group earlier claimed responsibility for an attack that killed more than 50 people last month at a border crossing to India.

Other condemnation came from sectarian or anti-Indian groups that are nominally banned in Pakistan but operate openly, sometimes under different names.

Afghanistan has long accused Pakistan of supporting the Afghan Taliban to try to maintain its influence in the region. Pakistan says Afghanistan is doing the same with the Pakistani Taliban in return.

Another banned Pakistani group said it stood alongside the military in response to the attack.

We strongly condemn the attacks on schoolchildren in Peshawar and believe that there is no religious, ethical or any other social reason for this cruel act,” said Ghulam Rasool Shah, a deputy for Malik Ishaq, leader of the sectarian group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

“We stand with the Pakistan army and political leadership in this critical situation.”

The group was responsible for twin blasts in the city of Quetta last year that killed around 180 people, mostly belonging to Shia Hazara ethnic group.

Let's hope he or his family is not targeted by terrorists in revenge attack.

So by their logic killing of Shia sect is Islamic ..... now its too late anyone with terrorist mindset or objectives should be drained out from this country.....
I am not involved in your cat-fight. Just thought it was you. :)

Mosa doesn't really like me.

Nah I like you, you like me sometimes say stuff out of line when angry. WHich sometimes pisses me off. But I get over it after a while, c'mon you are my people after all.
For whom we are waiting till now, why hanging is not begin, or again we are having second thoughts, why delay , why not start a full fledged war on Taliban's and terrorist. why the hell we are waiting and for whom, bring terrorist to squares, bazars and hang them, behead them.... do we still need some shitty meeting or suggestions.... no ......... kill them , dispose them....
You only asked for one achievement.

Should I repeat myself .... ???
What 'Strategic Objective' America has achieved in Afghanistan till today .... ???

if you can't answer this simple question then don't try to hide behind meaningless word ...... such as

I gave you two.

Again try to answer these simple questions .... NOT TO ME BUT TO YOURSELF & 'TO YOUR NATION' (btw I am not quit sure you count yourself member of which nation)

OBL & Hakimullah Mehsud are the achievements .... ???

or they are the byproduct of two different wars of two different era in the same region .... ???

Then you complain I didn't give you enough.

yes we have received a lot in the form of 'OBL and Hakimullah Mehsud' but its you people who still think its not enough ....

Why should anybody, especially you, give any credence to your complaint?

Why should 'you' be considered as 'SOLUTION' not as the 'PART OF PROBLEMS' this region is facing .... ????

So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.

..... :lol:

........ :kiss3:
And this little fucker here is trying perpetuate the old notion of "Pakistani Saudi slave" to sow more anger and hatred towards Saudi Arabia and Saudis for his own political agenda. All I ask is that the incident not be soiled by politics, and indeed find those responsible and put an end to their miserable lives. Find the ones who are REALLY responsible, not because you already have a problem with Saudi Arabia (Which I will gladly debate in another thread), you magnify said problem with the still warm bodies of murdered children, is that too much to ask?

I said it before that this is a crime against humanity, and everyone should be mourning, it is not against Pakistan alone, at least I don't see it that way because I really hold very little credibility to nations or races or languages.

Oh and here:

Saudi King denounces Peshawar attack » Bhatkallys.com

It is not a notion you pea-brain it is a fact... when you throw your petro-dollars/dinars and buy the politicos in PK then you also put demands as well that is nothing but buying and using a slave... from small potatoes like hunting permits for your gay princes to asking to put a blind eye to death-monkeys trained to perpetuate your demented cult ideologies.... go make some retarded KSA 'forces' forum and spread your filth there... lay off PDF for a few days the wounds are too fresh and raw right now... and while we are at the subject, what the hell is KSA anyway, what kind of a retarded population name their country after a tribe and that too of a no-name generic hoard... its really more of a fiefdom, running off of a treasure given by God Himself for the maintenance of the holy lands... come to think of it its nothing but a glorified complex of hotels and resorts for rest of the muslims to go and fulfill their religious duty... I mean look at that abomination that is erected next to Kaaba, dwarfing the holy site... in all honesty seeing the way all the "ajaams" are treated there I wish we could just pick up the holy places and reposition them in a more people friendly area... Saudi "King" denouncing it is just like Modi denouncing it... just words and some more dinars thrown at them to keep their mouths shut...
It is not a notion you pea-brain it is a fact... when you throw your petro-dollars/dinars and buy the politicos in PK then you also put demands as well that is nothing but buying and using a slave... from small potatoes like hunting permits for your gay princes to asking to put a blind eye to death-monkeys trained to perpetuate your demented cult ideologies.... go make some retarded KSA 'forces' forum and spread your filth there... lay off PDF for a few days the wounds are too fresh and raw right now... and while we are at the subject, what the hell is KSA anyway, what kind of a retarded population name their country after a tribe and that too of a no-name generic hoard... its really more of a fiefdom, running off of a treasure given by God Himself for the maintenance of the holy lands... come to think of it its nothing but a glorified complex of hotels and resorts for rest of the muslims to go and fulfill their religious duty... I mean look at that abomination that is erected next to Kaaba, dwarfing the holy site... in all honesty seeing the way all the "ajaams" are treated there I wish we could just pick up the holy places and reposition them in a more people friendly area... Saudi "King" denouncing it is just like Modi denouncing it... just words and some more dinars thrown at them to keep their mouths shut...

I will be respectful to the victims and their families and will not respond to your racist and demeaning insults. My Pakistani friends asked me to keep this thread pure and I will do that.
Sadness and ANGER still fresh in our minds.

But at least - my friends/brothers - I can bring you a some good news

Cap Abid SSG Commando - a well trained sniper-- who killed 3/7 terrorists. He was injured by shrapnel/gunfire. I posted about him yesterday.

Alhamdollilah with Allahs blessings - He is fine and making rapid recovery. His spirit is even more high. Proud of our heros; praying for the Departed.




@Xeric @Irfan Baloch @Hyperion @Desert Fox @TaimiKhan @Horus @Akheilos @Secur @Rafi @balixd @blain2
As I have said over and over...... don't tell us what to do....... tell us how to do it wise guy..........

The ONLY solution to this multi-faceted problem is to remove the links between religion and the State.

Alhamolillah. First good news in days..........

Sadness and ANGER still fresh in our minds.

But at least - my friends/brothers - I can bring you a some good news

Cap Abid SSG Commando - a well trained sniper-- who killed 3/7 terrorists. He was injured by shrapnel/gunfire. I posted about him yesterday.

Alhamdollilah with Allahs blessings - He is fine and making rapid recovery. His spirit is even more high. Proud of our heros; praying for the Departed.




@Xeric @Irfan Baloch @Hyperion @Desert Fox @TaimiKhan @Horus @Akheilos @Secur @Rafi @balixd @blain2
The ONLY solution to this multi-faceted problem is to remove the links between religion and the State. Confine Islam to the personal domain only, where it belongs. Otherwise, this rampant overzealous religiosity with official backing with destroy the whole country. Sadly, this solution may be beyond reach.

From what I gather, I think the main problem is religious extremism. Its the ideology of darkness/destruction itself that needs to be tackled
I just don't know what to make of Sarthak Ganguly. His political views are atrocious, but every time push comes to shove, he does things exactly the way a decent officer and a gentleman should. He really confuses the hell out of me.

But I appreciate that nothing has diverted him from standing up and saying out loud, no ifs, buts, maybes or whatever, that this was a foul deed, and that the criminals and their leadership will roast in hell. That's as much as Indians can do. I suspect that even if in an emotional moment, the government and people of India were to offer to help physically, Pakistanis will be too proud to accept that help, and will prefer to sort it out themselves. No use pointing out that their own internal efforts have been bogged down, and show no signs of struggling out of the morass. If this monstrous event makes a difference, the world will be a better place.

I also see where you're coming from, saying that we're self-righteous. You know, the sad thing is that until 1971, we had a perfect right to be self-righteous; the criminality of Pakistani actions was apparent and self-confessed, and ironically, it was the intervention of 71, the one that in a sense blotted our escutcheon, that I support with the greatest zeal and burning conviction.

On a personal note, I am sorry at the extraordinary bad timing of putting up a smiling self-portrait, precisely on the cusp of a major tragedy such as this. I will change it within the next 24 hours. BTW, my family portrait which was the previous avatar will show you that my facial embellishments date back to 1971 at least.
Thank you, Sir. :) The statement 'upto 1971' is very correct. Something that most Indians are unaware of. But, at the same time, I also have similar views about Zarb-e-Azb - it really is stuck in the morass.

@Armstrong - Sorry Buttsy, some folks ganged up and were calling the Indian response a drama. Even threatening that appropriate actions will be taken. I ended up feeling disappointed ... hence the apparent self-righteousness. I did not wish to appear as such. I have no problems in accepting that mistake. :) Again, with no strings attached. ;)
But when I come to this thread I just get insulted and attacked.

You are not getting targeted because you are a Saudi or apparently a Wahabi or Salfi or whatever sect you belong to, but you are getting attacked because people here are perusing their agenda or hatred as you have yourself rightly said in your post.

people use dead children to push their ideologies.

there are some members of certain nationality who are trying to teach us about Islam & History, there are some members of other nationality who want to lecture us on Humanity, there some who want 'enlighten' us, there are some who want to 'liberalize' us, there are some who are terming us as Extremist while ignoring the fact that they themselves are fascist ..... some are perusing their sectarian, religious or political agendas and some are here using this time as an opportunity to rub us off .... so ignore ....
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You are not getting targeted because you are a Saudi or apparently a Wahabi or Salfi or whatever sect you belong to, but you are getting attacked because people here are perusing their agenda or hatred as you have your self rightly said in you post.

No personal attacks amongst us Muslims should be taking place. Lets be bigger minded people here.
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