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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Believe me it is pretty much appropriate here esp when the talibans think (but are not sure) they know why god would want them to kill innocents and innocents as well as their parents dont know why they they are being killed...
The second part of this hadith is, the killer and the one being killed both will go to hell.

Minor Signs (Fitna) before the Judgment Day: Part 2 - Al Quran Classes

So definately not the right hadith.

Thats actually my point, 7 came and all killed the children and then blew themself up. Then why DGISPR said, demage could be bigger, demage was done already.

The reason as far as i think for that late arrival is because the incident was a suspected hostage situation.
But instead they came to kill without any thought.
Thats not right, local saw from the wall that militants are doing firing. I saw in one video, someone tried to see above from wall.

My point is if snippers would have been placed on right time, casualties could have reduced. Opperation started late, and they clearly said we achieved our targets.
Thats actually my point, 7 came and all killed the children and then blew themselves up. Then why DGISPR said, damage could be bigger, damage was done already.

Thats not right, local saw from the wall that militants are doing firing. I saw in one video, someone tried to see above from wall.
My point is if snipers would have been placed on right time, casualties could have reduced. Operation started late,

and they clearly said we achieved our targets.

[First bold part] - Well, Damage could have been bigger if they werent killed, Even if late, You had to finish it as fast as possible to reduce casualties or else it would of been much bigger than the current one.

[Second] Well yeah, Good point on there. But, is this something to conspire upon? :S

[Third] Eh... They always say that. Even if most of their [Terrorist] Ops failed, they'd say the same. lol

[Forgive me for your spelling corrections... I cant help it, I'm only a kid ;-;]
I will never understand how kids can act as if they're 40 year old aunties imbued with the wisdom of ages and give elderly advice and moral strength to kids that are the same age as them ? :unsure:

HRK Bhai aaap Banking Industry mein kiyaa night-watchmen ka kaaam karteiii hain keh saaariii saaariii PDF par hoteiii hain ? :what:

Uncle how do you not understand it when you have mastered this art yourself. Ap hi se toh seeka hai ;) LOL
@Oscar @Secur @Hyperion @balixd @Fulcrum15 @Horus @HRK Malik Ishaq is supporting Army and the hypocrisy of Jamatul Ahrar is out of this world o_O

Jamaatul Ahrar denounces Peshawar attack amid national outrage
Published about 9 hours ago

Jamaatul Ahrar spokesman Ehanullah Ehsan (L) speaks during an interview. – Photo Zahir Shah Sherazi/file
PESHAWAR: As the nation unites in grief over the killings of 132 schoolchildren by the Pakistani Taliban, several other militant groups have been quick to condemn the carnage too.

Most such groups have slaughtered civilians themselves, but the wave of outrage following the school attack is threatening the relative freedom they enjoy in Pakistan.

The country is home to a range of armed militant groups. Some like the Pakistani Taliban – also known as Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) – fight against the state.

Whether Islamabad moves against all of them equally will show whether the school massacre has finally spurred authorities to tackle militancy seriously, said Senator Afrasiab Khattak of Awami National Party (ANP).

“They are all terrorists and the state has to clearly oppose them in all shapes and colours,” he said. “So far they have not done so.”

The Afghan Taliban were the first to denounce the school attack as unIslamic, despite often killing civilians themselves. An Afghan Taliban suicide bomber killed more than 50 people at a volleyball match last month.

Some Pakistani Taliban, including powerful splinter group Jamaatul Ahrar, quickly sided with their Afghan patrons.

“Like them, we condemn the attack on the school and killing of innocent children,” said spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan.

The group earlier claimed responsibility for an attack that killed more than 50 people last month at a border crossing to India.

Other condemnation came from sectarian or anti-Indian groups that are nominally banned in Pakistan but operate openly, sometimes under different names.

Afghanistan has long accused Pakistan of supporting the Afghan Taliban to try to maintain its influence in the region. Pakistan says Afghanistan is doing the same with the Pakistani Taliban in return.

Another banned Pakistani group said it stood alongside the military in response to the attack.

We strongly condemn the attacks on schoolchildren in Peshawar and believe that there is no religious, ethical or any other social reason for this cruel act,” said Ghulam Rasool Shah, a deputy for Malik Ishaq, leader of the sectarian group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

“We stand with the Pakistan army and political leadership in this critical situation.”

The group was responsible for twin blasts in the city of Quetta last year that killed around 180 people, mostly belonging to Shia Hazara ethnic group.
Clever taliban. They are very clever. They are playing with the mind of people, Some people will still fall in their trap due to Emotional attachment with the religion and Cycle will continue. :(
Kal Raat Dehshatgardon Pe Bhari Guzri

Massive Crackdown 4 Killed In Karachi 2 in Gujrat More Than Thirty Killed In Airstrikes and 10 Killed In Ground Operations In Khyber 6-8 Manged To Do What They Are Good At i.e un Away Like The Cowards They Are
Clever taliban. They are very clever. They are playing with the mind of people, Some people will still fall in their trap due to Emotional attachment with the religion and Cycle will continue. :(

I dont think people will fall for them this time. The poor ones might because to them only hope is religion.
We are also doing the whole nation a disservice by allowing any airtime to mullahs known to reject condemnation of this incident, e.g. lal masjid burka mullah
Is it safe for Saudis in PDF now or not again because apparently we are responsible for this attack as well. Is the majority here still looking to flay my skin alive and hang me in revenge of this? You people really know how to turn people from supportive to apathetic.

I cared and followed this news deeply but your actions here have caused me to lose interest in the subject all together. So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.
Is it safe for Saudis in PDF now or not again because apparently we are responsible for this attack as well. Is the majority here still looking to flay my skin alive and hang me in revenge of this? You people really know how to turn people from supportive to apathetic.

I cared and followed this news deeply but your actions here have caused me to lose interest in the subject all together. So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.

Good for you, we don't care what you think.

32 more terrorists killed in ground raids.. 3 jawans injured
No more Good Taliban vs Bad Taliban

Pakistani Taliban
Punjabi Taliban
Afghan Taliban
Haqqani Network
Al Qaeda
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Jamati Islami

All of them need to be wiped out from the face of the earth
Is it safe for Saudis in PDF now or not again because apparently we are responsible for this attack as well. Is the majority here still looking to flay my skin alive and hang me in revenge of this? You people really know how to turn people from supportive to apathetic.

I cared and followed this news deeply but your actions here have caused me to lose interest in the subject all together. So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.
cry me a river no one cares what u think either so if u have nothing positive to say then gtfo this thread. ty. no one is here to listen to ur feelings being hurt thats not even a concern for us Pakistani's. You saudi's can get fucked lol
Is it safe for Saudis in PDF now or not again because apparently we are responsible for this attack as well. Is the majority here still looking to flay my skin alive and hang me in revenge of this? You people really know how to turn people from supportive to apathetic.

I cared and followed this news deeply but your actions here have caused me to lose interest in the subject all together. So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.

Just because you are Muslim and an Arab this does not make you a good sympathiser of another Muslim. The problem is some ideologies which are giving rise to such fanatics in the name of religion. But this is no religion it is all religion mixed with Political agenda. You are completely aware towards what I am pointing to. We people of subcontinent are not interested in Brutality and winning war through brutal means , be it a Muslim or Hindu or what so ever. We are simple people , but intellectual subversion has caused us more damage than any bullets. Now this is the tim for us to realize that no more owner in Arab or anywhere else. Because All are Equal in the world, God has made every one equal.
Is it safe for Saudis in PDF now or not again because apparently we are responsible for this attack as well. Is the majority here still looking to flay my skin alive and hang me in revenge of this? You people really know how to turn people from supportive to apathetic.

I cared and followed this news deeply but your actions here have caused me to lose interest in the subject all together. So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.

At least you came out honest. Does make you a fucking douche yes, but an honest douche. If PDF posters can make you give up your humanity, what can we do for you to commit suicide?

Some fakers around are still hiding in their closet, faking their solidarity with a banner in one hand and a dagger behind their back, not courageous enough to come out just yet. At least you are not one of them.
Is it safe for Saudis in PDF now or not again because apparently we are responsible for this attack as well. Is the majority here still looking to flay my skin alive and hang me in revenge of this? You people really know how to turn people from supportive to apathetic.

I cared and followed this news deeply but your actions here have caused me to lose interest in the subject all together. So if you stub your toe in the couch is it also my fault and imam going to get insulted about it? The evil Saudis caused me to move the couch closer to the door, the badtards evil Bedouins should all die.

So yeah, congrats I literally just tried to care about the incident but I couldn't give 2 shits anymore. Congrats missions accomplished.

That was very rude and insensitive, specially considering the fact that the ideology which has killed these kids has come from your country, not to mention the funding. Instead of condemning that ideology, you have belittled the mourners and a nation in grief.
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