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Iran: Purchase of Russian Su-30 fighters on agenda

On a more regional level. Iran MUST address its deficenies in the Air Force.

It’s dangerous to rely completely on indigenous programs and allow a deficit in capability.
that requires a big increase in military spending which is difficult with sanctions

but in 2020 iran can (theoretically/legally, at least) import weapons, so hopefully then big deals can be made with russia/china
Yeah,I think you`re pretty much right actually.:agree::cheers:
I was just pissed off as these clowns on the forum who prattle about russia being irans "ally":mad:.Ironically I used to believe that same exact stupid sh!t:tsk:.I`d watch russia at the un voting for the wests anti iran "nuclear" resolutions and think what the hell are those idiots doing?,they`re supposed to be supporting their ally not stabbing it in the back...those dirty treacherous fvcking russians no wonder they lost the cold war...etc[lol!]:rofl:,what a naive little fellow I was back then....:azn:
Its funny,for a long time I really held out some hope that russia would finally get its sh!t together as far as iran was concerned,but the problem was the russians always wanted to have their cake and eat it too...pretty stupid really:hitwall:,tho I also think that rouhani and co are a complete bunch of dicks for continuing to fvck about wasting more time performing anilingus on the west in the hopes that some "dialogue among civilizations" may occur[lol!]:no::cuckoo:.
iran wasn't even developing nukes and russia still voted for the US/zionist sanctions against iran anyway, israel actually developed nukes and USA would die to protect israel at the SC, that is an ally!

well, the europeans don't want to follow these sanctions and don't share the anti-iran obsession of the US/Israel/KSA. i think it's a pretty good idea to be friendly with europe to drive a wedge between them and the US, the EU imports quite a lot of iranian oil so if they can protect that then that would be very good for iran

but on the whole i agree, the EU is too powerless to defy the US so it can't be relied upon either
Also keep in mind the vitriol being tossed at Turkey at present.

In an ideal world, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey would increase their cooperation.

The West has it out for all three nations.
In some respects this make sense.

However, longer term and politically Iran must not rely on Russia.

The major military players in the world are the US, Russia, EU and China.

Out of these choices really Iran can only approach Russia and China.

And the Russians we have seen are less than ideal as a partner.

Try the Chinese. See if you can get a license production deal for the J-10.

Let’s just say Iran picks up randomly, a hundred J-10.

You can begin to replace the F-4, F-5 and Mirage F1.

It’s a start at least.

Egypt buys from France and Russia. That way Egypt has leverage. Iran has good relations with France and Russia. Iran can do what Egypt does. Buy Rafale from France and MiG-35 from Russia. That way Iran has leverage. China can't export. No engine.
Egypt buys from France and Russia. That way Egypt has leverage. Iran has good relations with France and Russia. Iran can do what Egypt does. Buy Rafale from France and MiG-35 from Russia. That way Iran has leverage. China can't export. No engine.

Please stop posting.

Your last post has no basis in reality.

In what world do you imagine Iran to get its hands on Rafale?

As for J-10, perhaps engine is a problem as i don’t know if the Russians would allow the AL-31FN and I dont know how reliable the WS-10 is?
You understand what’s happening in the world today right?

There are no permanent enemies. There are no permanent friends. Do not look at the world in black and white. People do what is in their interest. Anyway, that said, it is far likely Iran buy MiG-35 and JF-17 than Rafale from France. Rafale is expensive and Iran has no experience with French planes like Iran has experience with Russian and Chinese planes like MiG-29 and F-7.
There are no permanent enemies. There are no permanent friends. Do not look at the world in black and white. People do what is in their interest. Anyway, that said, it is far likely Iran buy MiG-35 and JF-17 than Rafale from France. Rafale is expensive and Iran has no experience with French planes like Iran has experience with Russian and Chinese planes like MiG-29 and F-7.

I will let you be. Keep reading.
Egypt buys from France and Russia. That way Egypt has leverage. Iran has good relations with France and Russia. Iran can do what Egypt does. Buy Rafale from France and MiG-35 from Russia. That way Iran has leverage. China can't export. No engine.

So naive.

That’s because Egypt represents no threat because it is a puppet country. Notice how Middle East puppet countries can get their hands on the latest tech?

It’s because they are NO THREAT to the West or the East.

Iran is a huge threat to both Russia and the West and thus even importing a 4th gen fighter would cause massive geopolitical issue.

Iran should instead focus on BUYING the technologies required to make a 4th gen fighter and get foreign support from a consulting standpoint.
I like the way you explain it :tup: . now lets a little bit hammering what you said :

Iran's Imperial Airforce Inventory : 1. Light fighters ( F-5 )(lightweight) 2. Bomber/Interceptor ( F-4 family ) (mid weight) 3. Air superiority/Interceptor (F-14) (heavy weight)

1.Light fighters : In case of light fighter jets we had F-5 and now there are domestic replacement of F-5 available know as Azarakhsh and Sa'egheh .In this class MOWJ domestic engine is ready which is 10-15 % more powerful than original engine of F-5 .

2.Bomber/Interceptor: Right after showing Mowj to public Mr Sattari announced we are working to build more powerful engines ( he exactly said 4X more powerful compared to Mowj ) which is F-4 replacement .


3.Air superiority/Interceptor : ( personal opinion and little bit possibility of Russia's point of view) The way I see Iran's approach towards Su-30 is that our military see it as a gap filler. We are not going to buy large number of Su-30 ( so it's not a replacement for F-14 ) and we are not gonna wait for next domestic aircraft in this class since it will take a long time before we can build our own.i believe that is one of the main reasons our Russian friends are not happy with this type of deal is bc the way we want to use it !

the other reason is related to possibility of using unlicensed version of engine for civilian airliners or etc . as you know with a little bit refinement this type of engines can be used in different sections .


Lack of spare parts/high maintain costs/low quality parts issues : i think you are familiar with same/similar tactics has been used in our car industry . the only purpose of these tactics is to gain more money for your company but unlike car industry we are talking about strategic relationships here . both countries are targeted by U.S economic sanctions . all of our resources are required in confrontation against U.S and there is no justifiable reason for playing little games here .
Let me do some hammering
Iran air-force was not going to have 3 airplane , it was going to have 2 , F14 and F16 all F4 and F5 was supposed to retire when the delivery of F14 and F16 were completed.

about Azaraksh being a replacemen for f5 , you don't think its a shame to replace F-5 with Upgraded Same F5 after 40 years.
the F-5 was a flying coffin when it faced Old Russian fighter of Iraq ,I wonder what it will be against latest F-15 or F35 and be assured 10 to 15 percent increase in power won't cut it. we need that 4 time more powerful engine to be able produce an engine for an acceptable modern light fighter ,and I yet to see an Iranian AESA radar for fighter jets .
also that 4 time more powerful engine wont have TVC

What Iran can do is buy MiG-35, upgrade MiG-29 to MiG-29SMT, buy JF-17 to replace F-7. I think no need for Su-30. These are large and costly to service.

Shush American. Stop talking.
Iran don't need 1000 fighter plane
A heavy Fighter for Air superiority and by trend of the countries around us it better be 5th generation and then one lighter fighter
Iran is a huge threat to both Russia and the West and thus even importing a 4th gen fighter would cause massive geopolitical issue.

Iran is no threat to anyone. Iran has never invaded a single country and never will.

Iran don't need 1000 fighter plane
A heavy Fighter for Air superiority and by trend of the countries around us it better be 5th generation and then one lighter fighter

A good choice is 2 squadrons of Su-30SM armed with Brahmos for anti ship role. 6 squadrons of MiG-35 for air defense role. Another 6 squadrons of JF-17 for point defense role.
Iran is no threat to anyone. Iran has never invaded a single country and never will.

A good choice is 2 squadrons of Su-30SM armed with Brahmos for anti ship role. 6 squadrons of MiG-35 for air defense role. Another 6 squadrons of JF-17 for point defense role.
Su-30 is a side step not upgrade , and What does JF-17 do that Mig-35 won't do better?
JF-17 is small and cheap to service. It has decent range as well. Anyway, it's the same size as F-7 and can be used to replace F-7.
let tell you a secret , Airforce even didn't touch those F-7 ,they were just parked on airfield for more than a decade and nobody touched them till IRGC decided ,it want its own air wing.end even them use it for testing and practice.

also what is the use of an airplane that only engage targets at 35km when it come face to face with f15 and f16 ?
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