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Iran: Purchase of Russian Su-30 fighters on agenda

Sanctions on offansive weapons will be lifted in 2020 not 2023(defansive can be delivered any time since sanctions only ban offansive)...in 2023 all limits on nuclear technology will be lifted ...for weapons it is 2020,it means fighters can't be delivered for 2 years not five and since Iran wants new aircrafts..well even if you order tomorow it would probably take 1-2 years to start delivering...
Russia has offered SU-27SM3 insted SU-30 with delivery in 2020 but iran has rejected this ..and US sanctions would not affect any of this because uniletar sanctions from USA are already in place for weapons and defense technology thus materials that can be used for missiles and nuk.technology.What is import is UN sanctions and those USA can't put o Iran without voice of all 5 permament members of S.C ..including Russia and China.Considering how USA are isolated about Iran nuclear deal withraw ..this will not happen,expecually in today constalations... Russians are try to sell less capable su 27 sm version without electronically scanned array radar and TVC ,Iran ofcourse want version su-30 since it has TVC ,new engines,advanced radars,wider weapons support..and much more...Russia try also to sell s-300VM instedPMU2 but at the end Iran got what wanted.Iran will have much better position in two years after sanctions on weapons are lifted...Now USA sanction would be indeed very bad thing since US sanctions would mean that many countries would also follow USA even legaly no one is in obligation to implemet it ...but I don't think so that contracts with Russia,China and even EU would be canceled since these countries strongly support deal..even UK ,if you look closely even in USA Trum has no support to withraw from deal..but even if they did I think remain countries that signed deal will preserve it, and since USA even now don't want to lift remain sanctions and they do anything they can to block any contract with US companies..well Iran will not loose too much if USA withraw as long EU,UK,China and Russia support it...but to be hoest I don't think even US will withraw from deal.
Sanctions will be lifted five years after deal is signed and good thing is US or anyone can't block this since only thing on what this depend is Iranian part of the deal,that is why Israel and KSA are screaming all over the world.
Now,with these scambags you never now but I think with this deal Iran did good job ,considering what would be alternative...

The only source for the su27sm3 claim was Babak taghvaee and I would take any claim from him with a very large grain of salt....and then some.
There is no doubt negotiations were ongoing between Russia and Iran regarding Iran's request for the delivery of the Su-30SM series during the defense minister Dehghan tenure. Now what happened to those negotiations or where they ended/ still ongoing? is the mystery.
The only source for the su27sm3 claim was Babak taghvaee and I would take any claim from him with a very large grain of salt....and then some.
The only source for the su27sm3 claim was Babak taghvaee and I would take any claim from him with a very large grain of salt....and then some.
Well actaully He is not problem as source,in fact He is very good source for lot information but his main problem is fact that He is not capable to be professional in any way...his political view can be seen in any tweet or article but actually you can very easily recognize propaganda and tel if information is real or not...I dind't see anyone denied this and also Russia act like this very often ...so
Well actaully He is not problem as source,in fact He is very good source for lot information but his main problem is fact that He is not capable to be professional in any way...his political view can be seen in any tweet or article but actually you can very easily recognize propaganda and tel if information is real or not...I dind't see anyone denied this and also Russia act like this very often ...so

According Babak taghvaee there Russia offered Su-30SM + Su-27SM3 instead Su-35 with immediate delivering of Su-27 in 2017, that makes all information unrelieble, since it's violation of UN sanctions
So Mr Putin will wait until 2020 on this issue? that seems to be a fair guess.

I sure as hell don't want to see yet another F-5 perturbation with 3 tails this time around! lol

According Babak taghvaee there Russia offered Su-30SM + Su-27SM3 instead Su-35 with immediate delivering of Su-27 in 2017, that makes all information unrelieble, since it's violation of UN sanctions
مقاله بسیار عالی در زمینه تولید جنگنده در ایران، ممکن بودن یا نبودنش :D


@AmirPatriot An outstanding article imho

Rohani administration is failing the country


So any hope in developing & upgrading Iran's Air Force in the next year has been crushed in the new budget

They have even cut Naval and Air Defense acquisition by half compared to last year!

Although Iran's parliament has promised to make up for this atrocity proposed by the Rohani Administration so we'll see what they do!
Their names and their pathetic statues will be archived as the dark section of our history, along the rest of traitors.

I'm glad that we can't buy this aircraft, it's just a waste of precious resources.

most important advantage of developing a domestic aircraft is the research opportunity which it gives to our students and scientists.
And at the same time you have no airforce
Sanctions on offansive weapons will be lifted in 2020 not 2023(defansive can be delivered any time since sanctions only ban offansive)...in 2023 all limits on nuclear technology will be lifted ...for weapons it is 2020,it means fighters can't be delivered for 2 years not five and since Iran wants new aircrafts..well even if you order tomorow it would probably take 1-2 years to start delivering...
Russia has offered SU-27SM3 insted SU-30 with delivery in 2020 but iran has rejected this ..and US sanctions would not affect any of this because uniletar sanctions from USA are already in place for weapons and defense technology thus materials that can be used for missiles and nuk.technology.What is import is UN sanctions and those USA can't put o Iran without voice of all 5 permament members of S.C ..including Russia and China.Considering how USA are isolated about Iran nuclear deal withraw ..this will not happen,expecually in today constalations... Russians are try to sell less capable su 27 sm version without electronically scanned array radar and TVC ,Iran ofcourse want version su-30 since it has TVC ,new engines,advanced radars,wider weapons support..and much more...Russia try also to sell s-300VM instedPMU2 but at the end Iran got what wanted.Iran will have much better position in two years after sanctions on weapons are lifted...Now USA sanction would be indeed very bad thing since US sanctions would mean that many countries would also follow USA even legaly no one is in obligation to implemet it ...but I don't think so that contracts with Russia,China and even EU would be canceled since these countries strongly support deal..even UK ,if you look closely even in USA Trum has no support to withraw from deal..but even if they did I think remain countries that signed deal will preserve it, and since USA even now don't want to lift remain sanctions and they do anything they can to block any contract with US companies..well Iran will not loose too much if USA withraw as long EU,UK,China and Russia support it...but to be hoest I don't think even US will withraw from deal.
Sanctions will be lifted five years after deal is signed and good thing is US or anyone can't block this since only thing on what this depend is Iranian part of the deal,that is why Israel and KSA are screaming all over the world.
Now,with these scambags you never now but I think with this deal Iran did good job ,considering what would be alternative...

Prior to 2023 any purchase would required UN approval which means US approval & yes the Americans will easily approve such a sale if the Russians allow the U.S. to place a small device inside the airframe of each fighter!

According to Iranian Law any deal for acquiring foreign fighters must include Co-Production rights and that is key for Iran!

It's Iranian LAW and it's there for good reason.
1. Today a small hidden device inside the structure of the fighter could pose a major security risk so any fighter Iran buys has to be assembled inside Iran by Iranians with every component studied and inspected or else they could be more of a security risk than a capability!

2. Iran used to operate the largest and the most advanced Air Force in the region but that very same Air Force by the most part became grounded after a few months of war due to a lack of parts so it vital that Iran produces vital spare parts at home & has experience as to what will happen if they do NOT

As for the JCPOA the deal is useless to Iran without the U.S. because if the U.S. withdraws and starts sanctioning companies and countries that do business with Iran then what would be the point??
Prior to 2023 any purchase would required UN approval which means US approval & yes the Americans will easily approve such a sale if the Russians allow the U.S. to place a small device inside the airframe of each fighter!

According to Iranian Law any deal for acquiring foreign fighters must include Co-Production rights and that is key for Iran!

It's Iranian LAW and it's there for good reason.
1. Today a small hidden device inside the structure of the fighter could pose a major security risk so any fighter Iran buys has to be assembled inside Iran by Iranians with every component studied and inspected or else they could be more of a security risk than a capability!

2. Iran used to operate the largest and the most advanced Air Force in the region but that very same Air Force by the most part became grounded after a few months of war due to a lack of parts so it vital that Iran produces vital spare parts at home & has experience as to what will happen if they do NOT

As for the JCPOA the deal is useless to Iran without the U.S. because if the U.S. withdraws and starts sanctioning companies and countries that do business with Iran then what would be the point??
NO..did you read it at all..on 2020 all sanctions are lifted on Iran except on nuclear enhrincement which is forbiden up to 2025 except low level.UN approval is required if iran want import ofansive weapons before 2020(yes it is posible even now witu UN approval)
QOUTE from deal
by 2020, the ban on arms transfers to Iran will have been lifted in accordance with Resolution 2231, which gave international legal force to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. By 2023, ban on aiding Iran's missile programs will have been lifted........
The most advanced aircraft we ever made is an F-5 with twin tails. 1950s tech. We cannot jump from 1950s light fighter to 21st century 4.5/5th gen fighter in any meaningful timeframe. The region is militarising very rapidly and our air force is far, far behind. Developing, testing and manufacturing (in numbers) any fighter aircraft especially for an inexperienced country like Iran takes a lot of time, time we do not have.

Instead of adding an extra stabilizer to the F-5 design they should have instead added

1.IRST/Optics with Air to Air and Air to Ground capability
2.Air Refueling capability
3.Built more advanced weapons system and weapons around the aircraft with optical PGM capability with more capable IR air to air capability...
4.Upgreaded cockpit, radar, sensors, avionics & coms
5.Made changes to the design of the Stabilizer, wings & tailerons that would have resulted in less drag and less weight not more drag and more weight

These are the type of changes an Air Force that cared about the capability of the platform should have made

Today it is within Iran's capability to take a 60's era platform like an F-5 and upgrade and equip it to carry a remotely operated 100km range air to ground missile at an affordable enough price that you wouldn't need to put your pilots at risk

So there are ways Iran's Air Force can make up the difference if they try but to me it doesn't seem like they are trying

Also most advancements and upgrades to fighters in the past 3 decades have been computer based so it's a jump Iran could easily make or make up for in other ways if they try!

NO..did you read it at all..on 2020 all sanctions are lifted on Iran except on nuclear enhrincement which is forbiden up to 2025 except low level.UN approval is required if iran want import ofansive weapons before 2020(yes it is posible even now witu UN approval)
QOUTE from deal
by 2020, the ban on arms transfers to Iran will have been lifted in accordance with Resolution 2231, which gave international legal force to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. By 2023, ban on aiding Iran's missile programs will have been lifted........

Yup 2023 was the missiles... my bad!
I heard the news china offering 24 J10s to Iran 2 years before.what about that deal?
An Iranian official has announced the allocation of $2.5 billion more for the country's military to increase what it terms the country's "military capabilities."

Ali Asghar Yousefnejad, a member of Iranian Parliament and the spokesperson for Iran's special parliamentary committee that deals with the country's budget, told the country's official news agency IRNA on Tuesday that the $2.5 billion is in addition to what the military will receive once the fiscal year begins in March.

The country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has reportedly approved the increase in military spending.

The additional money comes from Iranian National Development Fund (INDF), a developmental fund established in 2011 that reserves a portion of the country's gas and oil revenues and spends it on projects that the government deems necessary.

Source: voanews (can't save link yet)

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