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Iran Presidential Election 2021

The problem with the Dictatorships is this that neither anyone could question them upon why reformist candidates not allowed to run, nor anyone is allowed to question the "results" and the "turnout" that they announce.

The decision of the dictatorship (along with their corruption) is above the law and prone to be questioned.

the reformist movement was killed by Trump .

The Iranian reformist have been screaming for decades that Iran should get into detente and understanding with the west. Diplomacy is the best way forward.

So the entire establishment and nation put their trust in a 'moderate' rouhani/zariff administration to do just that.

Iran did exactly just about everything the reformists wanted.... and what was the result? the next american president coming in, and pissing on the contract that took a decade to sign between Iran and the US/other world powers.... and continuing all out economic/propaganda/proxy warfare against Iran.

What exactly should Iran do? elect another even more liberal "reformist" ? to get on their knees and beg washington to comply with the agreements they signed? what should Iran do against this unjust bully power? you tell me?

imagine if any country besides the US acted in such a rogue manner. The media war would absolutely CRUCIFY them as a barbaric nation unable to carry out their own agreements...

The reformist movement is dead thanks to trump . whats the point of diplomacy when your enemy just ignores their own agreements? this is the natural result ..

Raisi as supreme leader will mean an even possibly more aggresive geopoltical Iran then today. while poltically being almost identical to khamenei ...

if JCPOA had succedded and Iran reaped benefits. that would have REALLY strenghtened the reformists.. there were even rumours of Rouhani for supreme leader..... thats all dead now. and you can thank that 300 year old new world country that doesnt even respect its own signature.
I see , so everyone who dreams of a change in Iran towards democracy and liberalism is subversive now.

Iran is already a democracy. As for liberalism, you're wrong. Reformists consider themselves as liberals (see prominent reformist activist Sadegh Zibakalam's statement that he is a "liberal with every cell of his body"). Yet, reformist candidates are allowed to run at elections. Latest example: Hemmati and Mehralizadeh at the recent presidential election.

And this is while liberalism runs counter to the very founding principles of Iran's religious democracy - case in point, Imam Khomeini's famous letter to ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, where the Imam clearly denounces liberalism and criticizes Montazeri stating that after him, Montazeri would deliver the country to the liberals on a silver platter. And yet, the Islamic Republic tolerates liberal elements at every election.

Yet the chief Justice is the one who nominates the candidates so again we get to choose between bananas and bananas .

Not at all. The choice systematically features candidates from varying political sensitivities.

Fact of the matter is that at the end of the day, and no matter what Iranian constitutional law prescribes, elections in Iran have always featured candidates from a plurality of political leanings holding different opinions.
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the reformist movement was killed by Trump .

I agree with you about Trump.

But the response by Khamenei is also stupid one and not helping the Iranian nation.

By rejecting the right of Reformists to take part in elections, he divided the nation furthermore instead of uniting them against the US.

Now these reformists are unable to decide if Trump is the biggest enemy or the Khamenei and the religious right wing extremists who want to control Iran by hook or crock.

Moreover, the present government of Raeesi has already lost the legitimacy internationally, and it has already given a boast to Trump narration that Iranian State should not be trusted.
48% is the percentage of actual votes, ignoring the voided votes... The actual turnout was 55%.
Giving a link to Wikipedia doesn't mean anything mate, I can go onto Wikipedia and change anything I want tbh.


" voter turnout is the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election. "




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No, that's not the correct conclusion to draw from the void votes, because:

1) As user mattgil said, many of the void votes were in fact votes for Jalili, another revolutionary candidate who had dropped out in favor of Raisi at the last minute. Hence some of his voters were not informed and ended up inscribing Jalili's name on their ballot paper.

2) Contrary to previous elections, all votes at certain polling places had to be annulled, because it turned out that certain people were paying citizens there to vote for a given candidate.

3) The coronavirus pandemic naturally drives down the voter turnout.

4) Even if we were to assume that the entirety of additional votes needed to reach the 2017 election's 73.1% turnout rate would have gone to the liberal candidate, and even if all blank or void ballot papers were in fact protest votes, the revolutionary / principlist camp would still have won with a clear cut majority! See corresponding calculations in post #17.
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I agree with you about Trump.

But the response by Khamenei is also stupid one and not helping the Iranian nation.

By rejecting the right of Reformists to take part in elections, he divided the nation furthermore instead of uniting them against the US.

Now these reformists are unable to decide if Trump is the biggest enemy or the Khamenei and the religious right wing extremists who want to control Iran by hook or crock.

Moreover, the present government of Raeesi has already lost the legitimacy internationally, and it has already given a boast to Trump narration that Iranian State should not be trusted.
I don't know in which world you are living in. The past 8 years proved beyond any doubt the role Khamenei plays in domestic decision making in Iran. In my opinion Khamenei gave too much space to the reformists. In any other nation a sellout like Zarif would have been prosecuted already but Khamenei allows him to stay in office. This is just a small example out of many. I don't know any other leader in the world being this lenient. In fact i have accused the supreme leader of being too soft on domestic and foreign enemies.

Reformists wasted 8 years of our lives to try to prove that the US can be negotiated with and being reliable. Trump showed who was right all along. Sit down and let Raisi do its job.
I don't know in which world you are living in. The past 8 years proved beyond any doubt the role Khamenei plays in domestic decision making in Iran. In my opinion Khamenei gave too much space to the reformists. In any other nation a sellout like Zarif would have been prosecuted already but Khamenei allows him to stay in office. This is just a small example out of many. I don't know any other leader in the world being this lenient. In fact i have accused the supreme leader of being too soft on domestic and foreign enemies.

Reformists wasted 8 years of our lives to try to prove that the US can be negotiated with and being reliable. Trump showed who was right all along. Sit down and let Raisi do its job.
+ this bastard killed Soleimani on a officialy diplomatic mission.
for me personally you can only wipe your a.. on everything the US signed
8 years lost, thats enough, I hope Raisi will do the job better
I don't know in which world you are living in. The past 8 years proved beyond any doubt the role Khamenei plays in domestic decision making in Iran. In my opinion Khamenei gave too much space to the reformists. In any other nation a sellout like Zarif would have been prosecuted already but Khamenei allows him to stay in office. This is just a small example out of many. I don't know any other leader in the world being this lenient. In fact i have accused the supreme leader of being too soft on domestic and foreign enemies.

Reformists wasted 8 years of our lives to try to prove that the US can be negotiated with and being reliable. Trump showed who was right all along. Sit down and let Raisi do its job.

Did not waste anybody's time. Sent a clear message to the world that Iran is an honest player and peaceable. That the West (London, Washington, Hell Aviv) are the supporters of terrorism and genocide. Iran is calm and kind. Has been so patient, too patient. Which pays dividends to the new incoming president if plays the cards right. Iran can get ICBMs and nukes, and still have much support because Iran only asked for the sanctions to be removed and treated like a normal nation. usa is in 3 years of violating a UN agreement, Iran can do whatever Iran wants like any other normal country. JCPOA made Iran free.
But the response by Khamenei is also stupid one and not helping the Iranian nation.

By rejecting the right of Reformists to take part in elections, he divided the nation furthermore instead of uniting them against the US.

This is factually erroneous.

1) Supreme Leader Khamenei does not decide who is allowed to run and who isn't.

2) Not one, but two reformist candidates were allowed to run at the 2021 presidential election.

And here is proof for all readers:

Both Hemmati and Mehralizadeh are members to reformist political parties.

About Hemmati's party, the so-called Executives of Construction of Iran Party:


The Executives of Construction of Iran Party [a] (Persian: حزب کارگزاران سازندگی ایران‎, romanized: Hezb-e Kārgozārān-e Sāzandegi-ye Irān) is a reformist[8] political party in Iran, founded by 16[5] members of the cabinet of the then President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in 1996.[7][3] The party is a member of Council for coordinating the Reforms Front.[8]

And concerning Mehralizadeh's political formation, the Way of the Nation party:

راه ملت؛ تولد حزبی جدید در 'بازار شام' اصلاح‌طلبان

"Eslāh-talabān" means "reformists" in Persian. It's clearly a reformist party.

Repeating a falsehood over and over again, will not make it any more truthful.
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Western so-called "democracies" have shown their true violent totalitarian face once again on the occasion of the 2021 presidential election of Iran.

In major European and North American cities, whether London, Birmingham, Stockholm, Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin or elsewhere, western regimes tasked exiled Iranian opposition grouplets to harass, heckle, insult, threaten and in some cases (Birmingham, Stockholm, etc) even physically assault ordinary Iranian citizens who went to cast their vote at the election!

These actions occurred right in front or in the immediate surroundings of polling stations. The verbal abuse included insults against voters' family members. Threats included death threats - namely, promises to "hang" voters after the Islamic Republic "is toppled". The attacks included stone pelting, as happened in Stockholm.

Another lowly tactic western-backed oppositionists resort to, is to contact locations serving as polling stations and issue anonymous bomb threats, which result in the venues having to shut down.

The fact that two opposition grouplets which reject each other and do not normally coordinate their actions (MKO terrorist sect and monarchist Reza Pahlavi supporters) were present at the scene and were conducting the exact same types of operations, indicates that orders most likely came from above, in other words from their zionist and NATO handlers.

Note that during the previous presidential elections of 2013 and 2017, given the fact that liberal moderate candidate Rohani was likely to be elected, none of this happened. Exiled oppositionists largely stayed home and did not annoy overseas voters. But as soon as a revolutionary candidate is believed to stand the best chance of getting elected, Iran's "democracy"- and "human rights"-preaching existential enemies set out to put their propaganda machinery into overdrive mode, to mobilize their internet troll armies, and above all to harass, offend and physically assault overseas voters!

This is what NATO regimes, Isra"el" and their Iranian proxies such as MKO, monarchists, liberal "democrats" actually mean by "democracy"... Their sole motto can be summed up as: we will hang you if you vote for the wrong party, if you have the wrong opinion, if you refuse to bow to the zionist and US regimes.

In the following video, you can hear multiple witness accounts confirming these events, and also view some relevant clips shot on location.


When I tell you that the regimes in Tel Aviv and Washington are fuming with anger and getting increasingly desperate because of Iran's presidential election result, these examples are here to illustrate the fact.
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Did not waste anybody's time. Sent a clear message to the world that Iran is an honest player and peaceable. That the West (London, Washington, Hell Aviv) are the supporters of terrorism and genocide. Iran is calm and kind. Has been so patient, too patient. Which pays dividends to the new incoming president if plays the cards right. Iran can get ICBMs and nukes, and still have much support because Iran only asked for the sanctions to be removed and treated like a normal nation. usa is in 3 years of violating a UN agreement, Iran can do whatever Iran wants like any other normal country. JCPOA made Iran free.
There is no need to show this much kindness. It is equal to suicide. Only way i can forgive this 8 years of timewasting and mahatma ghandiing in front of murderers (US) is to never allow the reformist scum into the political arena again. That would be a good solution.
the reformist movement was killed by Trump .

The Iranian reformist have been screaming for decades that Iran should get into detente and understanding with the west. Diplomacy is the best way forward.

So the entire establishment and nation put their trust in a 'moderate' rouhani/zariff administration to do just that.

Iran did exactly just about everything the reformists wanted.... and what was the result? the next american president coming in, and pissing on the contract that took a decade to sign between Iran and the US/other world powers.... and continuing all out economic/propaganda/proxy warfare against Iran.

What exactly should Iran do? elect another even more liberal "reformist" ? to get on their knees and beg washington to comply with the agreements they signed? what should Iran do against this unjust bully power? you tell me?

imagine if any country besides the US acted in such a rogue manner. The media war would absolutely CRUCIFY them as a barbaric nation unable to carry out their own agreements...

The reformist movement is dead thanks to trump . whats the point of diplomacy when your enemy just ignores their own agreements? this is the natural result ..

Raisi as supreme leader will mean an even possibly more aggresive geopoltical Iran then today. while poltically being almost identical to khamenei ...

if JCPOA had succedded and Iran reaped benefits. that would have REALLY strenghtened the reformists.. there were even rumours of Rouhani for supreme leader..... thats all dead now. and you can thank that 300 year old new world country that doesnt even respect its own signature.
Iran was unlucky. Trump was an abnormally that happens to the US once in a century. Normally such a deal would have been in place or respected under any other US leader this past decades.
So was just wrong timing for Iran i guess.
Mr , those offices who are elected in Iran are only open to those approved by the Supreme leader or the Guardian council , it is not like everyone in Iran can run for office. Kindly stop misleading people.

The supreme leader is the one that controls the Guardian council , not the other way around.

He appoints directly 6 of its members . And the other 6 are nominated by the chief Justice - who himself is ALSO appointed by the supreme leader. So guess who controls everything behind the scenes.

AS for offices that are directly elected by the public : it is not like Iranians get to choose between oranges and bananas.

On the rare occasions that Iranians are allowed to choose it is not between oranges and bananas but from bananas and bananas , if you know what I mean.

Conclusion : banana republic ! !!!


Or , in case you do not like bananas , maybe this will explain it :



I wonder if you worry about democracy in KSA and UAE and Bahrain as much?

Iranians, pro- or anti- mullah, know the guy who sanctioned them will not have good faith in these cool cartoons.
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