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Iran Presidential Election 2021

Another epic mobilization of the great Iranian people by the grace of God.

At times, you might come to think the propagandistic onslaught imperial oppressors have subjected the Iranian nation to for 40+ years - in fact the single most extensive and massive propaganda and psy-op endeavor in human history, could possibly get the better of the Iranian people's sound judgement.

And then, in those decisive key moments which forge a nation's destiny, the people of Iran will rise up in a heroic manner and prove global oppressors wrong. Like they did in 1979. Like they did so overwhelmingly after the 2009 fitna, by flooding the streets of the country in protest against "Green movement" rioters. Like they do every 22 Bahman at Revolution Day, and like they did on the occasion of martyr Qassem Soleimai's funeral, where they broke yet another world record.

This tremendous victory of a revolutionary candidate at the 2021 presidential election is a major slap to the face of Iran's existential enemies, in particular the zio-American empire and its regional vassals.

Indeed, the losers of this magnificent event are not simply liberal political factions within Iran (reformists and moderates) as well as assorted fifth columnists seeking to infiltrate the Islamic Republic in order to subvert it from within, nor merely the hopeless pack of exiled opposition grouplets. No, chief among the losers of this bright day of hope and righteousness are the political overlords of the organized anti-IR cabal, that is the zionist occupation regime as well as the imperial powers of Washington, London, Paris, Berlin etc.

Iran's enemies are absolutely mad at the 2021 presidential election result. You can even sense it on this forum, where they and their supporters have multiplied their activity since a couple of days, coming to the Iranian section when they never did so before, trying to incite the Sunni majority against Shia Muslims on the Middle East section of this website etc. But more importantly, look at the brazen propaganda churned out by western and affiliated media, as well as at the way in which exiled opposition grouplets under western and zionist control (MKO, Reza Pahlavi supporters) were activated to harass and threaten patriotic Iranian voters abroad. Isra"el" and NATO powers know full well that the Iranian people have just given their political benediction to a revolutionary administration that will challenge their interests with even greater enthusiasm.

While Iranian assistance, weapons, technological know-how, financial support and political efforts are stopping global arrogance in its tracks in Palestine, in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen and elsewhere, the Iranian nation at the ballot box vanquished the enemy common to all nations and to all decency, in a brilliant display of actual democracy - not western and liberal so-called "democracy", where broad policy orientations of "competing" candidates are as good as indistinguishable in practice, and where power is exercised in all but name by some unelected deep state structures, by financial and corporate industrial entities, as well as by occult secret societies, in short by a token 1% oligarchy that has virtually enslaved its subjects.

Those who believe in religious democracy and its pedagogic virtues, first and foremost Supreme Leader seyyed Khamenei himself, as well as analysts such as Ali Akbar Raefipoor, appear to have been vindicated once again. They reject suggestions to move towards greater authoritarianism, which some may consider necessary because of the structural absence of a level playing field when it comes to the informational and media war between Iran and her existential enemies, enemies who are not going to rest until they bring the same devastation upon the Iranian people as they brought upon Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia, or until they are themselves overthrown.

And indeed, Iranian public opinion has swung back to expressing support for an authentically revolutionary candidate at the presidential election. Let us underscore this observable fact with a simple calculation:

If the total count of 27.933.004 votes represents 48.8% of the electorate (and this supposes blank and void votes were included in the 48.8% figure, which user mattgil has denied; if mattgil is correct, it will strengthen our point even more), then 13.909.262 additional votes would have been needed to reach the 73.1% turnout of the 2017 election.

Now let us compare the break down of votes between revolutionary and/or principlist candidates and liberal ones, while presuming that all blank and void votes were cast by citizens with non-revolutionary views (which as mattgil explained is not the case, but let's just assume it is, so as to reach an even more categorical conclusion), and while assuming that all the 13.909.262 additional votes required to bring the participation rate to 2017 levels would have gone to liberal candidates, i.e. that each and everyone of those who stayed home as opposed to four years ago, are in fact supportive of the liberals (which again is very far from certain, but let us concede the benefit of the doubt here as well):

17.926.345 votes for Ra'isi
3.412.712 votes for Rezai
999.718 votes for Ghazizadeh

Total of votes for revolutionary and/or principlist candidates = 22.338.775

2.427.201 votes for Hemmati
3.726.870 blank or invalid votes
13.909.262 votes deficit to reach a 73.1% turnout

Total of presumed votes not going to a revolutionary and/or principlist candidate (if all blank and void votes were cast by citizens not supportive of revolutionary candidates, and if participation was as high as 73.1%, with all additional votes going to the liberal candidate) = 20.063.333

In other words, based on what we know and no matter how one looks at it, the revolutionaries and/or principlists are now favored by a majority of voters. In truth, this majority is likely to be more pronounced even than the above figures suggest, given the previously mentioned facts about blank and void votes, as well as the fact that there were multiple motivations for not voting at this year's election, including the coronavirus pandemic.

Conclusion: the Islamic Revolution and the Resistance are alive and well, and shall move to achieve even greater milestones in the years to come, inshAllah!
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48% is the percentage of actual votes, ignoring the voided votes... The actual turnout was 55%.
Giving a link to Wikipedia doesn't mean anything mate, I can go onto Wikipedia and change anything I want tbh.

Beloved , you reduce the void votes from the turnout to get the actual turnout , not add as you just did.
The problem with the Dictatorships is this that neither anyone could question them upon why reformist candidates not allowed to run, nor anyone is allowed to question the "results" and the "turnout" that they announce.

The decision of the dictatorship (along with their corruption) is above the law and prone to be questioned.
48% is the percentage of actual votes, ignoring the voided votes... The actual turnout was 55%.
Giving a link to Wikipedia doesn't mean anything mate, I can go onto Wikipedia and change anything I want tbh.

Actually there's nothing on the Wikipedia page (as of now at least ) to corroborate the claim either.

voting for candidates whom had dropped out (some poll stations had displayed the candidate name and number of jalili, zakani and mehralizadeh as well, so some people who didn't know ended up voting for them). Also some poll station votes had to be completely voided as there were people paying voters outside the station to vote for a certain individual (an example is a poll station in varamin).

Is there an online Farsi source you could share for this, brother? Thanks in advance.


The problem with the Dictatorships is this that neither anyone could question them upon why reformist candidates not allowed to run, nor anyone is allowed to question the "results" and the "turnout" that they announce.

The decision of the dictatorship (along with their corruption) is above the law and prone to be questioned.

Not one, but two reformist candidates were actually allowed to run: Hemmati and Mehralizadeh. The election featured the highest conceivable degree of political pluralism.

As for the results, of course they can be "questioned". Those crying "fraud" however have systematically failed to prove their point. Liberals seem to love leveling baseless accusations, and call this type of procedure "democratic".

As Raefipour correctly said, to them it's "either my way or the highway", i.e. they imagine that every election can only be won by them, or else there has been fraud. In their minds, "democracy" seems to be synonymous with eternal monopolization of power by liberals.

But the most funny part is that none of the political factions or candidates, not even any of the reformists, has doubted the results. Talking of being more Catholic than the Pope, this is a textbook example right here.
The problem with the Dictatorships is this that neither anyone could question them upon why reformist candidates not allowed to run, nor anyone is allowed to question the "results" and the "turnout" that they announce.

The decision of the dictatorship (along with their corruption) is above the law and prone to be questioned.

It is enough to know that the one that really calls the shots , the supreme leader does not face an election ,and has not been replaced in 32 years .
It is enough to know that the one that really calls the shots , the supreme leader does not face an election ,and has not been replaced in 32 years .

The Supreme Leader is not in charge of day to day executive decisions, the president is. Furthermore the Supreme Leader is chosen by a body which is itself directly elected by the Iranian people, therefore the Leader is indirectly elected and does face an election.
Not one, but two reformist candidates were actually allowed to run: Hemmati and Mehralizadeh. The election featured the highest conceivable degree of political pluralism.

It seems that religious fanatics think that we are stupid?

They are themselves stupid if they think that this stupid argument has any value to be used.

But the most funny part is that none of the political factions or candidates, not even any of the reformists, has doubted the results. Talking of being more Catholic than the Pope, this is a textbook example right here.

Nobody questioned the decisions of Hitler and Stalin and Genghiz Khan too.
All know what happened to the green movement in the past, or what could this brutal Islamic dictatorship would do to them if they question the corrupt system of the dictators.
The Supreme Leader is not in charge of day to day executive decisions, the president is. Furthermore the Supreme Leader is chosen by a body which is itself directly elected by the Iranian people, therefore the Leader is indirectly elected and does face an election.

Seriously ? he has been elected 32 years ago ! ! !
It seems that religious fanatics think that we are stupid?

They are themselves stupid if they think that this stupid argument has any value to be used.

I see zero counter-argument in this reply.

Both Hemmati and Mehralizadeh are members to reformist political parties. There's absolutely nothing "stupid" about this, it's a simple verifiable fact.

About Hemmati's Executives of Construction Party:


The Executives of Construction of Iran Party [a] (Persian: حزب کارگزاران سازندگی ایران‎, romanized: Hezb-e Kārgozārān-e Sāzandegi-ye Irān) is a reformist[8] political party in Iran, founded by 16[5] members of the cabinet of the then President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in 1996.[7][3] The party is a member of Council for coordinating the Reforms Front.[8]

About Mehralizadeh's Way of the Nation party:

راه ملت؛ تولد حزبی جدید در 'بازار شام' اصلاح‌طلبان

Not my fault if you're unaware of these political formations and their affiliation.

Nobody questioned the decisions of Hitler and Stalin and Genghiz Khan too.

Liberal figures have questioned election results plenty of times and nothing happened to them.

See here for multiple examples (Karoubi, Rafsanjani twice, etc):

As said, you don't seem very familiar with the subject matter.

All know what happened to the green movement in the past, or what could this brutal Islamic dictatorship would do to them if they question the corrupt system of the dictators.

That's completely baseless. The so-called "Green movement" leaders questioned the election result in 2009 and nothing happened to them. It was only after they asked their supporters to launch mass protest, with some starting riots and attacking law enforcement units, that measures were taken against them.

As for criticizing the Islamic Republic, thousands of people are openly doing so every day and authorities don't care one bit.


Seriously ? he has been elected 32 years ago ! ! !

The bottom line is that the Supreme Leader is indirectly elected by the people indeed, and also the presidency has very often ignored his guidelines without suffering any consequences. Moreover, the same democratically elected assembly which chooses the Leader can also remove him from power any time. A democratic system does not need to copy the secular liberal model of the west, many other formulas are conceivable, in line with each country's traditions, history, culture and geopolitical conditions.
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I see zero counter-argument in this reply.
Both Hemmati and Mehralizadeh are members to reformist political parties. There's absolutely nothing "stupid" about this, it's a simple verifiable fact.

You still want to use this stupid argument?

Liberal candidate Rouhani got roughly 24 million votes in 2017.
And now liberal candidate Hemmati got roughly 2 million votes in 2021.

This means that 22 million liberal votes disappeared in this election.


Because of the dictatorship of Islamic republic.

Where the dictator usurped the right from the liberals to announce their own popular candidate at their own.

Where the dictator banned all those popular liberal candidates, and chose himself a liberal candidate who has almost no popularity among the liberals and has no chance to get the libral votes.

And then the religious extremist call these cunning conspiracies against the People of Iran as "True Democracy".
Liberal figures have questioned election results plenty of times and nothing happened to them.


Anyone who challenges the results or any other announcement from the Islamic Dictator, then it is recipe to get automatically banned from elections. You will not be granted the permission to run the presidential election or any other assembly election next time.

And brutal killings of the green movement showed that there is no benefit of coming to the roads at moment for protest (which is the only option left), while the dictator regime is blood thirsty and will kill innocent people and overcome any protest.
The bottom line is that the Supreme Leader is indirectly elected by the people indeed, and also the presidency has very often ignored his guidelines without suffering any consequences. Moreover, the same democratically elected assembly which chooses the Leader can also remove him from power any time. A democratic system does not need to copy the secular liberal model of the west, many other formulas are conceivable, in line with each country's traditions, history, culture and geopolitical conditions.

Mr , those offices who are elected in Iran are only open to those approved by the Supreme leader or the Guardian council , it is not like everyone in Iran can run for office. Kindly stop misleading people.

The supreme leader is the one that controls the Guardian council , not the other way around.

He appoints directly 6 of its members . And the other 6 are nominated by the chief Justice - who himself is ALSO appointed by the supreme leader. So guess who controls everything behind the scenes.

AS for offices that are directly elected by the public : it is not like Iranians get to choose between oranges and bananas.

On the rare occasions that Iranians are allowed to choose it is not between oranges and bananas but from bananas and bananas , if you know what I mean.

Conclusion : banana republic ! !!!


Or , in case you do not like bananas , maybe this will explain it :


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Mr , those offices who are elected in Iran are only open to those approved by the Supreme leader or the Guardian council , it is not like everyone in Iran can run for office. Kindly stop misleading people.

On the contrary, western propaganda against Iran, which you've been rehashing here, is what's misleading.

Practically no country allows opponents of the system and other subversive elements to run in elections - except for Iran actually, all countries where elections are held institute selection processes for candidates (so nowhere are elected offices really "open to all"), the Guardian Council itself has half its members appointed by the democratically elected Parliament, and most importantly, every election in Iran has featured candidates from an extremely broad spectrum of political beliefs, far broader than in any western liberal so-called "democracy".

Last but not least, your statement is doubly wrong, insofar as the candidates at local council elections are neither vetted by the Guardian Council nor by the Supreme Leader. As a result, no institution in Iran features a comparable concentration of corrupt elements as the local councils.

The supreme leader is the one that controls the Guardian council , not the other way around.You don't seem to know what you're talking about.

He appoints directly 6 of its members . And the other 6 are nominated by the chief Justice - who himself is ALSO appointed by the supreme leader. So guess who controls everything behind the scenes.

Incorrect! You clearly do not master the subject matter. The other six are appointed by Parliament, not by the Chief Justice.

If you're going to discuss Iranian constitutional law and practice, at least get the basic facts right.

AS for offices that are directly elected by the public : it is not like Iranians get to choose between oranges and bananas.

On the rare occasions that Iranians are allowed to choose it is not between oranges and bananas but from bananas and bananas , if you know what I mean.

Conclusion : banana republic ! !!!

The complete opposite is the case. Iranians get to choose between a much, much wider range of options compared to western voters. Propagandistic cartoons published by western regime mouthpieces won't change this fact!
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Practically no country allows opponents of the system and other subversive elements to run in elections,

I see , so everyone who dreams of a change in Iran towards democracy and liberalism is subversive now.

Incorrect! You clearly do not master the subject matter. The other six are appointed by Parliament, not by the Chief Justice.

Yet the chief Justice is the one who nominates the candidates so again we get to choose between bananas and bananas .

" The Iranian constitution calls for the council to be composed of six Islamic faqihs (experts in Islamic Law), "conscious of the present needs and the issues of the day" to be selected by the Supreme Leader of Iran, and six jurists, "specializing in different areas of law, to be elected by the Majlis (the Iranian Parliament) from among the Muslim jurists nominated by the Chief Justice",[4] (who, in turn, is also appointed by the Supreme Leader) "
Beloved , you reduce the void votes from the turnout to get the actual turnout , not add as you just did.
You're either so uneducated that you can't understand a simple post I made, or you're so deluded that you continue to believe the rubbish you've either been fed through certain media or groups or you've derived yourself... Please go educate yourself and learn to read a comment properly and understand it. If you can't understand a comment, ask! As I'm guessing English isn't your first language and you might have issues understanding my post in English...
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