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Iran Presidential Election 2021

Interesting that with over 500 propaganda news TV and internet channels the Zionists only managed to convince 8 percent of Iranians to vote for Raisi opponent...this is a significant event because it demonstrated to them that their most potent weapon of "propaganda" for the first time did not work on a nation...yes they are very upset....we can see the evidence even in this forum...new agents have been assigned to the iranian section and one of them is a movie enthusiast...lol

so now every one voted for hemmati is influenced by propaganda news TV and internet channels.
the usual problem with some vocal principalists you are either with us or with Zionists and Monafeqins and USA

Perhaps not everyone, but truth is that these foreign propaganda channels have campaigned in favor of moderates and reformists at previous elections, and this certainly accounts for a portion of the moderate and reformist vote.

However this time around it was somewhat different, since they were rather tending to call for a boycott of the election. I believe they knew they stand no chance of making Iranians elect yet another liberal after the fiasco of the Rohani years, and specially the failure of the JCPOA.

But aryobarzan's point still stands in the sense that when certain conditions are met, and when the Islamic Republic plays its cards rights, then no amount of enemy propaganda will achieve to turn the tide.
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Perhaps not everyone, but truth is that these foreign propaganda channels have campaigned in favor of moderates and reformists at previous elections, and this certainly accounts for a portion of the moderate and reformist vote.

However this time around it was somewhat different, since they were rather tending to call for a boycott of the election. I believe they knew they stand no chance of making Iranians elect yet another liberal after the fiasco of the Rohani years, and specially the failure of the JCPOA.

But aryobarzan's point still stands in the sense that when certain conditions are met, and when the Islamic Republic plays its cards rights, then no amount of enemy propaganda will achieve to turn the tide.
as far as I'm aware they favored boycott not voting for moderates even in the previous votes
about parties , well let say Rafsanjani was considered a hardliner when he come to office , Ahmadinejad was a hardliner. you see it go to one party hand then go to another party . its unrealistic to thing one party stay in power forever
as far as I'm aware they favored boycott not voting for moderates even in the previous votes

Media belonging to Iranian opposition grouplets or activists will call for boycott most of the time. But even they will do so more vehemently when a revolutionary candidate is likely to be elected.

As far as government-funded or -backed media are concerned (BBC, Manoto, Saudi International and formerly VOA etc), which have the largest number of viewers, their reporting is clearly more favorable to moderates and reformists than to the revolutionaries and principlists. In 2009, they were unequivocally supportive of Mousavi and the so-called "Green movement". In 2007 and 2003, they were presenting Rohani under a much more positive light than his rivals.

The same is the case with the western media themselves. It's enough to take a look at the reports from western news agencies to see the difference in treatment and semantics. The way they demonized Ahmadinejad and now are demonizing Raisi, is incomparable to how they talk about the likes of Rohani and Khatami. Also, they systematically portray the Supreme Leader and the IRGC as the black sheep.

Equally telling is how western regimes / Isra"el" sent the MKO and shahis to harass, offend and physically assault Iranian overseas voters, only because Raisi was the most likely victor of this election. But they did none of this in 2007 and in 2003, given that Rohani stood a good chance.
Media belonging to Iranian opposition grouplets or activists will call for boycott most of the time. But even they will do so more vehemently when a revolutionary candidate is likely to be elected.

As far as government-funded or -backed media are concerned (BBC, Manoto, Saudi International and formerly VOA etc), which have the largest number of viewers, their reporting is clearly more favorable to moderates and reformists than to the revolutionaries and principlists. In 2009, they were unequivocally supportive of Mousavi and the so-called "Green movement". In 2007 and 2003, they were presenting Rohani under a much more positive light than his rivals.

The same is the case with the western media themselves. It's enough to take a look at the reports from western news agencies to see the difference in treatment and semantics. The way they demonized Ahmadinejad and now are demonizing Raisi, is incomparable to how they talk about the likes of Rohani and Khatami. Also, they systematically portray the Supreme Leader and the IRGC as the black sheep.

Equally telling is how western regimes / Isra"el" sent the MKO and shahis to harass, offend and physically assault Iranian overseas voters, only because Raisi was the most likely victor of this election. But they did none of this in 2007 and in 2003, given that Rohani stood a good chance.
4 year ago rouhani chance was not that great , and I believe the harassments because they have become bold , because Iran didn't do anything about them. when there is no precaution you will do anything.
show me a single case about the abuse of voters in this election , show me one arrest , one complain opened about the individual. when you don't heart the individuals that do the attack its the result. they must anticipated this and did went after the individuals who physically and verbally abused the voters ,then they could use this against the organizers and show the world what sort of the cult the MKO is.
you didnt do that and you have nothing at your hand , here you forgot the power of media and failed to use this god given propaganda tool to shatter the image that rajavi and her cult built in west in last 25 or so years
4 year ago rouhani chance was not that great ,

It was much greater than this year's chances for liberal candidates.

and I believe the harassments because they have become bold , because Iran didn't do anything about them. when there is no precaution you will do anything.

There's nothing Iran can do on foreign soil when the regimes there decide to proceed in this way. Hence the different treatment by western-zionist media, officials and proxies.

Iran doing something about it or not is not the reason why this happened. Because at previous elections Iran hadn't taken any special measures that it supposedly refrained from taking this year.

Very clearly, it's due to the fact that a revolutionary candidate was most likely to be elected that western regimes and the zionists decided to have their footmen from the exiled opposition harass and assault Iranian voters.

show me a single case about the abuse of voters in this election , show me one arrest , one complain opened about the individual. when you don't heart the individuals that do the attack its the result.

Elections are held on a single day. People can file a lawsuit, but it will take weeks for law enforcement and the judiciary to complete their duty. And various people did complain.

But this was obviously an organized, pre-planned large scale operation with orders coming from the top, ie from the zio-American empire. At previous elections, no such instructions were given to oppositionists, because the west and Isra"el" prefer elections where liberal candidates stand to win over ballots where a revolutionary is most likely to succeed.

they must anticipated this and did went after the individuals who physically and verbally abused the voters ,then they could use this against the organizers and show the world what sort of the cult the MKO is. you didnt do that and you have nothing at your hand , here you forgot the power of media and failed to use this god given propaganda tool to shatter the image that rajavi and her cult built in west in last 25 or so years

Iran denounced it at the diplomatic level and Iranian media reported extensuvely on this. But their voices were bound to be drowned, as usual, by the enemy's much more resourceful media and PR branch. No amount of public communication by Iran will prevent these sorts of events.
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It was much greater than this year's chances for liberal candidates.

There's nothing Iran can do on foreign soil when the regimes there decide to proceed in this way. Hence the different treatment by western-zionist media, officials and proxies.

Iran doing something about it or not is not the reason why this happened. Because at previous elections Iran hadn't taken any special measures that it supposedly refrained from taking this year.

Very clearly, it's due to the fact that a revolutionary candidate was most likely to be elected that western regimes and the zionists decided to use their foormen from the exiled opposition to harass and assault Iranian voters.

Elections are held on a single day. People can file a complaint, but it will take weeks for law enforcement and the judiciary to complete their duty. And various people did complain.

But this was an organized, pre-planned operation with orders coming from the top, ie from the zio-American empire. At previous elections, no such instructions were given to oppositionists, because the west and Isra"el" favor elections where liberal candidates stand to win over elections where a revolutionary is most likely to succeed.

Iran denounced it at the diplomatic level and Iranian media reported extensuvely on this. But their voices were bound to be drowned, as usual, by the enemy's much more resourceful media and PR branch. No amount of public communication by Iran will prevent these sorts of events.
as I aid Iran use the wrong approach you accuse an organization without putting forward proof , they simply deny it. go after individual an take them to court , then you'll have enough proof to go after the organization. by beautiful argument you'll achieve nothing
How likely will a nuclear deal be with Raisi?
IMO, he is pro-JCPOA (a revised JCPOA) and he will continue the talks.
The situation is too bad for us to stop the nuclear talks...

I've also seen people more knowledgeable than me just keeping quiet and waiting for things to settle down. so I think we shall see?
How likely will a nuclear deal be with Raisi?
IMO, he is pro-JCPOA (a revised JCPOA) and he will continue the talks.
The situation is too bad for us to stop the nuclear talks...

I've also seen people more knowledgeable than me just keeping quiet and waiting for things to settle down. so I think we shall see?

What we know for sure is that:

1) Unlike the Rohani administration, President-elect Raisi will closely follow the Leader's guidelines. Therefore, he's not going to return to a full implementation of the JCPOA unless and until the regime in Washington does the same. Neither will Iran agree to a step-by-step return to initial obligations. What is more, even if the US reinstates the deal, most likely Iran will first want to verify whether Washington is actually going to abide by its obligations this time around.

In other terms, this will all primarily depend on the US, not so much on President Raisi. Washington's willingness to take the decisive first step stands to debate though.

2) President-elect Raisi has made it clear that unlike the current government, he's not going to make Iran's progress and development dependent on sanctions removal. Experience has demonstrated that viewing sanctions removal as the sole starting point to development, like the Rohani administration has been doing, is illusory. In parallel to this, the manifold achievements of Khatam ol-Anbiya Garrison and similar institutions show that the way forward is to make Iran immune to sanctions by concentrating on domestic capabilities and potentials, rather than to pin one's hopes on the whims of hostile western regimes.

When questioned about the JCPOA at his first press conference as the President-elect, hajj Raisi left little doubt that whether or not the US agrees to return to the nuclear deal is not his priority. He will launch numerous measures to improve Iran's economy, regardless of what Washington chooses to do.

A change of outlook towards neutralizing sanctions thanks to the development of a domestic Resistance economy is needed, and Ebrahim Raisi will bring with him this new paradigm.

On this important matter, see following links:


3) Sanctions-induced pressure on working classes will largely be relieved thanks to the comprehensive welfare programs announced by Raisi. Contrary to the Rohani administration, which swore by absolute free market economics and which proceeded to reduce social welfare spending (such as Maskane Mehr social housing construction, which was completely stopped by Rohani's team), President-elect Raisi believes in public assistance to the poor.

This will appease a considerable segment of the popular classes, which had become dissatisfied during the Rohani years because of the deterioration of their social-economic situation, and that includes people who took part in the 2017 and 2019 riots.
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Media belonging to Iranian opposition grouplets or activists will call for boycott most of the time. But even they will do so more vehemently when a revolutionary candidate is likely to be elected.

Some exiled opposition media directly and openly support liberal candidates at Iranian elections.

Example: none other than Ruhollah Zam on his media "Amad News" calling to vote for Rohani at the 2017 presidential election:

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