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Iran Presidential Election 2021

When will be the speech in which he will tell what he and his gov plan for the next four years?
No, that's not the correct conclusion to draw from the void votes, because:

1) As user mattgil said, many of the void votes were in fact votes for Jalili, another revolutionary candidate who had dropped out in favor of Raisi at the last minute. Hence some of his voters were not informed and ended up inscribing Jalili's name on their ballot paper.

2) Contrary to previous elections, all votes at certain polling places had to be annulled, because it turned out that certain people were paying citizens there to vote for a given candidate.

3) The coronavirus pandemic naturally drives down the voter turnout.

4) Even if we were to assume that the entirety of additional votes needed to reach the 2017 election's 73.1% turnout rate would have gone to the liberal candidate, and even if all blank or void ballot papers were in fact protest votes, the revolutionary / principlist camp would still have won with a clear cut majority! See corresponding calculations in post #17.
Let just say corona virus didn't affect previous elections that much
There is no need to show this much kindness. It is equal to suicide. Only way i can forgive this 8 years of timewasting and mahatma ghandiing in front of murderers (US) is to never allow the reformist scum into the political arena again. That would be a good solution.
True, These liberals are nothing but protectors of western interests in our part of the world and a bunch of traitors to this region, At bare minimum these traitors should be exiled to Kavir Lut and be forced to plant trees there for the rest of their lives. Akhoonds have grown too soft, If they refuse to send these scums to Lut desert and start saying its not Islamic this it's not Islamic that, Like what they said about nuclear weapons, Then nationalist should overthrow Akhoonds so they can send these liberal scums to the Lut desert.
True, These liberals are nothing but protectors of western interests in our part of the world and a bunch of traitors to this region, At bare minimum these traitors should be exiled to Kavir Lut and be forced to plant trees there for the rest of their lives. Akhoonds have grown too soft, If they refuse to send these scums to Lut desert and start saying its not Islamic this it's not Islamic that, Like what they said about nuclear weapons, Then nationalist should overthrow Akhoonds so they can send these liberal scums to the Lut desert.

You must take into account the fact that liberals have a significant following among the Iranian population, and are backed by foreign Farsi-language media (on satellite TV and the internet), in addition to being favored by western powers. They have the means to engineer and trigger another "Green movement"-type of fitna should they feel cornered all of a sudden.

As for anti-imperialist nationalists overthrowing the Islamic Republic, that's a rather unrealistic perception: because at the slightest sign of destabilization of the central state, hostile foreign powers are going to move in, mobilize their proxies and be able to implement their long hatched plans, as a result of which Iran will experience Iraq's and Syria's fate in worse. Result: not only will liberals survive, but Iran herself will plunge into civil war and will be balkanized for good.

The truth is that authentic nationalists not subservient to the west, form a minority within the Iranian public (they are less numerous than liberals), therefore any chance they might stand to challenge the state would be through alliance with those same western-apologetic dissident establishment liberals anyway, as happened during the 2009 "Green movement" fitna.

Be sure that Iran's existential enemies would actually love any political current, even anti-imperialist nationalists, to destabilize and try to overthrow the Islamic Republic, because this would open the gates for their nefarious designs. There's simply no alternative to the Islamic Republic (as Omid Dana, Heshmat Raisi, Jalil Mortazavi and many others have correctly established). Any structural evolution towards stronger assertiveness will have to come from within, or the current setup will be preserved. It's either that, or Iran will cease to exist as a unified nation-state. There's no realistic option outside of these.

If I was a secular nationalist Iranian and my problem were thus with the liberals in question, I would first look to counter those same liberals, prior to even thinking of overthrowing the Islamic Republic without allowing the zio-American enemy to destroy the Iranian nation-state in the process... For the latter project, in all honesty, is mission impossible.

Nationalists, in all logic, should try and pressure the liberals rather than target the revolutionary factions of the IR which stand up to hostile imperialist powers. If nationalists think they're strong enough to topple the system, why not just get rid of the liberals, then? Start by organizing demonstrations against the liberals - for example, on Kourosh day at Pasargadae, in addition to "Mā Āriāyi hastim, 'Arab nemiparastim", they could also chant: "Mā liberāle gharbgerā nemikhāhim!"... Wouldn't that be a great measure to take?

In-house liberals can only be sidelined step by step, in a slow process which requires a lot of astute planning, and only actors who have accumulated enough political legitimacy will be able to do so. This cannot be done abruptly. And in other words, only if every patriotic force throws its full support behind hajj Raisi's presidency and the Supreme Leader, and only if the upcoming administration succeeds in reconciling every segment of the working class with the state thanks to functioning welfare-oriented economic policies, in addition to winning over additional stretches of the middle class, can radical moves against the liberals be envisaged realistically.

At any rate, for the next 4 to 8 years, liberals will have their influence reduced by a huge margin anyway. All three branches of power are in revolutionary and/or principlist hands now. And this is very much going to make itself felt in Iran's policy-making, whether domestic or foreign policy is concerned. So to me this is not exactly a time to focus on the potentially treasonous acts of liberals, since they have just been ousted from power.


Let just say corona virus didn't affect previous elections that much

The corona situation in itself has certainly been responsible for a several point reduction of the voter turnout, no doubt.


"The president and his government failed to mobilise supporters, with an estimated 68% of voters shunning the polling stations – an unprecedented rate of abstention."

French people want regime change immediately!!!

Let's imagine the typical anti-IR type's reaction to your post: "How dare you, you islamist fundamentalist sectarianist antisemitic supporter of dictatorship! You have no idea what "real freedom, democracy and human rights" means!

This was last year and is therefore no longer valid. And it was just an exceptional event, the French people love real democracy, secularism and human rights, they have faith in their political system! Which is why they did not protest for over a year before the coronavirus crisis struck (those who saw them wear yellow vests are color blind).

To prove you wrong, just take look at the French regional election which took place last Sunday, where the abstention rate was as low as... errr.... 66.1%, with as many as.... ahem, 33.9% of voters participating in the election."

With an abstention of 66.1% according to the latest Ipsos estimates, these elections mark a record. Franceinfo deciphers, supported by maps and graphics, what this striking figure means.

Map of French municipalities where abstention exceeded 60% in the first round of the 2021 regional elections (FRANCEINFO)

Evolution of abstention by type of election. At the first round


Régionales = regional elections
Présidentielle = presidential election
Municipales = local elections
Européennes = European elections
Départementales = departmental elections
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In a video uploaded to YouTube, we can see that topless "feminists" running around in front of the Iranian embassy were trying to molest Iranian voters in Berlin (Germany) (frontal nudity in the video is censored but not well enough in my opinion, so it cannot be shared).

In a subsequent sequence, a young female voter somewhere in Germany is shown being filmed, followed and threatened ("you will all be trialed") by a member of the western- / Isra"el"i- / Saudi-backed exile opposition; the voter is classy and respectful enough to offer the oppositionist a fair debate, as is to be expected from a responsible citizen in a functioning democracy, but the latter retorts she is not there to discuss anything and that she only intends to speak unilaterally.

Auckland, New Zealand: members of western- and Isra"eli"-backed opposition grouplets standing at the entrance of a polling station record voters with their mobile cameras and verbally offend them, they are disrespectful to a father in front of his daughters and even address the latter directly to speak ill of the father. These oppositionists adequately reflect of the manners and behavoiour of the average enemy of the Islamic Republic.

The sequence is followed by numerous eyewitness testimonies from callers. Such as a voter from Hamburg (Germany), who reports how western-, Isra"el"i and Saudi-backed oppositionists were directing the most abusive language imaginable (including of sexual nature) at voters leaving and entering the metro station closest to the polling place, and how they were following voters on the streets, including families with children.

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When will be the speech in which he will tell what he and his gov plan for the next four years?

Why hold a speech to that effect after the election only? Candidates announce their programs before a vote.

For example, in TV shows like these:

Or during two presidential debates which were held over the past weeks.

But it's true that this sort of thing is seldom translated into English by Iranian media.

Here are a couple of links, you may try to use an online translator (a bit too long for me to translate right now):

Ebrahim Raisi's economic program (the most anticipated aspect by the electorate):

Some other broad aspects of his program, including foreign policy, are mentioned here (Google provides a horribly flawed translation of this one though):

Extensive statements on foreign policy given at yesterday's press conference:

Here's an Iranian academic's prospective view on the foreign policy of the upcoming government, a recommended read published by Sputnik News (here the Google translation seemed quite decent actually):
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Why hold a speech to that effect after the election only? Candidates announce their programs before a vote.

For example, in TV shows like these:

Or during the two presidential debates which were held over the past weeks.

But it's true that this sort of thing is seldom translated into English by Iranian media.

Here are a couple of links, you may try to use an online translator (a bit too long for me to translate right now):

Ebrahim Raisi's economic program (the most anticipated aspect by the electorate):

Some other broad aspects of his program, including foreign policy, are mentioned here (Google provides a horribly flawed translation of this one though):

Extensive statements on foreign policy given at yesterday's press conference:

Here's an Iranian academic's prospective view on the foreign policy of the upcoming government, a recommended read published by Sputnik News (the Google translation on this one seemed actually quite decent):


You're welcome.

Found an article in English on the official news agency IRNA's website offering a short summary of president-elect Raisi's statements at the above mentioned press conference:

And better yet! The full press conference with simultaneous English translation, courtesy of Russia Today's Ruptly:

Zionist and US regime proxies offending Iranian voters in the US (video snippet):

Iranian university professor in the US receives endless stream of the most lowly insults imaginable from zionist and American regime proxies, simply because he voted at the 2021 presidential election. His email address was published online by pro-zionist Iranian oppositionists - a nice demonstration of the "ethics" and upbringing of zionist footmen:

"Freedom" and "democracy", zio-American style!
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Zionist regime "alarmed" by the Iranian people's choice at the election...

Nice slap by the Iranian nation to the zionist apartheid regime.

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TV: Israeli officials warn ‘no choice’ but to ready attack plans after Raisi win

Foreign Minister Lapid urges ‘renewed determination’ to halt Iran’s nuke program, while ministry spokesman says judiciary chief will be ‘most extremist president to date’

By TOI staff 19 June 2021, 9:46 pm
This satellite photo provided from Planet Labs Inc. shows Iran's Natanz nuclear facility on Wednesday, April 14, 2021. Iran began enriching uranium Friday, April 16, 2021, to its highest level ever at Natanz, edging closer to weapons-grade levels to pressure talks in Vienna aimed at restoring its nuclear deal with world powers after an attack on the site. (Planet Labs via AP)
This satellite photo provided from Planet Labs Inc. shows Iran's Natanz nuclear facility on Wednesday, April 14, 2021. Iran began enriching uranium Friday, April 16, 2021, to its highest level ever at Natanz, edging closer to weapons-grade levels to pressure talks in Vienna aimed at restoring its nuclear deal with world powers after an attack on the site. (Planet Labs via AP)

Security officials believe Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi will adopt Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s hardline views on foreign and nuclear policy, and assess that Israel must once again ready plans to potentially attack the Islamic Republic’s nuclear facilities, Israeli television reported Saturday.

Channel 12 said Raisi backs a return to the 2015 deal limiting Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, and the assessment in Israel is that an agreement with the US to restore the accord won’t be signed until August, when he takes office. In the meantime, however, Iran is expected to build up its stockpile of enriched uranium.

“There will be no choice [now] but to go back and prepare attack plans for Iran’s nuclear program. This will require budgets and the reallocation of resources,” an unnamed senior Israeli source was quoted as saying.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tweeted Saturday evening: “Iran’s new president, known as the Butcher of Tehran, is an extremist responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranians. He is committed to the regime’s nuclear ambitions and to its campaign of global terror.”

Lapid argued that “his election should prompt renewed determination to immediately halt Iran’s nuclear program and put an end to its destructive regional ambitions.”

And Foreign Ministry spokesman Lior Haiat tweeted that Raisi will be the “most extremist president to date.

“An extremist figure, committed to Iran’s rapidly advancing military nuclear program, his election makes clear Iran’s true malign intentions, and should prompt grave concern among the international community.”


On Thursday Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Israel and the United States were working to increase the monitoring of Tehran’s nuclear program, while warning that “all options are on the table” regarding Jerusalem’s preparedness to conduct a military strike in order to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi, meanwhile, was set to lead a senior delegation of top Israeli military officers to Washington early Sunday to meet with American officials about Iran’s nuclear program and its expansionist efforts in the region, the Israel Defense Forces said.

“The chief of staff will discuss with his counterparts current shared security challenges, including matters dealing with the Iranian nuclear threat, Iran’s efforts to entrench itself militarily in the Middle East, Hezbollah’s rearmament efforts, the consequences of the threat of precision-guided missiles and joint force build-up,” the military said.

Kohavi’s trip comes amid lingering tensions between the US and Israel over the Iran nuclear issue. US President Joe Biden’s administration intends to return to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, a move that Israeli officials, including Kohavi, have staunchly and publicly opposed.

On Friday Channel 13 news reported that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is hoping to use the coming weeks, ahead of the inauguration of the new Iranian president, to hold talks with Washington in order to positively influence the expected US return to the nuclear deal.

The report said Bennett has removed a ban by his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Israeli officials discussing the details of the emerging renewed deal between the US and Iran. Netanyahu had instructed security officials not to hold talks on the details of the deal with American officials, in an apparent effort to distance Israel from it.


This week, Iran announced that it had amassed 6.5 kilograms (14.3 pounds) of uranium enriched to 60% purity, and 108 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20% purity in five months. Uranium enriched to those levels can be relatively easy to further enrich into a weapons-grade level of 90% purity.

Former US president Donald Trump abandoned the Iran deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in 2018, imposing fresh sanctions on Iran and Iranian officials, leading Tehran to follow suit shortly thereafter. Since then, Tehran has ratcheted up tensions on the nuclear front by amassing greater quantities of enriched uranium at greater degrees of purity and by making advancements in the development of missiles that could be used to carry a nuclear warhead.

In recent months, Iranian and European negotiation teams have been meeting in Vienna to discuss a return to the nuclear deal by the US and Iran — a move staunchly opposed by top Israeli officials. Though all sides have reported progress, the talks have stalled somewhat in recent weeks as Iran geared up for the presidential elections.

Interesting that with over 500 propaganda news TV and internet channels the Zionists only managed to convince 8 percent of Iranians to vote for Raisi opponent...this is a significant event because it demonstrated to them that their most potent weapon of "propaganda" for the first time did not work on a nation...yes they are very upset....we can see the evidence even in this forum...new agents have been assigned to the iranian section and one of them is a movie enthusiast...lol
Interesting that with over 500 propaganda news TV and internet channels the Zionists only managed to convince 8 percent of Iranians to vote for Raisi opponent...this is a significant event because it demonstrated to them that their most potent weapon of "propaganda" for the first time did not work on a nation...yes they are very upset....we can see the evidence even in this forum...new agents have been assigned to the iranian section and one of them is a movie enthusiast...lol

Right on. It's desperation, mostly. And a sense of powerlessness. To people as imbued with themselves, as unprincipled, as domineering, as ruthlessly intolerant, as megalomaniac but minutely calculating as zionist regime officials, this is a totally unbearable type of feeling.

As for their operatives, yea, they're hilarious indeed. Even the hours at which they are active seem to follow a fixed pattern. So does their modus operandi. All very predictable actually.
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Right on. It's desperation, mostly. And a sense of powerlessness. To people as imbued with themselves, as unprincipled, as domineering, as ruthlessly intolerant, as megalomaniac but minutely calculating as zionist regime officials, this is a totally unbearable type of feeling.

As for their operatives, yea, they're hilarious indeed. Even the hours at which they are active seem to follow a fixed pattern. So does their modus operandi. All very predictable actually.
Interesting that with over 500 propaganda news TV and internet channels the Zionists only managed to convince 8 percent of Iranians to vote for Raisi opponent...this is a significant event because it demonstrated to them that their most potent weapon of "propaganda" for the first time did not work on a nation...yes they are very upset....we can see the evidence even in this forum...new agents have been assigned to the iranian section and one of them is a movie enthusiast...lol
so now every one voted for hemmati is influenced by propaganda news TV and internet channels.
the usual problem with some vocal principalists you are either with us or with Zionists and Monafeqins and USA
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